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Elementary Particle Physics Seminars

(Seminars are on Thursday at 16:00)

Organisers/Contact: Karolos Potamianos and Mika Vesterinen

Spring term 2025

13 March    
6 March    
27 Feb    
20 Feb    
13 Feb    
6 Feb Paul Harrison (Warwick) Quark Mass Matrices and the Unitarity Triangle
30 Jan    
23 Jan Andrew Pilkington (Manchester) FCC-hh
16 Jan Jack Shergold (IFIC, Valencia) Hunting for the cosmic neutrino background
9 Jan Elliot Reynolds (Kansas) Probing the associated production of the Higgs boson and charm quarks at ATLAS

Autumn term 2024

5 December    
28 November Josh Bendavid (MIT) Measurement of the W boson mass at CMSLink opens in a new window
21 November Joel Swallow (INFN - Frascati) New measurement of the K+ -> pi+nunu decay by the NA62 ExperimentLink opens in a new window
14 November Alexander Booth (QMUL) NOvA neutrino oscillation resultsLink opens in a new window
7 November Alex Keshavarzi (Manchester) The Proton EDM ExperimentLink opens in a new window
31 October Chris Pollard (Warwick) Likelihood-free inference: what does it mean, why should you care, and where are the dragons?
24 October Andrew Blue (Glasgow) ATLAS ITk StripsLink opens in a new window
17 October Paul Newman (Birmingham) The Electron-Ion ColliderLink opens in a new window
10 October Mo Ghani (Warwick) Student presentation
3 October Brij Kishor Jashal (RAL PPD) Triggering new discoveries: Advancements in Real-Time Analysis for Expanding Physics Reach at LHCbLink opens in a new window

Summer term 2024

27 June Lorenzo Paolucci (Warwick) Student presentation
20 June Farida Fassi (Mohammed V) African Strategy For Fundamental and Applied PhysicsLink opens in a new window
13 June Patrick Knights (Birmingham)

Searching for light-dark matter with NEWS-GLink opens in a new window

6 June Ethan Lewis Simpson (Manchester) Entangled in Tops: How we turned the LHC into the world’s largest quantum information experiment
30 May No seminar  
23 May Gareth Bird (Cambridge) Heavy Neutral Leptons and Slow-Moving Particles at ATLASLink opens in a new window
16 May Emir Muhammad (Warwick) Student presentation
9 May Stefano Vergani (UCL) ANITA and PUEO
2 May Alex Gilman (Oxford) BES-III
25th April Bruce Mellado (Witwatersrand, iThemba LABS) New scalars at the EW scale?

Spring term 2024

14 March No seminar  
7 March Angela Romano (Birmimgham) HIKE
29 Feb No seminar  
22 Feb Raul Rabadan (Warwick) LHCb results
15 Feb Stefan Schacht (Manchester) Theory of Charm CP Violation
8 Feb Sarah Williams (Cambridge) The Future Circular Collider as a Higgs/top/EW Factory: status and plans for FCC-ee
1 Feb Roxanne Guenette (Manchester) Searching for Majorana neutrinos with NEXTLink opens in a new window
25 Jan Javira Altmann (Monash) Hadronisation in Pythia
18 Jan Jan Kretzschmar (Liverpool) News from the W boson
11 Jan Afroditi Papadopoulou (Argonne) Exclusive proton final-states and kinematic imbalance in differential neutrino cross sections with the MicroBooNE detector

Autumn term 2023

7 December No seminar No seminar
30 November Thomas Teubner (Liverpool) g-2 theory
23 November

Danny Van-dyk (IPPP Durham)

The Phenomenology of Rare b → sl+l− Decays
16 November Matt LeBlanc (Manchester) Precision jet measurements with ATLAS
9 November Maria Ubiali (Cambridge)

Parton Distribution Functions

2 November Brian Foster (Oxford) HALHF
26 October Anja Beck (Warwick) Rare b-baryon decays: how to study penguins in the jungle
19 October Josh Mcfayden (Sussex)


12 October Daria Santone (Oxford) Darkside 20k
5 October Ce Zhang (Liverpool) g-2

Summer term 2023

All seminars are in MAS2.05/2.06 this term, unless otherwise indicated.

