2025 | |||
11-27 April 2025 | Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan (Tomi Ohtsuki) | "tba" | |
7-9 April 2025 |
Mini-workshop on "many-body localization, unitary random operators/random quantum walks, and random long range operators", CYU Cergy Paris, France (Coni Rojas-Molina, Hakim Boumaza) |
"tba" | |
19-21 Feb 2025 |
Simons Foundation Localization of Waves Annual Meeting, New York City, USA | "tba" | |
2024 | |||
16-20 Sep 2024 |
Localization: Emergent Platforms and Novel Trends, MPI-PKS Dresden, Germany | "Unconventional delocalization in a family of 3D Lieb lattices" | |
31 July 2024 |
Department of Mathematics, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (EJKP Nandini) | "The Mathematics of Machine Learning via three examples: percolation, Ising-type models and large-angle convergent beam electron diffraction" | |
17 – 21 June 2024 |
12th International Workshop on Disordered Systems (IWDS 2024), Salamanca, Spain | "The percolating cluster is invisible to image recognition with deep learning", "Many-body localization in random exchange coupling Heisenberg chain", "Real-Space Renormalisation Group Approach to the Quantum Spin-Hall Effect", "Properties of phononic crystal defect Lieb Lattices" | |
27 May - 7 June 2024 | Intercontinental Binodel Workshop on Flat Bands and high-oder Van Hove singularities (FB-VHS24), IBS, Daejoon, Korea | "Unconventional delocalization in a family of 3D Lieb latticesLink opens in a new window" | |
15 May 2024 | Department of Physics, TU Chemnitz, Germany (M. Weigel) | "Applications of Machine Learning in Physics via three examples: percolation, Ising-type models and large-angle convergent beam electron diffraction" | |
2023 |
2-3 November 2023 | Quantum information: Theory and Applications, CYU Cergy Paris | "Quantum engineering for compactly localized states in disordered Lieb lattices" | |
26-31 March 2023 | DPG March Meeting, Dresden | "Flat band physics for dispersive bands" (DY43.10), "Novel approach to real-space renormalization group analysis of the quantum Hall effect" (HL33.46), "Many-body localization in disordered Heisenberg-type spin chain models" (DY43.8), "Machine learning categorization of the Anderson model" (DY46.3), "Machine Learning Percolation: Does it understand the physics?" (DY17.3), "Phase Diagram of the J1-J2 Ising Model from Unsupervised Learning: Neural Networks vs Image Comparison" (DY22.5) | |
22 March 2023 | Centre for Fluid and Complex Systems, Coventry University, UK (Sascha Wald) | "Unconventional delocalization in a family of 3D Lieb lattices" | |
2022 | |||
4-9 September 2022 | DPG March Meeting, Regensburg | "The GOE ensemble for quasiperiodic tilings without unfolding: r-value statistics" (DY49.3), "Interplay of disorder and flat band geometry for generalized Lieb models in 3D with correlated order" (DY26.3), "AniMol: A quick interactive web-based molecular trajectory visualiser" (BP7.6), "Machine learning large-angle convergent-beam electron diffraction" (SYES49), "Characterizing flexibility and mobility in the natural mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 spikes" (BP7.16), "Machine Learning the Square-Lattice Ising Model" (O67.9), "Machine learning the 2D percolation model" (DY51.3) | |
2021 | |||
10 November 2021 | Presidency University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India | "Dynamical signatures of localization via quantum quenches" | |
25 October 2021 | 3rd Annual FPM Conference on Advances in Clinical Medicine, The Royal College of Physicians | "Flexibility and mobility of SARS-CoV-2 protein structures" | |
16-20 August 2021 | online workshop Progress in Flatband physics: symmetries, disorder, many-body interactions and thermalisation, Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, IBS, Daejeon, South Korea | "Localization properties in disordered 2- and 3-dimensional Lieb lattices and their extensions" | |
1-5 August 2021 | CCP2021, Coventry, UK (login+videos) | "Flexibility and mobility of SARS-CoV-2 protein structures" | |
23-24 June 2021 | Statistical Physics of Complex Systems, Coventry, UK | "Flexibility and mobility of SARS-CoV-2 protein structures" | |
10 June 2021 | Theory of Condensed Matter meeting, Coventry, UK | "Flexibility and mobility of SARS-CoV-2 protein structures" | |
28 April 2021 | COVID & Genomics ONLINE Webinar Series | "Flexibility and mobility of SARS-CoV-2 protein structures" | |
30 March 2021 | Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea, seminar series | "Localization properties in disordered 2- and 3-dimensional Lieb lattices and their extensions" | |
2020 | |||
24-29 August 2020 | Localization 2020 (virtual conference) | "Microscopic details of stripes and bubbles in the quantum Hall regime" | |
4 June 2020 | ENS Lyon, France (virtual seminar) | "Resolution of the exponent puzzle for the Anderson transition in doped semiconductors" | |
7 May 2020 | Cergy/LPTM and Warwick/Theory group joint virtual theory seminars | "Rapid simulation of protein motion" | |
27 February 2020 | CY Advanced Studies, CY Universite Paris, France | ||
2019 | |||
26 - 29 November 2019 | StatPhys - Kolkata X, Presidency University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India | cancelled | |
14 November 2019 | LPTM, Universite Cergy-Pontoise, Cergy, France | "Resolution of the exponent puzzle for the Anderson transition in doped semiconductors" | |
2 - 12 July 2019 | "Random Geometries and Multifractality in Condensed Matter and Statistical Mechanics", IIP Natal, Brasil | "Ab initio metal-insulator transition in doped silicon" | |
4 - 6 June 2019 | "Wave phenomena in disordered systems", Waves Cote d'Azur, Nice, France | "Ab initio metal-insulator transition in doped silicon" | |
23 - 24 May 2019 | "2nd Cergy-Warwick Meeting in Mathematical Physics ", 2-day workshop, Warwick | "Ab initio metal-insulator transition in doped silicon" | |
25 March - 4 April 2019 | "Big data and uncertainty quantification: statistical inference and information-theoretic techniques applied to computational chemistry", "Multi-scale Mathematical Modelling and Coarse-grain Computational Chemistry", Centre Interfacultaire Bernoulli (CIB) and CECAM, Lausanne, Switzerland | session chair | |
2018 | |||
21 December 2018 | "Condensed Matter Hours", Seminar, Presidency University, Kolkata, India | "From disorder to interacting systems and beyond" | |
19 December 2018 | Father Lafont Memorial Lecture, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India | "Modelling rigidity, flexibility and dynamics of proteins" | |
14 December 2018 | Seminar, Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research, Kalyani, India | "Non-equilibrium transport and numerical modelling of the integer quantum Hall effect" | |
31 August - 1 September 2018 | Protein disulphide bonds-biochemistry, biotechnology and biomedical impact , University of Kent, UK | "Rapid simulation of protein motion: the case of domain motions in protein disulphide-isomerase (PDI)", "Touching proteins with virtual bare hands" | |
28 April 2018 | Symposium 'Physics at the Nanoscale', University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada | "Ab initio metal-insulator transition in doped silicon" | |
28 March 2018 | Seminar, Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research, Kalyani, India | "Ab initio metal-insulator transition in doped silicon" | |
22 March 2018 | Seminar, University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India | "When waves go rogue - modelling extreme wave amplitudes" | |
2017 | |||
