Do you have a co-investigator? add one co-investigator add two co-investigators
Total number of days requested: the user must ensure that this number is the same as that detailed in section 4 of the attached two-page proposal. Total number of days requested (maximum 50 over all applications as PI) If you have provided an additional paragraph in the 2-page Case to justify why 850 MHz or 1 GHz, eg specific probe capability, then please indicate: Of which total number of days that can only be at 850 MHz (maximum 28 over all applications as PI) Of which total number of days that can only be at 1 GHz (maximum 28 over all applications as PI).
the user must ensure that this number is the same as that detailed in section 4 of the attached two-page proposal. Total number of days requested (maximum 50 over all applications as PI).
If you have provided an additional paragraph in the 2-page Case to justify why only 850 MHz can be used, eg specific probe capability, then please indicate:
(maximum 28 over all applications as PI)
If you have provided an additional paragraph in the 2-page Case to justify why 1 GHz can be used, eg specific probe capability, then please indicate:
Give details in following question.
Give details of the funding from an external source, as specified above, for the described project. Where known, specify the grant number(s), start and end dates, financial value, and if you are the PI or coI. For a PhD project, specify the funding agency and any industry or external partner making a financial contribution. Where there is no external funding, give extra details such as how this will enable a future funding application.
Please state if samples will be immediately available at the start of the time allocation period or if not, when you would be able to carry out experiments.
Please indicate important information concerning the sample(s) (e.g., sample stability, sample sensitivity,
sample handling and packing hazards, special equipment requested etc.)
NB: A sample safety information form must be submitted at least one week before the allocated experimental time.
Maximum 2 pages; to be submitted in pdf (preferred) or Word format.
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