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2.5mm HFX H13894

Probe description: PH MASDVT850W6 BL2.5 N-C/F/H

Operating intructions

Additional components: shunt capacitor 47pF

Frequency range:

15N-2H λ/4 mode
with shunt capacitor

(ranges on bench) 
19F/1H MHz
(ranges on bench) 
15N-2H/19F/1H 86-130 800/850

Frequency range:

29Si-13C λ/4 mode
without shunt capacitor

(ranges on bench) 
19F/1H MHz
(ranges on bench) 
29Si-13C/19F/1H 169-213 800/850


Probe Test Results (Stated 90o pulse lengths are the best achieved during installation. To reduce risk of damage to the probes, facility users should use slightly lower RF nutation frequencies (i.e. longer 90o pulse lengths) were possible. Please discuss with the facility manager appropriate RF nutation frequencies for your experiments.)

without shunt capacitor:

Nuc 90o pulse 

 Pulse power
level (db)

power (W)
Configuration Sample Remarks
79Br 2.6 3.6 127 λ/4 KBr  
13C 2.5 3.3 142 λ/4 Adaman.  line width 1.4Hz
1H 2.5 -.35 193 λ/4 Adaman. there is a visible 1H background
19F 2.2 -0.8 301 λ/4 pvdf  background visible
1H 2.45 .3 167 λ/4 Glycine 147kHz for 50ms decoupling
13C 2.7 4 121 λ/4 Glycine (CP)  S/N 43 (ns=4)
1H 2.6 1.2  135 λ/4 pvdf (CP)  Double decoupling (cpf2f3) 80kHz/89kHz
13C 2.8 4 121 λ/4 pvdf (CP)  
19F 2.53 0.2 239 λ/4 pvdf (CP) Double decoupling (cpf2f3) 100kHz/100kHz


with shunt capacitor :

Nuc 90o pulse 

 Pulse power
level (db)

power (W)
Configuration Sample Remarks
1H 2.8 1.2 135 λ/4 Glycine  
15N 3.4 1 275 λ/4 Glycine (CP) (enriched)  
19F 2.1 -0.8 301 λ/4 pvdf  
19F 2.4 0.2 239 λ/4 pvdf