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Magnetic monitoring of corrosion in pipelines

This project is part of Theme 4 (Permanent monitoring Technology) of the the EPSRC - NDEvR Research Centre for NDE Core Programme of Research.

Aim of Theme 4: To developfundamentally different approaches to monitoring in order to achieve the accuracy and reliability required to replace expensive in-service NDE for critical plant and systems (11RAyrs in total)

The overall idea of this Research Theme is that many techniques are ruled out for NDT because the spatial variation in component or material properties leads to signal variations greater than those produced by defects eg grain noise in UT, permeability variations in magnetics. If one can monitor permanently at fixed position, these variations removed so we can exploit this enhanced sensitivity to defects provided by permanent monitoring.

At Warwick, We anticipate appointing a new PDRA to this project in Autumn 2014 - the post is/was advertised on

Objectives of project at Warwick:

To determine if magnetic measurements can be used reliably as a screening method for defects by measuring variations in the ambient magnetic field around a ferromagnetic pipe.

To determine the likely defect sizes and positions that can be detected using magnetic methods.

Two methods will be examined:

Magnetic Tomography Method (MTM)

Metal Magnetic Memory Method (MMM)

Key questions for the research:

What / how does detectability (POD) depend on?

size of defect?

location of defect?

stress level in pipe?

stress history?

magnetic properties of pipe?

what is the effect of the presence of magnetic oxide?

What could give false alarms for a magnetic based monitoring system ?

presence of other ferromagnetic material


stress changes

temperature changes

Can these methods be used reliably as a rapid screening technique for industry specified target defect sizes?

At this stage, we are asking RCNDE member companies to specify and describe target sample and defect types, but we would also welcome input from organisations outside RCNDE. We are trying to capture some information using this form: Survey