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Time Allocation August 2010-January 2011

Project no:

Principal investigator



Abil E. Aliev
Dept. of Chemistry
University College London

Establishing 1H Chemical Shifts in Solids from Natural-Abundance Solid-State 2H NMR Spectroscopy


Professor  Oleg N. Antzutkin
Dept. of Physics,
University of Warwick

Exploring Secondary Structures in Amyloid Fibrils of Alzheimer’s Ab; fragments and in Toxic Amyloid Aggregates, (ToxAmAgg) of Ab1-40) via 15N{17O} REAPDOR NMR


Dr. Sharon Ashbrook
School of Chemistry,
University of St Andrews:

High-Field 27Al and 31P Solid-State NMR for the Study of Aluminophosphate STA-2


Dr.  Sharon Ashbrook
School of Chemistry,
University of St Andrews:

High-Field 25Mg Solid-State NMR for the Study of Inner-Earth Minerals


Dr.  Boyan Bonev
School of Biomedical Sciences,
University of Nottingham

Structural analysis of mersacidin/lipid II complexes in lipid membranes


Professor Steven Brown
Dept. of Physics,
University of Warwick

15N-1H J-based spectral editing at natural abundance:

application to a pharmaceutical co-crystal


Dr.  Ann Dixon
Dept. of Chemistry
University of Warwick

Study of the dimeric transmembrane helix of E5 in lipid bilayers at high magnetic field


Dr.  Melinda Duer
Dept of Chemistry
University of Cambridge

17O NMR of bone and biomimetic materials


Dr.  Melinda J Duer
Dept. of Chemistry
University of Cambridge

Correlation of 13C shielding tensor and 14N quadrupole coupling tensor for peptide geometry studies


Professor Ray Dupree
Dept. of Physics,
University of Warwick

11B DOR studies of glasses


Professor Clare P. Grey
Dept of Chemistry
University of Cambridge

Solid State NMR Studies of the Defect Chemistry in Ga- and La-doped Ba2In2O5 Anionic Conductors


Dr.  John V. Hanna
Dept. of Physics,
University of Warwick

93Nb Static and Ultra-Fast MAS/MQMAS Studies of A5B4O15 (A=Ba, Sr, Mg, Ca, Zn; B=Nb) Hexagonal Perovskites Employed in Thermoelectric and Microwave Dielectric Devices, and ABNb2O7 (A=Rb, Cs; B=La, Bi) Layered Perovskites Displaying Proton Conduction and Potential Ferroelectric Properties.


Professor K.D.M. Harris
School of Chemistry,
Cardiff University

In-Situ Solid-State NMR Studies of Polymorphic Transformations and Chemical Reactivity in a System that Exhibits Abundant Polymorphism


Dr.  David Middleton
School of Biomedical Sciences
University of Liverpool

 High-resolution 13C and 15N NMR studies of the structural modulation of Alzheimer’s amyloid fibrils by glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)


Dr.  David Middleton
School of Biomedical Sciences
University of Liverpool

 Structural analysis of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) in the nucleotide site of Na,K-ATPase using frequency-selective 31P{13C}- REDOR NMR.


Professor  Russell Morris
School of Chemistry,
University of St Andrews:

High-Field 17O Solid-State NMR of Ionothermally-Prepared Zeolites


Dr.  Mark Pfuhl

Dept. Of Biochemistry
University of Leicester

Solid state NMR investigation of proteins bound to F-actin


Professor Mark Smith
Dept. of Physics,
University of Warwick

High field NMR validation of 87Sr PAW/GIPAW calculations and studies of 87Sr/43Ca enriched apatite structures ((Ca,Sr)10(PO4)6(OH)2)


Dr. Jeremy Titman

School of Chemistry,
University of Nottingham

Studying Hydrogen Bonds by Solid-state NMR: New Recoupling Sequences for Quadrupolar Nuclei


Dr. Philip Williamson
School of Biological Sciences,
University of Southampton

Understanding the role of SAP in the stabilization of amyloid deposits.


Professor Stephen Wimperis
Dept of Chemistry
University of Glasgow

High-resolution 1H and 17O NMR of Hydrous Wadsleyite