Silicon Quantum Information Processing Meeting
This annual meeting brings together researchers interested in silicon qubits. Topics covered include experimental and theoretical approaches to quantum coherent control, spin resonance, atomic scale lithography, device fabrication and electronic transport.
SiQIP 2019: Fernando Gonzalez Zalba will host on 11-12 September 2019 in Cambridge. The invited speakers will be Natalia Ares (Oxford), Alessandro Crippa (CEA-Grenoble) Carsten Degenhardt (Forschungszentrum Jülich) and Bas Hensen (UNSW).
SiQIP 2018: Neil Curson hosted this meeting in UCL on 7th September 2018. The invited speakers were Jason Petta (Princeton), Andrew Dzurak (UNSW), Edoardo Charbon (EPFL) and Sebastian Pauka (Sydney).
SiQIP 2017: Jonathan Prance hosted the meeting in Lancaster on 11th September. The invited speakers were Menno Veldhorst (QuTech, Delft University of Technology), Fabio Sebastiano (Delft University of Technology) and Yann-Michel Niquet (Université Grenoble Alpes & CEA INAC-MEM, Grenoble).
SiQIP 2016: Towards Hybrid Quantum Circuits. Alessandro Rossi hosted the meeting on 8th September in Cambridge University. The invited speakers were Audrey Cottet (ENS Paris), Andreas Fuhrer (IBM Zurich), Ferdinand Kuemmeth (Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark), Iuliana Radu (IMEC, Belgium), Seigo Tarucha (University of Tokyo), Andreas Wallraff (ETH Zurich) and Tom Watson (TUDelft, The Netherlands).
SiQIP 2015: Andrew Ferguson and Miguel Fernando Gonzalez Zalba hosted SiQIP 2015: Scaling Up on 11th September in Cambridge University. The invited speakers were Colin Williams (D-Wave Systems, UK), Sabine Kolodinski (GlobalFoundries, Germany), Martin Roetteler (Microsoft Research, USA), Masanao Yamaoka (Hitachi, Japan) and Carlo Reita (LETI, France).
SiQIP 2014: John Morton hosted the meeting in UCL on Friday 12th September 2014. The invited speakers were Charles Marcus (Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark), Stephen Lyon (Princeton University, USA) and Michelle Simmons (University of New South Wales, Australia).
SiQIP 2013: Ben Murdin hosted SiQIP2013 on Friday 20th September at The University of Surrey. Mike Thewalt (Simon Fraser University, Canada) and Andrew Dzurak (University of New South Wales, Australia) were invited speakers.
SiQIP 2012: Gavin Morley hosted the meeting on 14th September 2012 at the University of Warwick. Christoph Boehme (University of Utah, USA) and Martin Brandt (Technische Universität München, Germany) were invited speakers.
SiQIP 2011: Andrew Ferguson hosted the first meeting on 6th May 2011 in Clare College Cambridge.
SiQIP is generously sponsored by the
and in particular the following IOP groups:
- Thin Films and Surfaces
- BRSG: Magnetic Resonance
- Nanoscale Physics and Technology
- Quantum Electronics and Photonics
- Quantum Optics, Quantum Information and Quantum Control
- Semiconductor Physics
- Superconductivity
SiQIP is also sponsored by Hitachi Cambridge and the London Centre for Nanotechnology.