18 - 22 September 2017 | Finite systems in Nonequilibrium: From quantum quench to the formation of strong correlations, IIP Natal, Brazil | "Non-equilibrium transport and numerical modelling of the integer quantum Hall effect" | |
21 - 22 July 2017 | Quantum Biology workshop, U Surrey, UK | "Electronic transport in DNA and the interplay of mutations and electronic properties in disease-related genes" | |
22 April 2017 | Symposium "Ästhetik & Dynamik, viele Kräfte, Phasen & Anregungen", TU Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany | "The dynamics and flexibility of proteins" | |
2016 | T3 | ||
15 - 18 July 2016 | The 19th National Conference on Condensed Matter Theory and Statistical Physics, Xiangtan, China | "Dimensionless ratios: characteristics of quantum liquids and their phase transitions" | |
27 June - 1 July 2016 | 10th International Workshop on Disordered Systems (IWDS10), Brescia, Italy | "Ab-initio metal-insulator transition in sulphur-doped silicon", "Quasi-solitons and rogue wave generation in optical fibers" | |
23 May 2016 | Positive Reflections, ETH Zürich, Switzerland | In memory of Robert Schrader | |
2016 | T2 | ||
6 - 11 March 2016 | DPG March Meeting, Regensburg | "Quasi-solitons and rogue wave generation in optical fibers" (DF 3.7), Silicene-based spin-filter device: Impact of random vacancies (DS 53.10), Using entanglement to discern phases in the disordered one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model (DY 27.7), Leaf-to-leaf distances in ordered Catalan tree graphs (DY 30.8), Coupling non-equilibrium transport and the stationary many particle Fermi Sea for numerical modelling of the integer quantum Hall effect regime (HL 47.6), Imaging of Condensed Quantum States in the Quantum Hall Effect Regime (HL 53.32), Ab initio Anderson localisation in Si:P (HL 73.12), Dimensionless ratios: characteristics of quantum liquids and their phase transitions (TT 35 .6) | |
2015 | T1 | ||
5 November 2015 | University of Birmingham (Kevin Ralley) | "Self-assembling tensor networks and holography in disordered spin chains" | |
2015 | T3 | ||
17 September 2015 | Faculty of Materials, Optoelectronics and Physics, Xiangtan University (Jianxin Zhong) | "Flexibility and dynamics of PDI, HIV-protease and the CypA-CsA complex", "Growing Physical Scientists at the University of Warwick" | |
1 September 2015 | Beijing Computational Science Research Centre, CSRC (Hai-Qing Lin) | "Disordered Quantum Systems at the Warwick Centre for Scientific Computing" | |
2015 | T2 | ||
16 April 2015 | Faculty of Materials, Optoelectronics and Physics, Xiangtan University (Jianxin Zhong) | "Localisation and finite-size effects in graphene" | |
30 March-26 April 2015 | Chinese Academy of Science, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics (WIPM), Wuhan, China | Divisional seminar: "When waves go rogue - modelling extreme wave amplitudes", Lecture series: "Sparse matrix diagonalization, what it is, why and when it works", "Localisation and finite-size effects in graphene flakes via TMM", "Multifractal finite-size-scaling and universality at the Anderson transition", "Self-assembling tensor networks and holography in disordered spin chains", "Flexibility and dynamics of PDI and other proteins" | |
12-16 February 2015 | Mardi Gras conference and workshop, "Petascale Many-Body Methods for Complex Correlated Systems", Baton Rouge | "Self-assembling tensor networks and holography in disordered spin chains", Tutorial: "Sparse matrix diagonalization, what it is, why and when it works" | |
2014 | T1 | ||
28 November-3 December 2014 | Yale NUS, Singapore | "Disorder, Proteins, Networks and Rogue Waves" | |
10 November 2014 | CSC lunchtime seminar, University of Warwick, Coventry | "Methods for Diagonalising Sparse Matrices" | |
2014 | T3 | ||
17-22 August 2014 | 9th International Workshop on Disordered Systems (IWDS2014), San Antonio, USA | "Localisation and finite-size effects in graphene flakes" | |
22-25 July 2014 | Electron Crystallography Workshop 2014 (ESTEEM2), Cambridge, UK | "Localisation and finite-size effects in graphene flakes" | |
9-11 July 2014 | British Biophysical Society 2014 Biennial Meeting | "Characterizing the folding core of the cyclophilin A - cyclosporin A complex" | |
15-17 June 2014 | Montant Universität Leoben (Prof. J. Oswald) | "From disorder, graphene and interacting quantum many-body systems to the rigidity and flexibility of PDI and HIV protease" | |
5 June 2014 | Theory of Condensed Matter meeting, Warwick | "Localisation and finite-size effects in graphene flakes" | |
16 May 2014 | EPL editorial board meeting, Paris | "Fishing for good papers in the forest of condensed matter theory" | |
14 May 2014 | University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg | "From disordered and interacting quantum many-body systems to the rigidity and flexibility of PDI and HIV protease" | |
30 Apr 2014 | University of Lincoln, Lincoln | "The physics of disordered quantum systems" | |
2014 | T2 | ||
8-10 April 2014 | Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics 39 (MECO39), Applied Mathematics Research Centre, Coventry University, Coventry | "Self-assembling tensor networks and holography in disordered spin chains", "Localisation and finite-size effects in graphene flakes", "Controlled engineering of extended states in disordered systems", "Multifractal finite-size-scaling and universality at the Anderson transition" | |
30 March - 4 April 2014 | DPG March Meeting, Dresden | "Localisation and finite-size effects in graphene flakes" (DS 35.30), "Ultra-long-tail simulation and modelling of rogue wave statistics" (DY 10.5), "Determining the protein folding core: an experimental and computational approach" (BP 28.3), "Dynamics of the family of protein disulfide isomerases" (BP 14.9), "Self-assembling tensor networks and holography in disordered spin chains" (TT), "Leaf-to-leaf distances and their moments in finite and infinite m-ary acyclic graphs" (TT) | |
11-14 March 2014 | Recent Progress and Perspectives in Scaling, Multifractality, Interactions, and Topological Effects Near Anderson Transitions, MPI-PKS Dresden, Germany | "Self-assembling tensor networks and holography in disordered spin chains", "Controlled engineering of extended states in disordered systems", "Multifractal finite-size-scaling and universality at the Anderson transition", "Localisation and finite-size effects in graphene" | |
14 February 2014 | Colloquim, University of Exeter, School of Physics, Exeter | "When waves go rogue - modelling extreme wave amplitudes" | |
14 January 2014 | NMR Crystallography: Combining Experiment and Calculation, University of Warwick, Coventry | "Methods for Diagonalising Sparse Matrices" | |
2013 | T1 | ||
25-27 September 2013 | Perspectives on Quantum Many-Body Entanglement (PQMBE2013), Johannes-Gutenberg Universität, Mainz | "Tensor Networks and the Strong Disorder Renormalization Group" | |
2013 | T3 | ||
7 August 2013 | Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (Prof. Dharmaratna, Dr. J. Wedagedera) | "Dynamics and flexibility of protein disulphideisomerase" | |
19-21 June 2013 | International Workshop on Quantum Many-body Systems on Low Dimensions, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China | "The excitonic Aharonov-Bohm effect in one- and two-dimensional quantum rings" | |
15 May 2013 | MOAC Centre for Doctoral Training, University of Warwick | "Dynamics and flexibility of protein disulphideisomerase" | |
2013 | T2 | ||