29 June Postponed to next term  
22 June Karol Krizka (Birmingham) Muon collider
15 June Giuseppe Salamanna (Rome) Status and Prospects of LEGEND
8 June Isobel Mawby (Warwick) DUNE
1 June postponed to next term  
25 May (B2.02) Kang Yang (Oxford) Differential cross-section measurements from ProtoDUNE
18 May No seminar  
11 May No seminar  
4 May Jonathan Burr (Cambridge) Anubis
27 April Robert Ward (Birmingham) Exclusive decays of the Higgs and Z bosons to a meson and a photon at ATLAS

Spring term 2023

All seminars are in MAS2.05/2.06 this term. Seminar on 19th Jan is coordinated with Birmingham.

16 March Nicole Skidmore (Manchester) LHCb
9 March Karolos Potamianos (Warwick) Vector Boson Scattering to Unravel EWSB and Probe BSM PhysicsLink opens in a new window
2 March No seminar  
23 Feb Keri Vos (Maastricht) Solving Beautiful Puzzles
16 Feb No seminar --
9 Feb Martin Tat (Oxford) New model independent measurement of the CKM angle gamma with LHCb
2 Feb Chris Brady (Warwick) File IO and Network IO challenges and solutions
26 Jan Laura Gonella (Birmingham) Novel Silicon Tracker Technologies for the HL-LHC and beyond
19 Jan Mathieu Perrin-Terrin (Marseille) NuTag
12 Jan Iwan Morton-Blake (Oxford) TRIDENT: A Next-Generation Neutrino Telescope in the South China Sea

Autumn term 2022

8 December (P 5.23)

Andy Chappell (Warwick) Neutrino interaction vertex reconstruction at DUNE
1 December (MAS 2.05/6) Matthew McCullough (CERN) The Higgs boson under a microscope
24 November (MAS 2.05/6) No seminar  
17 November (MAS 2.05/6) Linda Cremonesi (QMUL) Neutrino oscillation analyses (and much more) at the NOvA experiment
10 November (MAS 2.05/6) Joe Davighi (Zurich) Theory talk on anomalies and model building
3 November (MAS 2.05/6) Seminar postponed to January --
27 October (MAS 2.05/6) No seminar --
20 October (MAS 2.05/6) Stefano de Capua (Manchester) LHCb's upgraded VELO
13 October (MAS 2.05/6) Luismi Garcia (Warwick)

The TORCH detector at the LHCb experiment

6 October (MAS 2.05/6) Asher Kaboth LZ

Summer term 2022

30 June (MAS 2.05 & 2.06) Pete Millington (Manchester) Destigmatising modified gravity
23 June (MAS 2.05 & 2.06) Harry Cliff (Cambridge) Rare B decay results from LHCb, and public engagement
16 June (MAS 2.05 & 2.06) No seminar  
9 June (MAS 2.05 & 2.06) Jesse Liu (Cambridge) ATLAS PbPb -> tautau
2 June (no seminar) -- Spring Bank Holiday in UK -- ---
26 May (VIRTUAL) Zuzana Gruberová (Charles Uni., Prague) Belle II
19 May (PS0.17) Tom Neep (Birmingham) Rare Event Searches with Gaseous detectors
12 May (MAS 2.05 & 2.06) Chris Hays (Oxford) CDF W mass measurement
5 May (PS0.17) Matt Kenzie (Warwick) Custom Orthogonal Weight functions (COWs)
28 April (MAS 2.05 & 2.06) Paschal Coyle (CPPM Marseille)

Spring term 2022 (L3 in the science concourse and/or virtual)

