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Publications classified by year of publication

All the Group's publications are listed on the pages accessible via the links below. Please take a look at our work.

Publications classified by subject

Here our publications are subdivided into work on Superconductors including non-centrosymmetric, oxide, and chalcogenide systems, and our work on Magnetic Systems, including low-dimensional and frustrated magnetic materials, as well as Topological Insulators.

We also list the publications resulting from the last funding period of our EPSRC grant Single Crystal Growth at Warwick 2019 - 2023.

To date, the Group has published over 760 publications collecting 19000+ citations and has an h-index of 65.

Recent work and paper highlights

Most of our published work can be found on the arXivLink opens in a new window or the Warwick Research Archive Protal (WRAPLink opens in a new window), while our recent papers published in high impact journals (those with an Impact Factor higher than Physical Review Letters) are listed on the front page of our Group web pages.

Nature materials logoLink opens in a new window Science logoLink opens in a new window PRL logoLink opens in a new window Angewandte ChimieLink opens in a new window
npjQuantummaterialsLink opens in a new window  Nano LettersLink opens in a new window    Nature logoLink opens in a new window 
 Advanced Functional Materials logoLink opens in a new window Nature PhysicsLink opens in a new window  arXiv logoLink opens in a new window   

Useful Links

Click here to download Adobe Reader.

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Search for published work using the Web of Science. Click here to access the WoS.

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You can find details of all our EPSRC funded work, past and present, in the Grants on the Web section of the EPSRC website. Click here to access the EPSRC homepage.

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