10-15 March 2013 | DPG March Meeting, Regensburg | "Robust Nodal Structure of Landau Level Wave Functions Revealed by Fourier Transform Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (HL16.1)", "Controlled engineering of extended states in disordered systems" (DY7.4), "'Digital' Electron Diffraction - Seeing the Whole Picture" (KR5.2), "The Strong Disorder Renormalisation Group and Tensor Network Methods" (DF12.16, MA16.16), "Effects of ligand binding on cyclophilin A: experimental and computational studies" (BP8.1), "The dynamics and flexibility of protein disulphide-isomerase (PDI): simulations predict experimentally-observed domain motions" (BP8.12), "Robust signatures in the current-voltage characteristics of DNA molecules oriented between two graphene nanoribbon electrodes" (BP8.16), "Inhibition of HIV-1 protease: the rigidity perspective" (BP8.27) | |
2012 | T1 | ||
10 October 2012 | Colloquium, Physics Department, University of Warwick | "Star-trekking thru a multifractal: electrons at the Anderson transition" | |
2012 | T3 | ||
6 September 2012 | Colloquium, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain (Prof. Francisco Domínguez-Adame) | "Anderson localization: what is it and can we also describe it within the de Broglie-Bohm alternative interpretation of quantum mechanics?" | |
26 Aug-1 September 2012 | 8th International Workshop on Disordered Systems 9 (IWDS2012), Benasque, Spain | "Controlled engineering of extended states in disordered systems", "Robust signatures in the current-voltage characteristics of DNA molecules oriented between two graphene nanoribbon electrodes", "Localization-delocalization transition for disordered cubic harmonic lattices", "Multifractal finite-size-scaling and universality at the Anderson transition", "Aharonov-Bohm effect for an exciton in a two-dimensional quantum ring", "The interplay of mutations and electronic properties in disease-related genes" | |
23 July 2012 | Colloquium, Universität Freiburg, Germany (Prof. Buchleitner) | "The interplay of mutations and electronic properties in disease-related genes" | |
27-29 June 2012 | CECAM workshop Computational Physics Methods for Cancer, CECAM Lausanne | "The interplay of mutations and electronic properties in disease-related genes" | |
3 June 2012 | IOP Theory of Condensed Matter Meeting, Warwick | "Localization-delocalization transition for disordered cubic harmonic lattices", "Multifractal finite-size-scaling and universality at the Anderson transition", "Inhibition of HIV-1 protease: the rigidity perspective" | |
2012 | T2 | ||
18 April 2012 | 5th Midlands Biophysics Network Symposium, Aston University | "Rapid simulation of protein motion: merging flexibility, rigidity and normal mode analyses", "Inhibition of HIV-1 protease: the rigidity perspective" | |
2011 | T1 | ||
13-15 December 2011 | CMMP11, Manchester | "Multifractal finite-size scaling and universality at the Anderson transition", "The interplay of mutations and electronic properties in disease-related genes", "Phonon Phase Diagram: localization-delocalization transition, “Boson Peak” and more", "HIV-1 protease: the rigidity perspective", "Rapid Simulation of Protein Motein: Merging Flexibility, Rigidity and Normal Mode Analyses", "Excitonic Aharonov-Bohm effect in a two-dimensional quantum ring" | |
8 December 2011 | Colloquium, Universität Marburg, Germany (Prof. Gebhard) | "Multifractal finite-size scaling and universality at the Anderson transition" | |
2011 | T3 | ||
27 - 30 June 2011 | CECAM workshop Spectroscopy and quantum phenomena in large molecular aggregates, Bremen, Germany | "The interplay of mutations and electronic properties in disease-related genes" | |
2011 | T2 | ||
13-18 March 2011 | DPG March Meeting, Dresden | "Coarse graining protein motion: FIRST/FRODA and normal modes of motion. Can theory meet experiment?", "Collective Excitations and SU(4) symmetry in Graphene", "Critical parameters from generalised multifractal analysis at the Anderson transition", "Delocalized-Localized Transition of Disordered Phonons", "The interplay of mutations and electronic properties in disease-related genes" | |
9-11 March 2011 | New Frontiers in Quantum Foundations, CUPI 2011, Clemson | "de Broglie-Bohm trajectories for Anderson localized electron waves" | |
2010 | T1 | ||
14-16 December 2010 | CMMP10, Warwick | "Coarse graining protein motion: FIRST/FRODA and normal modes of motion. Can theory meet experiment?", "Collective Excitations and SU(4) symmetry in Graphene", "Delocalized-Localized Transition of Disordered Phonons", "The random phase property and the Lyapunov spectrum for multi-channel disordered systems" | |
29 November 2010 | Theoretical & Mathematical Physics seminar, University of Nottingham (Prof. Juan P. Garrahan) | "The interplay of mutations and electronic properties in disease-related genes" | |
10 November 2010 | Midlands Mathematica Seminar 2010, University of Warwick | "Applying Mathematica as a day-to-day research tool" | |
8 October 2010 | PCF Group Seminar at Leeds University, University of Leeds | "The interplay of mutations and electronic properties in disease-related genes" | |
2010 | T3 | ||
20-24 September 2010 | IWDS2010, Puebla, Mexico | "The interplay of mutations and electronic properties in disease-related genes", "Critical parameters from generalised multifractal analysis at the Anderson Transition", "The random phase property and the Lyapunov spectrum for multi-channel disordered systems" | |
13-15 July 2010 | The 2010 Develop Conference, Brighton, England | "The merging of high-performance computing and games" | |
21 June 2010 | CSC@Lunch, Warwick | "Charge Transport in Cancer-Related Genes and Early Carcinogenesis" | |
3 June 2010 | IOP Theory of Condensed Matter Meeting, Warwick | "Charge transport in disease-related genes: correlation with pathogenic mutations", "Delocalization-Localization Critical Transition of Disordered Phonons", "A solvable model of exciton states and optical absorption in quantum wires under laser radiation", "The random phase property and the Lyapunov spectrum for multi-channel disordered systems", "Critical parameters from generalised multifractal analysis at the Anderson Transition", "Symmetry Content and Observation of Charged Collective Excitations in Graphene in Strong Magnetic Fields" | |
20 May 2010 | Complexity and Nonlinear Phenomena in Biological Systems, Bath | "Comparative analysis of rigidity across protein families" | |
19 May 2010 | Theory Seminar, University of Bath (Dr. K.D. Klotsa) | "Exciton storage in a nano-scale Aharonov-Bohm ring with electric field" | |
2010 | T2 | ||
15-19 March 2010 | APS March Meeting, Portland | "Comparative analysis of rigidity across protein families", "Collective Excitations in Graphene in a Strong Magnetic Field", "Critical exponents of the three-dimensional Anderson transition from multifractal analysis", "The random phase property and the Lyapunov spectrum for disordered multi-channel systems" | |
19 February 2010 | Department of Mathematics, Warwick (Prof. Andrew Stuart) | "The random phase property and the Lyapunov spectrum for multi-channel disordered systems" | |
2009 | T1 | ||
15-19 December 2009 | The 2009 Conference on Computational Physics (CCP 2009Link opens in a new window) in Kaohsiung, Taiwan | "Point-Mutation Effects on Charge-Transport Properties of DNA", "Localized Collective Excitations in Doped Graphene in Strong Magnetic Fields", "Multifractal Analysis with the Probability Density Function at the Three-Dimensional Anderson Transition"," Comparative analysis of rigidity across protein families" | |