17 March Menglin Xu (Warwick) Neutral current Drell-Yan angular coefficients at LHCb
10 March (virtual) Dan Craik (MIT) Intrinsic charm and Z+charm at LHCb
3 March (in person) Alex Gilman (Oxford) BES-III: Leptonic and semileptonic decays of charmed hadrons
24 Feb (in person) Andrew Chisholm (Birmingham) Exploring the Higgs boson's coupling to the charm quark with the ATLAS experiment
17 Feb (in person) Steve Dennis (Cambridge) Microboone
10 Feb (virtual) Arnau Brossa Gonzalo (Warwick) Charmless B hadron decays
3rd Feb (in person) Jack Shergold (IPPP Durham) Relic neutrinos at accelerator experiments
27th Jan (in person in L3) Ken Mimasu (Kings) EFT
20th Jan (in person in L3) Giovanni Barontini (Birmingham) QSNET
13th Jan (virtual) Ipsita Ray (IIT Guwahati) New physics in neutral current b to s decays

Autumn term 2021

9 December (mode TBD) Matt Kenzie (Warwick) The CKM angle gamma
2 December    
25 November (in person) Gavin Morley (Warwick) Quantum gravity test
18 November (in person) Eleanor Jones (Warwick) b-tagging and its applications in H->bb decays at ATLAS
11 November (virtual) Felix Kling (DESY) Forward Physics Facility
4 November (in person) Fernando Abudinen (Warwick) Recent B-physics results and prospects at Belle II.
28 October (virtual) Philip Sommer (Sheffield) Probing the electroweak sector with single- and multiboson measurements at the LHC
21 October (in person) Ashlea Kemp (Queen's and RHUL) DEAP3600
14 October (virtual) Miaoyuan Liu (FNAL) Accelerated machine learning for triggering
7 October (virtual) Vanya Belyaev (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" (ITEP) (RU)) Double charmed tetraquark

Summer term 2021 [virtual seminars]

1 July Ross Hunter (Warwick) Measurement of the W mass with LHCb
24 June Clara Nellist (Radboud, Nikhef) ATLAS four top production
17 June Guy Wilkinson (Oxford) 91 GeV revisited
10 June Mark Scott (Imperial) Long base-line neutrino oscillation physics in Japan
3 June Gino Isidori (Zurich) B physics anomalies and the flavour problem
27 May Christoph Royon (Kansas) Measuring intact protons at the LHC: from the odderon discovery to the search for axion like particles
20 May Gavin Hesketh (UCL) g-2
13 May Christine Aidala (Michigan) The hazy sea of QCD
6 May Katherine Pachal (Duke) Probing the lifetime frontier with the ATLAS detector
29 April Mick Mulder (CERN) New results on rare B-meson decays and anomalies from LHCb

Spring term 2021 [virtual seminars]

18 March Paolo Agnes (Houston) Darkside
11 March Anthony Morley (CERN) ATLAS Higgs -> llgamma and NP searches with photons
4 March Josh Mcfayden (Sussex) FASER (incl. FASERnu)
25 Feb Jost Migenda (KCL) (invitation extended to astro) Neutrino Astronomy with Hyper-Kamiokande
18 Feb Laurence Nevay (Royal Holloway) Bridging the Machine Detector Interface
11 Feb Ben Kilminster (Zurich) DAMIC
4 Feb Adlene Hicheur (Constantine, UFRJ Rio) Semileptonic b decays at LHCb
28 Jan Sarah Malik (UCL) Quantum computing for HEP
21 Jan Richard Bates (Glasgow) Recent developments in semiconductor sensors
14 Jan Luis Miguel Garcia Martin (Warwick) Radiative decays at LHCb

Autumn term 2020 [virtual seminars]

8 October Daniel Johnson (CERN) Discovery of open charm tetraquark
15 October Evgueni Goudzovski (Birmingham) Latest NA62 results on K->pnunubar and future prospects for kaon program
22 October Eluned Smith (Aachen) LHCb B->K*mumu angular analysis
29 October Guennadi Borisov (Lancaster) ATLAS LFU test with W->taunu
5 November Will Sutcliffe (Bonn) Belle-II first physics and full event reconstruction
12 November Kristin Lohwasser (Sheffield) ATLAS gamma gamma to WW
19 November Miguel Ramos Pernas (Warwick) Search for Ks -> mumu and rare kaon decay prospects with LHCb
26 November Maria Brunetti (Warwick) Event reconstruction for DUNE
3 December High profile result postponed to next term  
10 December Oleg Brandt (Cambridge) ANUBIS experiment proposal

