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Joint UKNF, INO, UKERI meeting

Joint UKNF, INO, UKIERI meeting 2008

University of Warwick, Physics Department

3-4 April 2008

The purpose of this meeting is to present the status and future planning of Neutrino Factory R&D (theory, accelerator and detector sub-groups) in the UK and to hear about the work being carried out by the India Neutrino Observatory (INO) collaboration. There will also be talks about neutrino phenomenology.

The programme of the meeting is available here, which includes downloadable files for all presentations.

Further Details

Location: The meeting will be held in the Physics Department, 5th floor, rooms 520 (3 April) and 521 (4 April). Directions to the University can be found here. The nearest train station is Coventry; a taxi to the University costs around £10. Parking is available in Car Park 15; further information about parking is available here.

Accommodation: University accommodation will be provided by Warwick Accommodation, whose main reception is located on the ground floor of the Rootes Social Building (label 49 on the Central Campus Map, opposite the taxi rank and next to the Student Union and Arts Centre along the University ring-road). The main reception is open from 7am-11pm (check-in is from 3pm). Outside these times, keys can be collected from the Gatehouse security building (label 21 on the above map, directly opposite the Physics building), which is located on the corner of the roundabout intersecting Scarman road, University Road and Gibbet Hill Road.