Bethany Hampshire
About Me
I completed my BSc in Biochemistry at the University of Essex in 2016.
For my undergraduate final year project, I worked on developing the Tyrosyl Radical EPR Spectra Simulation Algorithm. I found three formulas that calculate the Euler angles for the hyperfine interactions for the methylene protons in tyrosyl free radicals as functions of the tyrosyl ring rotation angle.
I am currently involved in a Warwick/ISIS Ph.D. project about the using negative muons in the elemental analysis of cultural heritage materials to bio-materials under the joint supervision of Prof. Don Paul (Warwick) and Dr. Aidy Hilier (ISIS-RAL).
Chaplin, A.K., Chicano, T.M., Hampshire, B.V., Wilson, M.T., Hough, M.A., Svistunenko, D.A., and Worrall, J.A.R., An Aromatic Dyad Motif in Dye Decolourising Peroxidases Has Implications for Free Radical Formation and Catalysis, Chemistry – A European Journal. 25 (24), 6141-6153(2019)
Hampshire, B.V., Butcher, K., Ishida, K., Green, G., Paul, D.M., and Hillier, A.D., Using Negative Muons as a Probe for Depth Profiling Silver Roman Coinage, Heritage 2, 400-407(2019)
Courses Taken
ISIS Muon Training School 2018
Teaching Duties
Demonstrator – 2nd Year Physics Teaching Laboratory
Bethany Hampshire
Superconductivity and Magnetism Group (Room P154)
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
B dot hampshire at warwick dot ac dot uk
+44 (0)2476574207