Summer term 2020

25 June

Kathrin Becker (Warwick) (VIRTUAL) ATLAS Higgs -> tautau CP

18 June

Elliot Reynolds (Birmingham) (VIRTUAL) Higgs to ZA search at ATLAS

11 June

Laura Harkness-Brennan (VIRTUAL) Gamma ray detectors

4 June

No seminar  

28 May

Sarah Williams (Cambridge) (VIRTUAL) SUSY searches

20 May (Wednesday!)

Kathrin Valerius (IKP Karlsruhe) (VIRTUAL) Katrin

14 May

Owen Goodwin (Manchester) (VIRTUAL) Microboone heavy neutral lepton search

7 May

No seminar Original seminar postponed

30 April

No seminar Original seminar postponed to Autumn term

23 April

No seminar Original seminar postponed to 28 May

Spring term 2020

12 March Ioannis Manthos (Thessaloniki) PICOSEC micromegas (shared with Birmingham)
5 March    
27 Feb Matteo Duranti (INFN-Perugia) Latest results from AMS, and future cosmic ray space experiments (shared with Birmingham)
20 Feb (17:00) Asher Kaboth (RHUL) T2K. (note the later start time so that we can also attend the colloquium)
13 Feb Samuel Webb (Imperial) The CMS HGCal
6 Feb Xiaohu Sun (Manchester) Probing the Higgs self-coupling with the ATLAS detector
30 January Mathew Malek (Sheffied) Watchman
23 January Sneha Malde (Oxford) BES-III results
16 January Patricia Magalhaes (Bristol) Multibody hadron decay theory
9 January Lucian Harland-Lang (Oxford) Parton distribution functions

Autumn term 2019

Date Speaker Title (link to slides)
5 December Chris Rogers (RAL)


28 November Chris Parkinson (Birmingham)


21 November Alex Murphy (Edinburgh)

Dark matter searches

14 November Adam Barton (Lancaster)

ATLAS J/psiPhi

7 November Eva Vilella (Liverpool)

DMAPS sensors

31 October Lydia Beresford (Oxford)

New physics and tau g-2 using LHC heavy ion collisions

24 October Ulla Blumenschein (QMUL)

Triple vector bosons

17 October Tom Neep (Birmingham)

ATLAS ttbar differential cross sections

10 October Alfons Weber (Oxford)

Neutrino detectors

3 October Matt Kenzie (Warwick)

CKM angles and the scope for new physics therein

2019 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
27 June Paula Alvarez Cartelle (Imperial)

Search for lepton universality violation in B -> Kll decays.

13 June Aleksei Rusov (IPPP)

On the discovery of CP violation in charm decays

6 June Iacopo Vivarelli (Sussex)

The dream calorimeter for CepC.pdf

30 May Behzad Hossini (Imperial) Solid: short distance neutrino oscillations
23 May Miriam Watson (Birmingham) Spinning Topspdf
9 May Monika Weilers (RAL) HL-LHC and HE-LHC physics prospects Slides
2 May Phil Ilten (Birmingham)

The darkside of true muonium

25 April Paul Frampton


7 March Andy Chappell / Chris McNicol (Warwick)

Measuring the neutrino CP phase & mass ordering / Search for heavy dimuon resonances + b-jetschappell seminar McNichol seminar

