In our research we aim to cover the underlying science involved in a particular ultrasonic measurement technique, with the aim that what we are doing ultimately has some use in real world applications. We work together with other Academic and Industrial researchers, and also try to involve potential end users of the technology in some way.
Some of our research is focused on fundamental physics, with no immediately obvious applications, such as fundamental studies of elastic constants in magnetic materials. Some of our research sits at a high TRL level, and we engage with industry on these high TRL R&D projects, delivering impact through the Centre for Industrial Ultrasonics (CIU).
We are currently rewriting our research webpages, but in the meantime you can access the content at the links above or below.
These pages give information about the techniques we use and develop.
- Electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) - an introduction
- SH-wave EMATs
- Miniaturised EMATs
- EMAT arrays (coming soon!)
- Laser ultrasonics (including plasma generation)
- Air- and dry-coupled ultrasound
- High temperature ultrasonics (currently at the bottom of the page)
- Liquid crystal sensors for ultrasound
- High frequency flexural ultrasonic transducers
Applications of Ultrasound
These pages detail applications of ultrasound in industry.
- Adhesive cure
- Anisotropic sheet metal
- Bond inspection
- Online inspection (including EMAT inspection of titanium - coming soon!)
- Rail inspection
- Thickness gauging
- Weld inspection
Flow measurement
Information about flow measurement is currently available here:
Other industrial inspections
The group's research includes other areas, such as:
- MPT project form plus a video describing the sensors
- Magnetic monitoring
- Eddy current arrays
Scientific applications
Details about scientific applications of ultrasound are available here, covering:
- Inspection of semiconductor membrane resonances
- Single crystal elastic constant measurements
Many of our research papers can be directly downloaded from the Warwick Repository - WRAP:
If you can't find one of our research papers then please email us and we will try to get a copy to you.
Our main areas of interest are listed on the navigation bar at the top of the page, so please use this bar to visit various research topics in which you may be interested. We hope that you find some of the work interesting and useful, and if there is anything further that you wish to know then pleaseemailfor further details.
We would like to acknowledge EPSRC for the funding that underpins our core research. There are other funding sources that we have including industrial contracts and European funded projects, including the European Research Council (ERC). For more details please read the 'Research Funding' section. We are also a member of the EPSRC funded UK Research Centre for Non Destructive Evaluation.