Local BaBar Resources
Recent highlights
- "Observation of the Decay B+ → K+ K- π+."
BABAR-PUB-07/041, SLAC-PUB-12702, arXiv:0708.0376 [hep-ex], published in Phys.Rev.Lett.99, 221801 (2007).
- "Extracting longitudinal shower development information from crystal calorimetry plus tracking."
SLAC-PUB-12998, arXiv:0711.1593 [physics.ins-det], published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A592, 254 (2008). - "Evidence for Direct CP Violation from Dalitz-plot analysis of B+- → K+- π-+ π+-."
BABAR-PUB-08/005, SLAC-PUB-13189, arXiv:0803.4451 [hep-ex], published in Phys.Rev.D78, 012004 (2008). - "Search for the highly suppressed decays B- → K+ π- π- and B- → K- K- π+."
BABAR-PUB-08/033, SLAC-PUB-13356, arXiv:0808.0900 [hep-ex], published in Phys.Rev.D78, 091102(R) (2008). - "Search for the decay B+ → Ks Ks π+."
BABAR-PUB-08/046, SLAC-PUB-13461, arXiv:0811.1979 [hep-ex], published in Phys. Rev. D79, 051101(R) (2009). - "Dalitz Plot Analysis of B+- → π+-π+-π-+ Decays."
BABAR-PUB-08/054, SLAC-PUB-13494, arXiv:0902.2051 [hep-ex], published in Phys. Rev. D79, 072006 (2009). - "Observation of the Rare Decay B0 → Ks K+- π-+."
BABAR-PUB-09/036, SLAC-PUB-14001, arXiv:1003.0640 [hep-ex], published in Phys. Rev. D82, 031101(R) (2010).
- "Observation of the Rare Decay B+ → K+ π0 π0."
BABAR-CONF-10/001, SLAC-PUB-14108, arXiv:1005.3717 [hep-ex]. - "Dalitz-plot Analysis of B0 → D-bar π+ π-."
BABAR-CONF-10/004, SLAC-PUB-14203, arXiv:1007.4464 [hep-ex]. - "Observation of the rare decay B+→K+π0π0 and measurement of the quasi-two body contributions B+→K*(892)+π0, B+→f0(980)K+ and B+→χc0K+."
BABAR-PUB-11/015, SLAC-PUB-14557, arXiv:1109.0143 [hep-ex], published in Phys. Rev. D84, 092007 (2011).
Useful resources
- Group members webpages at SLAC: TG, GM, TL, JI, EP
- List of papers assigned to Warwick for Collaboration Wide Review
- Analyses with Warwick group members on the Review Committee
- BADs that we have authored
- Analyses that we are involved in
- BaBar talks that we have given
- Resources for neutral pion efficiency study