28 February Jon Coleman

Atom interferometry

21 February Sebastian Trojanowski (Sheffield)

FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHCpdf

7 February Ben Allanach (Cambridge)

B-anomalies: The physics case for future colliders pdf

17 January Christoph Englert (Durham) Collider Phenomenology pdf
10 January Thomas Koffas Strong-Field QED pptx

2018 Seminars

2018 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
29 November Agni Bethani (Manchester) Di-Higgs and related physics at ATLASagni
22 November Chris Sachrajda (Southampton) Precision Flavour Physics and Lattice QCD - A path to discovering new physics
15 November Tim Gershon (Warwick) Tetraquarks and pentaquarks
1 November Teppei Katori (QMUL) Observation of a Significant Excess of Electron-Like Events in the MiniBooNE Short-Baseline Neutrino Experiment pdf
25 October Bill Murray (Warwick) CepC and other options in collider physics
11 October Jim Libby (IIT Madras) Belle II: flavour physics at the intensity frontier pdf
28 June Ioannis Katsioulas (Saclay) NEWS-G dark matter search pdf
14 June Uta Klein (Liverpool) Electrons for the LHC
31 May Todd Huffman (Oxford) The "Multiplicity Jump"! - Finding B’s in Multi-TeV jets without tracks pptx
24 May Linda Cremonesi (UCL) Hunting ultra high energy neutrinos with the ANITA experiment
29 March Xianguo LU (Oxford) Neutrino Shadow Play: Neutrino interactions for oscillation measurements
15 March Rebecca Chislett (UCL) The g-2 experiment at Fermilab pptx
8 March Kathrin Becker (Freiburg) Higgs couplings from LHC pdf
1 March Susan Cartwright (Sheffield) T2K status and results pptx
8 February Stewart Martin-Haugh (RAL) Light-by-light scattering
18 January Nicola McConkey (Sheffield) SBND and DUNE - state of the art liquid argon TPCs for neutrino physics

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2017 Seminars

2017 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
23 November Simone Bifani (Birmingham) R(K*) at LHCb
16 November Andreas Goudelis (LPTHE) TBA
2 November Moritz Backes (Oxford) SUSY searches at ATLAS
26 October Greg Ciezarek (CERN) R(D*) at LHCb
29 June Nansi Andari (Birmingham) ATLAS W mass measurement
22 June André Mischke (Utrecht) Parton energy loss of heavy-quarks in hot QCD matter
1 June Jon Davis (Kings) Neutrino Astronomy and Direct Detection
25 May Luigi Delle Rosse (Southampton) Explanation of the 17 MeV Atomki Anomaly
4 May Matt Kenzie (Cambridge) Measuring the CKM angle γ
9 March Neville Harnew (Oxford) TORCH
2 March Maria Ubiali (Cambridge) NNPDF
23 February Alan Watson (Leeds) Pierre Auger
9 February Randolf Pohl (Mainz) Proton radius puzzle
19 January Vitaly Kudryavtsev (Sheffield) Dark matter searches and plans for LUX-ZEPLIN

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2016 Seminars

2016 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
21 January Dan Johnson (CERN) CEP at LHCb: results and prospects
4 February Pier-Olivier Deviveiros (CERN) Tau Reconstruction and analyses at ATLAS
11 February Antonin Vacheret (Oxford) SoLid: search for a new kind of matter with a compact composite scintillator detector
25 February Antony Carver (Clatteerbridge) Cancer therapy
17 March Sarah Malik (Imperial College) Review of the status and future prospects of dark matter searches at colliders
28 April Stephen West (RHUL) Big Bang Synthesis of Nuclear Dark Matter
5 May Jason Cole (Imperial College) Plasma wakefield acceleration
19 May Tim Burns (Swansea) Tetra and pentaquark states
26 May Ajit Kurup (Imperial College) COMET
2 June Sneha Malde (Oxford) CKM angle gamma
9 June Simon Wehle (DESY) Rare B decays at Belle
20 October Hamish Gordon (Leeds) Overview of the CLOUD experiment and recent highlights
27 October Andrzej Szelc (Manchester) ArgoNeuT and LArIAT: Towards Big Physics through Small LArTPCs
17 November David Jackson How to Build a Unified Field Theory from One Dimension
8 December Mark Owen (Glasgow) Top physics at ATLAS

