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Silicon Quantum Information Processing Meeting: SiQIP 2012


Date: 14th September 2012


Venue: University of Warwick. The talks were in room MS.04 (located on the 2nd floor) in the Zeeman building which is marked 39 on the campus map. Catering and the posters were set up in room A0.05 (located on the ground floor) of the Zeeman building.

Registration: Registration was free for Warwick staff and students because this was a "Warwick Physics Day".

Scope: This meeting brought together more than 50 researchers interested in silicon qubits. Topics covered included experimental and theoretical approaches to quantum spin control, device fabrication and electronic transport.

Program: The format followed that of our 2011 meeting in Cambridge, leaving plenty of time for informal discussion.


Sponsors: SiQIP 2012 was sponsored by the Department of Physics in the University of Warwick and five groups within the Institute of Physics. The organising group was BRSG: Magnetic Resonance Group, while the co-sponsors were the Nanoscale Physics and Technology Group, the Quantum Electronics and Photonics Group, the Quantum Optics, Quantum Information, Quantum Control Group, and the Semiconductor Physics Group.

Invited speakers: Christoph Boehme (University of Utah) and Martin S Brandt (Technische Universität München)

Organisers: Gavin W Morley (University of Warwick) and Andrew J Ferguson (University of Cambridge)

Printouts: You can download a poster or the schedule.



SiQIP2012 was generously sponsored by:

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