24 November 2009 | Warwick International Digital Laboratory (Dr. Kurt Debattista) | "Multifractal and other analyses in the Centre for Scientific Computing" | |
9 October 2009 | Aston University (Dr. Roberto Alamino) | "Multifractal analysis with the probability density function at the three-dimensional Anderson transition" | |
2009 | T3 | ||
24 - 24 August 2009 | Quantum Simulations (QuantSim09), CSC/Mathematics, University of Warwick | organizer with A. Troisi, for more information, please email | |
8-9 July 2009 | TU Ilmenau, Germany | "Multifractals, nano-rings and double helices: computational physics in the quantum regime", "Percolation", "Warwick's Centre for Scientific Computing and the Midlands Alliance for Research Computing" | |
1-5 June 2009 | From DNA-Inspired Physics to Physics-Inspired Biology, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy | "Electronic transport in DNA and other speculations" | |
13 May 2009 | Royal Holloway, London (Dr. Andrew Ho) | "Multifractal analysis with the probability density function at the three-dimensional Anderson transition" | |
2009 | T2 | ||
22-27 March 2009 | DPG March Meeting, Dresden | "Pebble-game rigidity analysis of protein crystal structures is highly sensitive to small structural variations" (BP7.31), "Transfer matrix modelling of DNA charge transport with a diagonal-ladder model" (BP7.52), "Probability density function at the 3D Anderson transition" (DY6.5), "Exciton storage in a nano-scale Aharonov-Bohm ring with electric field tuning" (HL39.7) | |
20 March 2009 | Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany | "Electronic transport in DNA and other speculations" | |
2-7 March 2009 | Graphene Week 2009, Innsbruck, Austria | "Magnetoplasmons bound to charged defects in graphene in strong magnetic fields" | |
18 February 2009 | Imperial College, London (Prof. Derek Lee) | "Multifractal analysis of the metal-insulator transition in the 3D Anderson model" | |
16 Januray 2009 | Trinity inauguration, TU Chemnitz (Prof. Michael Schreiber) | "High-performance computing – the view from the island" | |
2008 | T1 | ||
3-7 November 2008 | Delocalization transitions and multifractality (Gregynog Hall, Wales, part of the programme on Anderson Localization taking place in July-December 2008 at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge) | "Multifractal Analysis of the Metal-Insulator Transition in the 3D Anderson model", "Critical parameters for the disorder-induced metal-insulator transition in FCC and BCC lattices", "Exciton storage in a nano-scale Aharonov-Bohm ring with electric field" | |
2008 | T3 | ||
8 - 12 September 2008 | 6th International Workshop on Disordered Systems (Cordoba, Argentina) | "Electric Transport Properties of the p53 Gene and the Effects of Point Mutations" | |
22 - 30 May 2008 | "The Mathematics, Physics and Computing of the Anderson model of Localization: Multifractal analysis, Lyapunov exponents and Large Scale Diagonalization Techniques", Dpto Matemática Aplicada y Estabística, E.U.I.T. Aeronáutics. U.P.M. (Madrid, Spain) | "Multifractal Analysis of the Metal-Insulator Transition in the 3D Anderson model", "Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths of quasi-1D systems", "On Large Scale Diagonalization Techniques for the Anderson Model of Localization" | |
8 May 2008 | Theory Seminar (University of Warwick) | "Electronic transport in DNA, p53 and other speculations" | |
2008 | T2 | ||
26-28 March 2008 | Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 2008, Royal Holloway | "Multifractal Analysis of the Metal-Insulator Transition in the 3D Anderson model", "Critical parameters for the disorder-induced metal-insulator transition in FCC and BCC lattices", "Extending transfer-matrix studies of charge transport in dsDNA: diagonal ladder model" | |
25 March 2008 | Tunghai University, (Prof. C.-T. Shih) | "Compressibility stripes for mesoscopic quantum Hall samples" | |
21 March - 8 April 2008 | 2008 NCTS March Workshop on Critical Phenomena and Complex Systems, Academica Sinica (Prof. C.-K. Hu, Prof. C.-T. Shih) | "Electric Transport Properties of DNA and its ramifications", "Multifractal analysis, random-matrix theory and all that", "Anderson localization and the disorder-induced metal-insulator transition" | |
10-14 March 2008 | APS March Meeting 2008, New Orleans | "Multifractal Analysis of the Metal-Insulator Transition in the 3D Anderson model" (C1.288, "Critical parameters for the disorder-induced metal-insulator transition in FCC and BCC lattices" (C1.210), "Point Mutations Effects on Charge Transport Properties of the Tumor-Suppressor Gene p53" (C1.84), "Extending transfer-matrix studies of charge transport in dsDNA: diagonal ladder model" (X22.6) | |
25-29 February 2008 | DPG March Meeting, Berlin | "Electric Transport Properties of the p53 Gene and the Effects of Point Mutations" (DY5.1), "Multifractal Analysis of the Metal-Insulator Transition in the 3D Anderson model" (DY17.9), "Critical parameters for the disorder-induced metal-insulator transition in FCC and BCC lattices" (DY17.7), "The random phase hypothesis and the circular ensembles" (DY17.4) | |
12 February 2008 | Durham University (Dr. B. Piette) | "Electric Transport Properties of the p53 Gene and the Effects of Point Mutations" | |
28-30 January 2008 | Montant Universität Leoben (Prof. J. Oswald) | "The Physics of Disordered Quantum Systems - bigger, smaller and alive" | |
2007 | T1 | ||
17 December 2007 | IOP Theory of Condensed Matter Meeting, Warwick | "Electric Transport Properties of the p53 Gene and the Effects of Point Mutations", "Multifractal Analysis of the Metal-Insulator Transition in the 2D Anderson model", "Critical parameters for the disorder-induced metal-insulator transition in FCC and BCC lattices" | |
10-14 December 2007 | Universität Erlangen (Prof. H. Schulz-Baldes) | "Electric Transport Properties of the p53 Gene and the Effects of Point Mutations" | |
2007 | T3 | ||
6 - 10 August 2007 | Transport and Interactions in Disordered Systems, Marburg | "Compressibility stripes for mesoscopic quantum Hall samples", "Excitonic Aharonov-Bohm effect in the presence of an electric field", "The application of multigrid methods to the Helmhotz/Anderson problem" | |
2007 | T2 | ||
11-13 April 2007 | CMMP 2007, Leicester | "Excitonic Aharonov-Bohm effect in the presense of an electric field", "The application of multigrid methods to the Helmholtz/Anderson problem", "Compressibility stripes for mesoscopic quantum Hall samples" | |
26-30 March 2007 | DPG March Meeting, Regensburg | "El Niño and the Delayed Action Oscillator", "Excitonic Aharonov-Bohm effect in the presense of an electric field", "The application of multigrid methods to the Helmholtz/Anderson problem", "Compressibility stripes for mesoscopic quantum Hall samples" | |
1 March 2007 | University of Nottingham (Dr. Andrew Armour) | "Electronic transport in DNA - the tight-binding perspective" | |
9 February 2007 | University of Exeter (Prof. Mark McCaughrean) | "Electronic transport in DNA - the tight-binding perspective" | |
10-17 January 2007 | Universität Erlangen (Prof. H. Schulz-Baldes) | "The interplay of disorder and interactions in the quantum world" | |
2006 | T1 | ||
24 November 2006 | Universität Bayreuth (Prof. W. Zimmermann) | "Das Zusammenspiel von Unordnung und Wechselwirkung in der Quantenwelt" | |
23 October 2006 | Complexity Day, Warwick | "Localization as complexity in time" | |
2006 | T3 | ||
18-25 September 2006 | 5th International Workshop on Disordered Systems (Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil) | "Electronic Transport in DNA - the localization perspective", "Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths of quasi-1D systems", "On Large Scale Diagonalization Techniques for the Anderson Model of Localization" | |
