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Invited Participants


First Name


Alexe Marin MPI of Microstructure Physics, Halle (D) Co-organiser
Bates Matthew University of Warwick (GB)
Bibes Manuel CNRS/Thales, Paris (F)
Catalan Gustau CIN2, Barcelona (E)

Defay Emanuel CEA-LETI, Grenoble (F)

Dkhil Brahim Ecole Centrale Paris (F)

Evans Donald Queen's University Belfast (GB)
Fontcuberta Josep ICMAB, Barcelona (E)

Ghosez Philippe Universite de Liege (B)

Glazer Mike University of Oxford (GB)

Gregg Marty Queen's University Belfast (GB)

Hatton Ross University of Warwick (GB)  
Heber Joerg Nature Materials, London (GB)  
Herranz Gervasi ICMAB, Barcelona (E)  
Hlinka Jirka Academy of Sciences, Prague (CZ)
Iniguez Jorge ICMAB, Barcelona (E)
Jones Tim University of Warwick (GB)
Kholkin Andrei University of Aveiro (P)
Klein Andreas TU Darmstadt (D)
Kreisel Jens Grenoble Inst. of Technology (F) & Warwick U Co-organiser
Maglione Mario ICMCB Bordeaux CNRS (F)

McConville Chris F. University of Warwick (GB)

Nechache Riad University of Rome (I)

Seidel Jan
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
Römer Rudolf University of Warwick (GB)
Salje Ekhard University of Cambridge (GB) Keynote
Scott Jim University of Cambridge (GB)

Staunton Julie University of Warwick (GB)

Thomas Pam Warwick University (GB) Co-organiser
Zubko Pavlo
University of Geneva (CH)

Viret Michel IRAMIS/CEA Paris (F)  


Institute of Advanced Study

(University of Warwick)

Physics Days at Warwick