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Medical Physics

The Medical Physics group at the University of Warwick works with University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) and provides research opportunities for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Diverse aspects of Medical Physics are being explored, from optimising radiation therapy strategies to developing new technology to detect cancer.

Emma MacPherson - TERABOTICS project

Gavin Morley, Mark Newton, Ben Green - Q-BIOMED Quantum Tech Hub and Diamond Quantum Lab

Jon Duffy - Radiotherapy treatment strategies

PhD available for Sept 2025

Join the Warwick THz group in the fight against cancer! We are looking for a PhD student to optimise THz techniques to detect skin cancer. No prior medical knowledge needed, you will be applying your physics, analytical and programming skills to optimise THz data for diagnosis. Project information is here.Link opens in a new window

img_6861.jpg Photo of optical table with a green laser shining Photo of an arm being imaged with a THz beam