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2015 Seminars

2015 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
15. January Max Baak (CERN) The Overall Fit to the Standard Model
22. January Iris Gebauer (KIT Karlsruhe) AMS
29. January Richard Mudd (Birmingham) Higgs coupling measurements with ATLAS
15. October Alex Martyniuk (UCL) A search for diboson resonances at ATLAS using boson-tagged jets
29. October Chris Parkinson (Birmingham) Status and prospects of the NA62 experiment
12. November Louis Lyons (Imperial) Statistical Issues in Searches for New Physics
19. November Tim Martin (Warwick) Global properties of inelastic pp interactions in early 13 TeV data
26. November Bruno Zamorano (Sussex) Neutrino oscillation results from NOVA
3. December Christoph Langenbruch (Warwick) Rare b-hadron decays
10. December Leigh Whitehead (UCL) The CHIPS experiment

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2014 Seminars

2014 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
30. January John Marshall (Cambridge) Linear Collider
20. February Simon Jolly (UCL) Proton Therapy
6. March Sinead Farrington (Warwick) Higgs physics at ATLAS
13. March Roxanne Guenette (Oxford) Searching for sterile neutrinos with LAr detectors
24. April Matt Barrett (University of Hawaii) Particle identification at Belle II
8. May Stephen Farry (Liverpool) EWK physics at LHCb
22. May Mitesh Patel (ICL) Heavy Neutral Leptons
29. May Phil Burrows (Oxford) The International Linear Collider Higgs Factory
12. June Nikolaos Rampotis (Washigton University) Collider Searches for BSM Higgs Bosons
3. July Peter Skands Modeling Hadronic Interactions in PYTHIA
14. July Csaba Balazs (Monash) Thermal dark matter implies new physics below PeV
16. October Michal Kreps (Warwick) Exotic spectroscopy at LHCb: Z(4430)+
20. November Thomas Latham (Warwick) Ds meson spectroscopy at LHCb
27. November Aurélien Benoit-Lévy (UCL) Inflation, B-modes and dust: Planck's view on BICEP2 results

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2013 Seminars

2013 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
17. January Mark Lancaster (UCL) Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon
21. February Ryan Terri (Queen Mary) "Understanding" Neutrino Interactions In Oscillation Experiments
28. February Tim Martin (Warwick) Diffractive interaction at the LHC
14. March Véronique Boisvert Top physics
20. June Elisa Pueschel (University of Massachusetts) Exotics Searches at ATLAS
27. June David Bugg (Queen Mary) Galaxies and Quantum Mechanics
24. October Alexander Lenz (Durham) The status of flavour physics in 2013
30. October Bill Murray (Warwick) TLEP and the HL-HLC: what do they bring
5. December Rachel Dowdall (Cambridge) Heavy quarks on the lattice

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2012 Seminars

2012 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
19th January Sebastian Jaeger (Sussex) What can we learn from B physics?
1. February

Michael Feindt (KIT Karlsruhe)

NeuroBayes - Predictive Analytics for High Energy Physics and "Real Life" (Colloquium)

16th February

Serguei Ganjour (CEA/Saclay)

Search for the Higgs Boson with the CMS experiment at the LHC

17th February David Waters (UCL)

No-Neutrino Physics : The Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay

1st March Mark Hadley (Warwick)

Explaining CP violation using General Relativity

22nd March Frank Kraus (Durham)

Event generation for the LHC

25. July Alfons Weber (RAL/Oxford)

News from the Neutrino Front (Colloquium)

25. July

Sinead Farrington (Warwick)

The Search for the Higgs Boson (Colloquium)

7. August

Bill Murray (RAL)

The Implications of the New Boson at the LHC (Colloquium)

11. October Bo Jayatilaka (Duke University)

Precision measurement of W mass at CDF experiment

15. November Mitesh Patel (ICL)

Rare decays at LHCb

29. November Dean Hidas

Diamond detectors in particle physics

6. December Sinead Farrington (Warwick)


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2011 Seminars

2011 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
3rd February Michal Kreps (Warwick) Measurement of CP violation in Bs → J/ψϕ at CDF
17th February Glen Cowan (Royal Holloway) Recent progress on statistical methods for LHC physics
24th February Mark Thomson (Cambridge) Particle Flow Algorithms

3rd March

Mike Charlton (Swansea) Trapped antihydrogen

17th March

Cristine Davies (Glasgow) Lattice QCD meets experiment
19th May Paul Newman (Birmingham) The Large Hadron Electron Project (LHeC)
9th June Michal Kreps (Warwick) Neurobayes HOWTO
17th November Neil Spooner (Sheffield)

