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Superconductivity and Magnetism Group News

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APS March Meeting 2018 - Los Angeles

APS 2018 - Loa Angeles Dan Mayoh and Geetha Balakrishnan both present talks at this year's APS March meeting in Los Angeles.
Sat 17 Mar 2018, 20:59 | Tags: Conferences and Meetings

July 2017 - Theoretical and Experimental Magnetism Meeting 2017

Almost the whole group decamped to Abingdon to attend the annual Theoretical and Experimental Magnetism Meeting (TEMM 2017). The meeting was combined with IOP Magnetism TCM joint group symposium and the UK-Korea workshop on strongly correlated electron systems. It was a great chance to talk to old friends and colleagues and to make new contacts. Dan Brunt gave an invited talk at the TCM theory meeting.

Prof. Ray Osborn, who is based at Argonne National Laboratory in the USA visited us just before TEMM and gave a CMP seminar, while Dr. Sylvain Petit of LLB -CEA Saclay came back from Abingdon with us to visit our labs and discuss future projects.

Thu 03 Aug 2017, 11:50 | Tags: Conferences and Meetings People

APS March Meeting 2017 - New Orleans

Monica Hatnean Ciomaga and Geetha Balakrishnan both attended this year's APS March meeting in New Orleans. Part scientific meeting – part Mardi Gras!

Thu 03 Aug 2017, 11:39 | Tags: Conferences and Meetings People

TO-BE Meeting, Spring 2016 - University of Warwick 6th-8th April 2016

Geetha Balakrishnan has successfully organised and co-chaired (along with Rosalba Tatiana Fittipaldi) the Spring 2016, Towards Oxide Based Electronics (TO-BE) meeting here in the Physics Department at the University of Warwick.

The conference addressed recent global trends in the field of Transition Metal Oxides, covering a wide range of topics including fabrication methods, sophisticated analytical techniques and the fundamental understanding of these materials in various forms (thin films, bulk, nanostructures). The scope of the meeting also covered the use of oxides in applications and in industry.

The Local Organising Committee included Natalia Parzyk, and help with bell ringing from Mo Saghir.

Monica Ciomaga-Hatnean gave a talk on Friday 8th April.

Fri 08 Apr 2016, 19:37 | Tags: Conferences and Meetings

May 2015, Neutron and Muon Science User Meeting 2015 Poster Prize

Neutron Muon Science User and Meeting Poster Prize. Congratulations to Joel Barker who was awarded a prize for his poster at the UK NMSUM 2015.

Fri 22 May 2015, 19:08 | Tags: Conferences and Meetings PG Students Research

July 2014, Highly Frustrated Magnetism

Several members of the Group (past and present) attended the 2014 International Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism held in Queens College, Cambridge on July 7-11, 2014. Dr. Monica Ciomaga Hatnean and Martin Lees gave presentations. HFM 2014 was co-organised by Dr. Oleg Petrenko.

Fri 25 Jul 2014, 15:16 | Tags: Conferences and Meetings Research

July 2014, Warwick Physics Day

A Warwick Physics Day on the Latest Developments in Frustrated Magnetism:spin liquids, spin glass, spin ice state was held on Saturday 5 July 2014.

The day was organised by Oleg Petrenko and featured speakers from around the world.

Fri 25 Jul 2014, 15:11 | Tags: Conferences and Meetings Research

March 2014, APS March Meeting, Denver

Mo Saghir, Martin Lees, and Geetha Balakrishnan attend the APS March meeting in Denver, Colorado. The meeting featured presentations on all aspects of Condensed Matter Physics including our own work on topological insulators and exotic superconductors.

Fri 04 Apr 2014, 17:20 | Tags: Research Conferences and Meetings

February 2014, International Workshop on Frustration and Topology in Condensed Matter Physics, Tainan, Taiwan

Geetha Balakrishnan and Martin Lees both gave invited talks at the International Workshop on Frustrated and Topology in Condensed Matter Physics held in Tainan, Taiwan from 13th to 16th February 2014. Prof. Lieh Jeng Chang, who completed his PhD in our Group in 1997, hosted the Conference and was a senior member of the Organizing Committee.

Fri 04 Apr 2014, 17:03 | Tags: Conferences and Meetings Research

April 2013, NMUM Poster Prize

Neutron Muon User Meeting Poster Prize. Congratulations to Joel Barker who was awarded joint first prize for his poster at the NMUM 2013.

Fri 04 Apr 2014, 15:38 | Tags: Conferences and Meetings PG Students Research