5 - 12 September 2006 | International Centre for Condensed Matter Physics, Brasilia (Prof. Mikhail E. Portnoi) | "Electronic Transport in DNA - the localization perspective", "Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths of quasi-1D systems" | |
29 June - 1 July 2006 | 16. Workshop on Lattice Field Theory and Statistical Physics (Coventry University, Coventry) | "Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths of quasi-1D systems" | |
19 June 2006 | Biophysical Chemistry Group Meeting (British Biophysical Society, Warwick) | "Electronic Transport in DNA - the localization perspective" | |
12 June 2006 | Applied Mathematics Seminar (Warwick) | "On Large Scale Diagonalization Techniques for the Anderson Model of Localization" | |
6-9 June 2006 | Charge Migration in DNA: Physics, Chemistry & Biology Perspectives (University of Manitoba) | "Tight-binding models for electronic transport in DNA - the physics approach" | |
2006 | T2 | ||
19-21 April 2005 | Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference (CMMP06), University of Exeter | "Electronic Transport in DNA - the Disorder Perspective" (NANO), "Interactions in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect" (P1.56), "On large scale diagonalization techniques for the Anderson model of localization" (P2.76), "Aharonov-Bohm effect for an exciton in a finite width nano-ring" (P2.77) | |
7-8 April 2006 | Vielberth-Symposium on DNA-Nanoelectronics: Theory and Experiment (Universität Regensburg) | "Electronic Transport in DNA - the DNA test suite" | |
24 February 2006 | Bristol University (Dr. Roman Schubert) | "Electronic Transport in DNA" | |
2005 | T1 | ||
22 December 2005 | Universität Ulm | "Die Physik ungeordneter Quanten-Systeme: Größer, kleiner und lebendig" | |
16 December 2005 | Mathematical Physics in Berlin: Positivity and Integrability (PosInt05), FU Berlin | organizer with M. Schmidt, for more information, please email | |
7 December 2005 | Tunghai University/National Central University (Dr. Chi-Tin Shih ) | "Electronic Transport in DNA - the disorder perspective" | |
26 - 28 October 2005 | 23rd SPP Physics Congress (Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas), Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo City | Plenary: "The Physics of Disordered Quantum Systems - bigger, smaller and alive", Posters: "Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths of quasi-1D systems", "Electronic Transport in DNA", "Fluctuating Hall resistance defeats the quantized Hall insulator" | |
2005 | T3 | ||
21 - 27 August 2005 | TIDS11, Egmond aan Zee | "Electronic Transport in DNA", "Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths of quasi-1D systems", "The extended-Harris criterion and scale-free disorder in the 3D Anderson model of localization", "Interaction at the Integer Quantum Hall Transition", "Thermoelectric Properties in Mesoscopic Systems" | |
7 May 2005 | Open Day, Warwick | "El Niño, La Niña and the rest of the family - Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics in the Southern Pacific" | |
11-13 April 2005 | GLAMOR2005, University of Cambridge | "Thermoelectric Properties of Disordered Systems", "Interactions at the Integer Quantum Hall Transition", "Electronic Transport in DNA", "Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths of quasi-1D systems" | |
10-14 April 2005 | physics - a century after Einstein, University of Warwick | "Thermoelectric Properties of Disordered Systems", "Interactions at the Integer Quantum Hall Transition", "Elecctronic Transport in DNA", "Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths of quasi-1D systems" | |
2005 | T2 | ||
15-16 March 2005 | Quantum Lattice Models, Warwick | "Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths of quasi-1D systems" | |
4-9 March 2005 | Physik seit Einstein - DPG March Meeting, Berlin | "Thermoelectric Properties of Disordered Systems" (HL57.9), "Interactions at the Integer Quantum Hall Transition" (HL58.17) | |
2004 | T1 | ||
9-10 December 2004 | First International Symposium on Cellular Computing (CELLCOM1), University of Warwick | "Electronic Transport in DNA: sequence-dependent localization" | |
23 November 2004 | Queen Mary / University of London (Dr. Wolfram Just) | "Electronic Transport in DNA - the disorder perspective" | |
15 November 2004 | Universität Konstanz (Dipl.-Phys. Hanns Fahlbusch) | "Electronic Transport in Disordered Systems and DNA" | |
12 October 2004 | IoP evening talk, University of Warwick (Dr. John Duffy) | "El Niño and the physics of the equatorial Pacific" | |
11 October 2004 | Applied Maths Day (Dr. Oleg Zaboronski) | "Disordered Quantum Systems" | |
2004 | T3 | ||
19-24 September 2004 | IV International Workshop on Disordered Systems (IWDS4), Madrid | "Scale-free disorder and its effects on localization-delocalization transitions in 2D and 3D", "Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths of quasi-1D systems", "Fluctuating Hall resistance defeats the quantized Hall insulator", "Electronic Transport in DNA - the Disorder Perspective" | |
26-30 July 2004 | 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS27), Flagstaff | "Electronic Transport in DNA" (), "The extended-Harris criterion and scale-free disorder in the 3D Anderson model of localization" () | |
4-9 July 2004 | 22nd International Conference on Statistical Physics (STATPHYS22), Bangalore | "Electronic Transport in DNA" (), "The extended-Harris criterion and scale-free disorder in the 3D Anderson model of localization" (), "Renormalizing into the mesoscopic quantum Hall insulator" (), "Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths" () | |
8 June 2004 | TU Chemnitz (DP Philipp Cain ) | "Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths in quasi-1D" | |
30 May - 25 June 2004 | Cooperative Phenomena in Optics and Transport in Nanostructures (CoPhen04), MPI PKS Dresden | organizer with M. Portnoi and T. Shahbazyan, for more information, please email | |
2-8 May 2004 | Mathematics and Physics of Disordered Systems (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany) | "Localization length at weak disorder in quasi-1D", "The Anderson model of Localization with Scale Free disorder", "Energy level statistics at the integer quantum Hall transition" | |
2004 | T2 | ||
4-7 April 2004 | Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference (CMMP04), Warwick | "Computation of the local density of states for a 2D disordered electron system" (), "Thermoelectric Properties of Disordered Systems" (), "Electronic Transport in DNA" (), "The extended-Harris criterion and scale-free disorder in the 3D Anderson model of localization" (), "Renormalizing into the mesoscopic quantum Hall insulator" (), "Periodic solutions and bi-directional solitons in the bKK and bSH equations" (), "Interactions and Integer Quantum Hall Fluctuations" (), Thermopower and Magnetotransport in p-Si:B/Si1-xGex/Si and p-Si:B/Si Stuctures Grown by MBE (SIL.P.2.6) | |
8-12 March 2004 | DPG meeting, Regensburg | "Computation of the local density of states for a 2D disordered electron system" (HL 44.61), "Thermoelectric Properties of Disordered Systems" (HL 44.60), "Electronic Transport in DNA" (AKB 50.52), "The extended-Harris criterion and scale-free disorder in the 3D Anderson model of localization" (TT 30.7), "Renormalizing into the mesoscopic quantum Hall insulator" (HL 22.2), "Interactions and Integer Quantum Hall Fluctuations" (HL 12.46) | |