Galactic Signatures for WIMP Dark Matter

15th December Peter Krizan (Ljublana)

Belle II status

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2010 Seminars

2010 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
4th Feb. Steve King (Southampton) Neutrinos and the flavour problem  
11th Feb. Evgueni Goudsovski (Birmingham) Precision Test of Lepton Universality at the CERN NA62 Experiment  
18th Feb. Paula Chadwick (Durham) Recent results from HESS  
11th March Steve Chun-Hay Kom(Cambridge) Probing mechanisms of neutrinoless double beta decay at the LHC  
29th April Steve Biller(Oxford) Status of the SNO+ Project  
11th August Michal Kreps (Karlsruhe) Neural networks in data analysis
26th August EPP Summer Students LHCb VELO Material, Reconstruction in Liquid Argon TPCs, Ultra Sensitive Charge Spectroscopy (video)
28th October Geunnadi Borisov (Lancaster) Possible Anomalous CP-Violation from Neutral B-Meson Mixing  
4th November Ryan Nichol (UCL) Latest Results from the MINOS Experiment  

25th November - postponed (due to illness)

Paul Newman (Birmingham) The Large Hadron Electron Project (LHeC)  

9th December

Aidan Robson (Glasgow) Higgs Physics at the Tevatron  

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2009 Seminars

2009 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
29th Jan. Themis Bowcock (Liverpool) Searching for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider  
5th March Cristina Lazzeroni (Birmingham) News from NA62  
12th March Chris Orme(IPPP Durham) The Phenomenology of Beta Beams  
2nd April Marcel Stanitski (RAL) Pixel Detector Development for the ILC  
23rd April Bill Scott (RAL) Flavour Physics  
21th May Goran Skoro (Sheffield) Status of High Power Target R&D    
16th July Chris Parkes (Glasgow) Status of the LHCb Vertex Locator    
24th Sept Marni Sheppeard (Oxford) Categorical Combinatorics for Scattering Amplitudes    
12th Nov Henrique Araujo (Imperial) Dark matter searched with Zeplin III    
19th Nov Yoshi Uchida (Imperial) Charged lepton flavour violation    
26th Nov Andrew Pilkington (Manchester) Diffractive physics at the LHC    
10th Dec Joerg Jaeckel (Durham) New physics at low energies    

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2008 Seminars

2008 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
7th Feb. Andrew Kirk ( UKAEA, Culham) Nuclear Fusion: On Earth as it is in Heaven?  
21st Feb Chris Densham (Computer Aided Engineering, RAL) Developments in High Power Targetry for Neutrino Beams  
6th March Stuart Green (University Hospital, Birmingham) Developments in Radiotherapy Using Particle Beams  
13th March Matthew Barrett (Brunel University) Investigating B->tau nu at BaBar with New Statistical Techniques  
23th April Phillip Litchfield (Warwick) First results from analysis of MINOS Neutral Current events  
24th April Tom Latham (Warwick) Evidence for Direct CP-Violation From a Dalitz Analysis of B -> K pi pi  
1st May Chris Hill (Bristol) Green HEP: Doing Particle Physics with Beam Switched OFF  
15th May Geunnadi Borisov(Lancaster) New CP-Violation Results from D0  
22nd May Alan Watson (Leeds) Is the Search for the Origin of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays Over?  
4th Sept Antony Carver, Martin Haigh 2nd year graduate student seminar  
2nd October Louis Lyons (Oxford) Do's and Dont's with Likelihood Functions  
16th October Philip Harris (Sussex) Testing Time Reversal -- the Search for the Neutron EDM  
30th October Graham Ross (Oxford) Theoretical models of neutrino parameters  
13th November Hans Kraus (Oxford) Experimental status of dark matter searches    
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2007 Seminars

