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Recent Outreach Activities

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Reflections on the National Astronomy Meeting, 2022

After a successful week at the National Astronomy Meeting hosting over 800 astronomers and more than a thousand members of the public, we speak to some of our Local Organising Committee (LOC) who reflect on the past week.

Hear from Dr David Brown, Chair of LOCLink opens in a new window

Hear from Catriona McDonald, PhD studentLink opens in a new window

Hear from Tom Killestein, PhD studentLink opens in a new window

Annual Physics BBQ

On Wednesday 13 July, staff and PG students from the department will attend our annual summer BBQ. We're looking forward to celebrating in the sunshine after this being postponed for two years.

Wed 13 Jul 2022, 11:39

National Astronomy Meeting 2022

The 2022 Royal Astronomical Society's National Astronomy Meeting (NAM) will be hosted by the University of Warwick's Physics Department from Monday 11th July to Friday 15th July. Alongside the incredible science programme planned for attendees, the team have also organised an extensive public engagement programme on campus which is mostly free and completely open to the public.

Find out more about NAM and the events on offer.

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