20 February 2004 | Interdisciplinary workshop "Quantum Mechanics and Computing in Physics, Mathematics and Biology" (QMQC04), Centre for Scientific Computing | organizer with T. Brandes, for more information, please email | |
29 January 2004 | University of Cambridge (Prof. Dima Khmelnitskii) | "Electronic transport in DNA - the disorder perspective" | |
8-9 January 2003 | EPSRC Novel Computation Initiative Cellular Computing Cluster, University of Warwick | "Electronic transport in DNA - the disorder perspective" | |
2003 | T1 | ||
17 December 2003 | IOP TCM group meeting, Warwick | "Computation of the local density of states for a 2D disordered electron system" (), "Electronic Transport in DNA" (), "The extended-Harris criterion and scale-free disorder in the 3D Anderson model of localization" (), "Renormalizing into the mesoscopic quantum Hall insulator" (), "Periodic solutions and bi-directional solitons in the bKK and bSH equations" (), "Interactions and Integer Quantum Hall Fluctuations" () | |
7-10 December 2003 | TU Berlin (Dr. Hermann Schulz-Baldes ) | "Electronic transport in DNA - the disorder perspective" | |
12 November 2003 | University of Leeds (Dr. Chris Marrow) | "Electronic transport in DNA - the disorder perspective" | |
22 October 2003 | Bristol University (Prof. James Annett) | "Aharonov-Bohm effects for excitons and trions on nano-rings" | |
12-14 October 2003 | Electronic excitations in quasicrystals (TU Chemnitz) | "Interacting particles at a quasi-periodicity-induced metal-insulator transition" | |
9 October 2003 | TU Ilmenau (Prof. Philipp Maaß) | "Elektronische Leitfähigkeit von DNA - ein Paradebeispiel von Physik auf biologischen Nanostrukturen" | |
2003 | T3 | ||
28 July 2003 | HEFCE WP Summer school (Dr. Liz Parvin) | "El Niño and the physics of the equatorial Pacific" | |
4 July 2003 | teachers training day (Dr. Liz Parvin) | "El Niño and the physics of the equatorial Pacific" | |
1 July 2003 | Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, (Prof. Chris Eilbeck) | "Aharonov-Bohm effect for excitons and trions in nano-rings" | |
30 May - June 6 2003 | XXXII International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds "Jaszowiec 2003" (Jaszowiec, Poland) | "Thermopower and magnetotransport in p-Si:B/Si1-XGeX/Si and p-Si:B/Si structures grown by MBE" (26) | |
23 May 2003 | Inaugural meeting and AGM of the Nanoscale Physics and Technology Group of the IOP (University of Reading) | "Excitons, trions and the AB effect in semiconductor nanorings" | |
14 May 2003 | TU Chemnitz (Prof. Michael Schreiber) | "A recursive formulation of thermoelectric transport in disordered systems" | |
7 May 2003 | Midlands e-Science Centre of Excellence in Modelling and Analysis of Large Complex Systems (MeSC), University of Birmingham | "Computational physics of disordered and interacting quantum systems" | |
5-16 May 2003 | Off-shell effects in quantum transport (MPIPKS Dresden) | "A recursive formulation of thermoelectric transport in disordered systems", "Localization properties of two interacting particles in a quasi-periodic potential with a metal-insulator transition", "Magneto-transport in periodic and quasiperiodic arrays of mesoscopic rings", "Renormalization group approach to energy level statistics at the integer quantum Hall transition" | |
23 April 2003 | U Nottingham (Dr. Andrew Armour) | "Renormalization group approach to energy level spacing at the integer quantum Hall transition" | |
6-9 April 2003 | CMMP03 meeting, Belfast | "The Anderson model of localization with scale-free disorder" (SET.P.2.6), "Magneto-transport in periodic and quasiperiodic arrays of mesoscopic rings" (MES.P.2.1), "Thermoelectric properties of disordered systems" (SET.P.2.1), "Renormalization group approach to energy level statistics at the integer quantum Hall transition" (SET.P.2.2) | |
2003 | T2 | ||
24-28 März 2003 | DPG meeting, Dresden | "Real-space renormalization, percolation and statistics at the quantum Hall transition" (DY 50.4), "The Anderson model of localization with scale-free disorder" (TT 14.81), "Magneto-transport in periodic and quasiperiodic arrays of mesoscopic rings" (TT 12.8), "Thermoelectric properties of disordered systems" (HL 49.17), "Renormalization group approach to energy level statistics at the integer quantum Hall transition" (HL 49.5), "A matrix model for fractional quantum Hall states" (TT 7.3) | |
10 March 2003 | Lunch Bytes, University of Warwick | "Transfer-Matrix Methods for Disordered Systems" | |
25 February 2003 | The Open University, Milton Keynes (Dr. Uwe Grimm) | "Applications of percolation real-space RG to statistical properties at the quantum Hall transition" | |
19 February 2003 | Quantum Theory and Applications, University of Warwick (Dr. Oleg Zaboronski) | "Applications of percolation-type real-space RG to statistical properties at the quantum Hall transition" | |
17 February 2003 | MIR@W day, University of Warwick (Dr. Anna Litvak Hinenzon) | "Electron localization, metal-insulator transition and all that" | |
9-10 January 2003 | DFG, Priority Research on Quantum-Hall Systems, Bad Honnef | "Renormalization group approach to energy level spacing at the integer quantum Hall transition" | |
7 January 2003 | U Augsburg (Prof. Ulrich Eckern) | "Renormalization group approach to energy level spacing at the integer quantum Hall transition" | |
2002 | T1 | ||
17 December 2002 | IoP Condensed Matter Theory Group, U Loughborough | "Thermoelectric properties of disordered systems" | |
4 December 2002 | U Marburg (Prof. Florian Gebhard) | "Interactions in the magic triangle of quantum physics" | |
22 November 2002 | UMIST, Manchester (Dr. Tobias Brandes) | "The Aharonov-Bohm effect for neutral excitons: quantum interactions at the nano-scale" | |
13 November 2002 | Imperial College, London (Prof. Kim Christensen) | "Real-space renormalization group approach to conductance distributions, inhomogeneities and energy-level statistics at the integer quantum-Hall transition" | |
2002 | SS | ||
20 - 27 August 2002 | The 23rd International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, International Conference Center, Hiroshima, Japan | "Energy level spacing distribution at the quantum Hall transition" (LT2922), "Correlation analysis for the Calogero-Sutherland model" (LT3628), "Direct comparison between potential landscape and local density of states in a disordered two-dimensional electron system" (LT3643) | |
16 - 19 August 2002 | Localisation 2002: International Conference on Quantum Transport and Quantum Coherence, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan | "Energy level spacing distribution at the quantum Hall transition" (), "Interacting particles at the metal-insulator transition" (), "Finite-Size Scaling of the Level Compressibility at the Anderson Transition" (), "Exponents of the localization lengths in the Anderson model with off-diagonal disorder" (), "A Matrix Model for Fractional Quantum Hall States" (), "Thermoelectric Properties of Disordered Systems" () | |
26 July - 2 August 2002 | 26th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Edinburgh | "Localization properties of two interacting particles in a quasi-periodic potential with a metal-insulator transition" (P9), "Finite-Size Scaling of the Level Compressibility at the Anderson Transition" (P161), "Energy level spacing distribution at the quantum Hall transition" (P139) | |
1 July 2002 | Universität Mainz (Prof. Dr. P. van Dongen) | "The Aharonov-Bohm effect for neutral excitons: how quantum mechanics works at the nano-scale" | |
