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The National Research Facility must annually produce a report (see bottom of the page) for the EPSRC National Research Facility High Level Group and for the Oversight Committee. Specifically, there are key performance indicators relating to the number of publications and presentations, i.e., talks at posters, including a distinction as to whether these are at a non-specialist NMR event. It is also important to demonstrate training provided by the NRF to PhD students. To assist the NRF to meet these obligations, we request that users inform the facility using the online logging pages of all publications, presentations, press release and PhD (MSc) thesis where results obtained at the UK High-Field Solid-State NMR facility are presented.

To assist the time allocation panel in making future allocations (and also to assist the NRF in reporting funding sources related to allocated time), users allocated time at the UK High-Field Solid-State NMR National Research Facility are required to submit:

For each separate project, Principal Investigators are required:

to complete the online form relating to the funding of the research and the research area

AND submit a one page report - the purpose of this is to report on what experiments were performed and with which NRF probe(s). This could explain any circumstances that led to changes in the experimental plan compared to that in the submission to the time allocation panel. Figures showing results should NOT be included.

Deadline: 1 month before the next time allocation deadline, i.e., end March (for time allocated July to December) or end September (for time allocated January to June)

Facility users and PIs are also requested to complete questionnaires they receive.

The facility must be acknowledged in any publication or presentation arising wholly or partly from an allocation of time - see the link for wording in a paper and funders' logos for a talk or poster.

Reports Submitted by the NRF to EPSRC:

2024 reportLink opens in a new window

2023 reportLink opens in a new window and feedbackLink opens in a new window

2022 reportLink opens in a new window and feedbackLink opens in a new window

2021 reportLink opens in a new window and feedbackLink opens in a new window

2020 reportLink opens in a new window and feedbackLink opens in a new window

Service Level Agreement (SLA) reporting (2015 to 2019)Link opens in a new window