2007 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
1st Feb Paul D. Jackson(Roma) Leptonic decays of the B: a rare window to New Physics  
1st March John Back(Warwick) Neutrino Factory R&D Status  
10th May Morgan Wascko(Imperial) Latest Results from MiniBooNE  
7th June Sophy Palmer(IPPP Durham) Weak Boson Fusion in the MSSM  
14th June Tim Gershon(Warwick) Super Flavour Factory  
21st June Anne Green(Nottingham) Inflation: A Status Report  
11th Oct Roger Barlow(Manchester) Results From Small Numbers  
18th Oct Ryan Nichol(UCL) Neutrino Astronomy  
25th Oct Gagan Mohanty(Warwick) Charmless Hadronic B decays at BaBar  
15th Nov Jelena Ilic and Dan Roythorne 2nd year graduate student status reports  
29th Nov Jim Libby(Oxford) UT gamma measurements: LHCb prospects with the help of CLEOc'  
6th Dec John Thornby(Warwick) AMBER:A novel approach to direct neutrino mass measurement  
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2006 Seminars

2006 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
2nd March Cristina Lazzeroni (Cambridge) Recent results from NA48 on kaon and hyperon physics
23rd March Peter Norreys (RAL) Laser Accelerators
4th May David Bugg(RAL/QMUL) Non-standard 0+ mesons
11th May Byran Webber (Cambridge) Black Holes at Accelerators
18h May Mike Kordosky (UCL) Preliminary Results Of An Accelerator Based Search For Muon-Neutrino Disappearance By The MINOS Experiment  
25th May Ed Hinds (Imperial) Status of Electric Dipole Moment Experiments
29th June Danielle Stewart, John Thornby Reserved for 2nd-year postgraduate research seminars
12th Oct. Tim Gershon(Warwick) Review of the Beauty 2006 Conference, Oxford
16th Nov. Claire Gwenlan(Oxford) Cancelled due to ill health Proton Structure
30th Nov. Sinead Farrington(Liverpool) The Measurement of Bs Mixing with CDF (N.B. start at 15:00)
7th Dec. Sheila Rowan (Glasgow) Status of Gravitational Wave Searches
TBA Chris Densham (RAL) Targets for High Power Proton Beams
TBA Yoshi Uchida (Imperial) Measuring Neutrino Mixing Parameters  
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2005 Seminars

2005 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
20th January Lee Thompson (Sheffield) Listening for Neutrinos: The ACORNE Project
17th February Guy Wilkinson (Oxford) LHCb Physics Prospects and Detector Status
21st April Bill Murray (RAL) Neutrino Factories and Ionisation Cooling
9th June Sandip Pakvasa (Hawaii) On LSND and Shortcuts in Extra Dimensions
20th June Tom Weiler (Vanderbilt) The Use of Neutrino Flavor in Astrophysics
7th July Steve McMahon (RAL) ATLAS Physics Prospects and Detector Status
5th August Tim Gershon (KEK) Latest results on CP violation from Belle
6th Oct. Ben Morgan (Warwick) WIMP detection with directional detectors
27th Oct. Paul Harrison (Warwick) Leptonic Mixings from a Variational Principle
Nov. 3rd Mike Pennington (IPPP Durham) What heavy flavour decays can teach us about light meson physics and what you need to know about light quark dynamics to extract useful information from heavy flavour decays
17th Nov. Patrick Huber (Wisconsin) The future of neutrino physics - The race for theta_13
24th Nov. David Evans (Birmingham) Status of the ALICE experiment at the LHC
1st Dec. Nigel Smith (RAL) Searching for WIMPs in the UK
8th Dec. Silvia Pascoli (IPPP Durham) Determining the neutrino mass hierachy
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2004 Seminars

2004 Seminars

Date Speaker Title
26th October Phil Burrows (Queen Mary) The Linear Collider: Microscope on TeV-Scale Physics
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10th November, 2004 Gary Barker, Paul Harrison, Yorck Ramachers Neutrino Physics at Warwick (Barker, Harrison, Ramachers)
30th November, 2005 Kevin McFarland (Rochester) Neutrinos: worth the wait
2006 Brian Foster (Oxford) The Linear Collider
11th Feb., 2009 Ken Long (Imperial College) The Neutrino Factory and MICE