24 - 26 April 2002 | University of Warwick, Coventry | "Computational physics in the magical triangle of statistical physics" | |
7 - 11 April 2002 | 19th CMD/EPS meeting, Bristol | "Finite-Size Scaling of the Level Compressibility at the Anderson Transition" (S9.P.1.24), "Energy level spacing distribution at the quantum Hall transition" (S9.P.1.20) | |
2001/02 | WS | ||
18 - 22 March 2002 | APS meeting, Indianapolis | "Finite-Size Scaling of the Level Compressibility at the Anderson Transition" [B21.006], "Energy level spacing distribution at the quantum Hall transition" [C33.157], "Exponents of the localization lengths in the Anderson model with off-diagonal disorder" [J21.003], "Magneto-transport in periodic and quasiperiodic arrays of mesoscopic rings" [C33.150], "Calculating Thermoelectric Transport Properties the Microscopic Way" [M33.138] | |
18 - 22 March 2002 | DPG meeting, Leipzig | "Hellmann-Feynman theorem and correlation-fluctuation analysis for the Calogero-Sutherland model" (MA 17.1) | |
11 - 15 March 2002 | DPG meeting, Regensburg | "Localization properties of two interacting particles in a quasi-periodic potential with a metal-insulator transition" (HL 11.1), "Exponents of the localization lengths in the Anderson model with off-diagonal disorder" (HL 16.11), "Energy level spacing distribution at the quantum Hall transition" (HL 11.37), "Hellmann-Feynman theorem and correlation-fluctuation analysis for the Calogero-Sutherland model" (TT 7.36), "A supersymmetric Uq[osp(2|2)]-extended Hubbard model with boundary fields" (TT 7.42), "Interacting particles at the metal-insulator transition" (TT 22.18), "Finite-Size Scaling of the Level Compressibility at the Anderson Transition" (DY 15.3) | |
25 February - 1 March 2002 | 12th International Winterschool on New Developments in Solid State Physics "Low-dimensional Systems: From 2D to Molecules", Mauterndorf | "Finite-Size Scaling of the Level Compressibility at the Anderson Transition", "Energy level spacing distribution at the quantum Hall transition" | |
10. January 2002 | Tag der Offenen Tür, Chemnitz | "Physik der Unsch?rfe - Unscharfe Physik ? Eine anschauliche Darstellung der Quantenmechanik" | |
19-20 December 2001 | Verlängerungs-Kolloquium DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm "Quanten-Hall-Systeme", Bad Honnef | "Anwendung der Renormierungsgruppen-Methode auf Quanten-Hall-Systeme und Elektron-Elektron-Wechselwirkung" | |
17 December 2001 | Universität Bonn (Prof. Dr. H. Monien) | "Das magische Dreieck der statistichen (Quanten-) Physik" | |
11-15 December 2001 | International Symposium: "Quantum-Hall-Effect and Heterostructures" (266. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus - Seminar), Würzburg | "Localization-Delocalization quantum Hall transition in the presence of a quenched disorder" | |
10 December 2001 | University of Exeter, Great Britain (Dr. M.E. Portnoi) | "Inhomogeneities at the Integer Quantum-Hall Transition" | |
5 December 2001 | Heisenberg Gymnasium Chemnitz (J. Hoffmann) | "Das Leben und Werk Werner Heisenbergs" | |
31 October 2001 | Universität Hamburg (Prof. Dr. U. Merkt) | "Macroscopic inhomogeneities at the quantum Hall transition", "Aharonov-Bohm effect for excitons and trions in semiconductor nano-rings" | |
05 October 2001 | Lehrerfortbildung, Chemnitz | "El Niño - die Physik des Klimas im äquatorialen Pazifik" | |
2001 | SS | ||
21-23 September 2001 | 3. QH-Symposium, Gedern | organizer together with M. Morgenstern, for more information, please email | |
4-8 September 2001 | Conference on Computational Physics 2001, Aachen | "Applications of cluster computing for the Anderson model of localization" (B25) | |
24 August 2001 | University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka (Prof. Dr. W.G.D. Dharmaratna) | "The Aharonov-Bohm effect for neutral excitons: how quantum mechanics works at the nano-scale" | |
17 August 2001 | Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka (Dr. A. Nanayakkare) | "The Aharonov-Bohm effect for neutral excitons: how quantum mechanics works at the nano-scale" | |
16 August 2001 | University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka (Dr. U. Sonnedra) | "The Aharonov-Bohm effect for neutral excitons: how quantum mechanics works at the nano-scale" | |
15-21 July 2001 | StatPhys21, Cancun, Mexico | "Correlation analysis for the CS model" (9), "Exact-diagonalization study of rare events in disordered systems" (10), "Thermoelectric transport properties in amorphous materials at the metal-insulator transition" (10), "Localization-Delocalization quantum Hall transition in the presence of a quenched disorder" (2), "Two and more interacting particles at a metal-insulator transition" (9), "Disorder and Two-Particle Interaction in Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems" (10) | |
9. June 2000 | Tag der Offenen Tür, Chemnitz | "El Niño - Eine Klimaschaukel im Südpazifik | |
2000/01 | WS | ||
6 - 7 April 2001 | Mini Workshop on Trion Physics, HU Berlin | "Magnetoluminescence for Ortho- and Para-Trions in Semiconductor Nano-Rings" | |
26 - 30 March 2001 | DPG meeting, Hamburg | "Trion luminescence from a semiconductor nanoring" (HL 16.4), "Exact-diagonalization study of rare events in disordered conductors" (DY 14.5), "Makroskopische Inhomogenitäten am Quanten-Hall-Übergang" (HL 15.1), "Thermoelectric transport properties in amorphous materials at the metal-insulator transition" (TT 21.3), "Two and more interacting particles at a metal-insulator transition" (TT 25.62), "Finite-Size Scaling of the Level Compressibility at the Anderson Transition" (TT 25.64) | |
12 - 16 March 2001 | APS March meeting, Seattle | "Trion luminescence from a semiconductor nanoring" (13.2, Q33), "Exact-diagonalization study of rare events in disordered conductors" (1.4, R40), "Thermoelectric transport properties in amorphous materials at the metal-insulator transition" (2.4, V30) | |
31 January 2001 | HU Berlin (Prof. R. Zimmermann) | "Exzitonen und Trionen in Halbleiterringen" | |
29 January 2001 | Universit?t Hamburg (Dr. M. Morgenstern) | "Wavefunction statistics in the Anderson model of localization" | |
6 December 2000 | Philipps-Universit?t Marburg (Prof. Dr. P. Thomas, Dr. Torsten Meier) | "Excitons, trions and the AB effect in semiconductor nanorings" | |
17 November 2000 | "Physik - wie Forschung Spaß macht", Chemnitz | "El Niño - Eine Klimaschaukel im Südpazifik" | |
16 October 2000 | Lehrerfortbildung, Chemnitz | "El Niño und die Physik von Ozean und Atmosphäre im Südpazifik" | |
2000 | SS | ||
25 September - 06 October 2000 | WE-HERAEUS-FERIENKURS für Physik Vom Billardtisch bis Monte Carlo - Spielfelder der Statistischen Physik (TU Chemnitz) | "Perkolation und Renormierung am Quanten-Hall-?bergang" | |
17 - 22 September 2000 | 25th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (Osaka, Japan) | "Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in the exciton luminescence from a semiconductor nanoring" (fa880SO2), "Critical properties of the metal-insulator transition in anisotropic systems" (aa842WI4) | |
12 - 16 July 2000 | Statistical Mechanics of Space-Time Chaos (MPIPKS Dresden) | "Wave function statistics in the Anderson model of localization" | |
5 - 7 July 2000 | Quanten-Hall-Effekt in Schloß (Schloß Ringberg) | "Einfluß makroskopischer Inhomogenitäten auf den Quanten-Hall-Übergang" | |
28 June 2000 | Fachhochschule Jena (Dr. Victor A. Malyshev) | "Das Wechselspiel von Unordnung und elektronischer Korrelation in Halbleiterstrukturen" | |
16 May 2000 | Universität Ulm (Dr. Klaus Thonke) | "Der Aharonov-Bohm-Effekt für ein Exziton in einem Nano-Ring" | |
28 - 30 April 2000 | Schwerpunkttreffen "Quantum-Hall-Systeme" ELSTER00, Bad Elster | "El Niño and the physics of the equatorial Pacific", organizer together with B. Huckestein, for more information, please email | |
19 April 2000 | Wissenschaftlicher Vortrag im Rahmen des Habilitationsverfahrens, Chemnitz | "El Niño and the physics of the equatorial Pacific" | |
19 April 2000 | Wissenschaftlicher Lehrvortrag im Rahmen des Habilitationsverfahrens, Chemnitz | "Die Pfadintegraldarstellung der Quantenmechanik" | |
10 - 13 April 2000 | Nonlinear Optics and Excitation Kinetics in Semiconductors (NOEKS), Marburg | "The Aharonov-Bohm Effect for an Exciton" | |
1999/00 | WS | ||
27 - 31 March 2000 | DPG meeting, Regensburg | "Wave function statistics in the Anderson model of localization" (DY 17.3), "Einfluß makroskopischer Inhomogenitäten auf den Quanten-Hall-Übergang" (HL 12.7), "The behavior of the thermopower in amorphous materials at the metal-insulator transition" (TT 22.61), "Critical properties of the metal-insulator transition in anisotropic systems" (HL 12.74), "The Aharonov-Bohm effect for an exciton" (HL 14.8), "Numerical results for two interacting-particles in a 2D random environment" (TT 22.60) | |
21 - 25 February 2000 | Low-dimensional systems: fundamentals and applications, Mauterndorf | "The Aharonov-Bohm effect for an exciton", "Numerical results for two interacting particles in a 2D random environment" | |
19 November 1999 | University of Utah (Prof. Dr. M. E. Raikh) | "The disordered two-interacting-particle problem" | |
1999 | SS | ||
13 September 1999 | Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Colombo University, Colombo, Sri Lanka (Dr. W.G.D. Dharmaratna) | "New results on the interplay of interactions and disorder" | |
7 - 10 September 1999 | Hopping and related phenomena 8, Murcia, Spain | "Two interacting particles in a two-dimensional random environment" | |
30 July - 3 August 1999 | Localization 1999, Universität Hamburg | "Numerical results for two interacting particles in a random environment" local organizing committee with Bernhard Kramer (Hamburg, conference chairman), Tobias Brandes (Hamburg), Thomas Vojta (Chemnitz), Isa Zharekeshev (Hamburg), for more information, please email |
26 June 1999 | Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium, Chemnitz (N. Bitterlich) | "Fraktale" | |
3 - 7 June 1999 | University of Exeter, Great Britain (Dr. M.E. Portnoi) | "Interacting electron flakes" | |
11 - 15 May 1999 | Dynamics of Complex Systems, MPIPKS Dresden | "Using the decimation method for two interacting particles in a two-dimensional random environment" | |
6 May 1999 | U Hannover (DP O. Pfennigstorf) | "Der unordnungs-induzierte Metall-Isolator-Übergang" | |
1998/99 | WS | ||
22 - 26 March 1999 | DPG-meeting in Münster | "Metall-Isolator-Übergang im Anderson-Modell der Lokalisierung mit anisotropen Hüpfelementen" (HL 12.74), "Incipient localisation in the Anderson model" (DY 41.26), "The Thermoelectric Power of Disordered Systems near the Anderson Transition" (TT 21.78), "Integrable impurities for a small-polaron model with general open boundary conditions" (TT 21.64), "Two interacting particles in a two dimensional random environment" (HL 38.2), "Das dreidimensionale Anderson-Modell der Lokalisierung mit nichtdiagonaler Unordnung" (HL 12.73), "Elektronenspektren in topologisch ungeordneten Systemen" (DY 20.31), "Energieniveaustatistik quasiperiodischer Tight-Binding-Modelle" (M 3.9) | |
7 February - 5 March 1999 | COOP99, MPI-PKS Dresden | coorganizer with M. Baake, U. Grimm, and M. Schreiber, for more information, please email | |
3 December 1998 | MPI-PKS Dresden (Dr. G. Schliecker) | "Disordered quantum systems with interactions" | |
26 - 27 November 1998 | From mesoscopic to microscopic quantum transport: new trends in theory and experiment (TRANSP), MPI-PKS Dresden | "Wave function statistics in the Anderson model of localization close to the metal-insulator transition" | |
13 - 15 November 1998 | Symposium "Elektronen in Quasikristallen" des DFG-Schwerpunktes "Quasikristalle" | "Elektronen in ungeordneten Materialien" | |
21 October 1998 | TU Chemnitz | "Wechselwirkende Elektronenflocken", Vorstellungsvortrag im Rahmen des Habilitationsverfahrens | |
6 - 9 October 1998 | 210. WE-Heraeus Seminar PILS'98, Berlin | coorganizer with M. Schreiber and T. Vojta, for more information, please email | |
1998 | SS | ||
14 - 17 July 1998 | Percolation98, Rauischholzhausen | "Interaction-dependent enhancement of the localization length for two-interacting particles in a one-dimensional random potential" | |
7 July 1998 | Universität Leipzig (Prof. W. Janke) | "Das Anderson-Modell der Lokalisierung als Herausforderung für numerische Eigenwertlöser " | |
1998/97 | WS | ||
23 - 27 March 1998 | DPG-meeting in Regensburg | "Eigenwertstatistik im Anderson-Modell der Lokalisierung mit anisotropen Hüpfelementen" (DY 53.7), "Universal parametric correlations in complex quantum systems" (DY 18.35), "Level-Spacing Distributions of Planar Quasi-periodic Tight-Binding Models" (DY 18.31), "Interaction-dependent enhancement of the localization length for two-interacting particles in a one-dimensional random potential" (SYD 3.3), "Zwei wechselwirkende Teilchen in einem eindimensionalen Zufallspotential: Delokalisierung durch Wechselwirkung?" (SYD 2.1), "Das dreidimensionale Anderson-Unordnungsmodell mit zufälligem Hüpfen" (TT 21.23) | |
23 - 27 February 1998 | New frontiers in low-dimensional systems, Mauterndorf, Austria | "Two interacting particles in a random potential: delocalization due to interaction?", "Energy level statistics at the metal-insulator transition in the Anderson model of localization with anisotropic hopping", "Universal parametric correlations in complex quantum systems" | |
28 January 1998 | Universität Hamburg (Dr. I. Zharekeshev) | "Two interacting particles in a one-dimensional random potential: delocalization due to interaction?" | |
15 - 18 January 1998 | Alexander von Humboldt Seminarkolleg | "Two interacting particles in a one-dimensional random potential: delocalization due to interaction?" | |
10-12 November 1997 | Graduiertenkolleg "Nanostrukturen", Hohenstein-Ernstthal | "Zwei Teilchen in einem Zufallspotential: Delokalisierung durch Wechselwirkung?" | |
1997 | SS | ||
19 - 22 August 1997 | Hopping and related phenomena, Rackeve, Hungary | "No enhancement of the localization length for two interacting particles in a random potential", "The 2D Anderson model of disorder with random hopping" | |
6 August 1997 | University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (Dr. W.G.D. Dharmaratna) | "Metal-insulator transitions in the quantum regime" | |
23 - 25 June 1997 | From Correlated Electrons to the Quantum Mechanics of Complex Systems, MPI PKS Dresden | "Two interacting particles in a 1-D random potential: delocalization due to interaction ?" | |
1997/96 | WS | ||
17 - 21 March 1997 | DPG-meeting in Münster | "Metall-Isolator-Übergang im Anderson-Modell der Lokalisierung mit anisotroper Wechselwirkung" (DY 19.66), "No enhancement of the localization length for two interacting particles in a random potential" (TT 10.10), "Das ungeordnete eindimensionale Hubbard-Modell bei halber Füllung" (TT 14.4), "Das Anderson-Unordnungsmodell mit nicht-diagonalem Hüpfen" (TT 14.55), "Zwei wechselwirkende Teilchen am Metall-Isolator-Übergang" (TT 14.61) | |
17 February 1997 | Universität Bayreuth (Dr. J. Voit) | "Eine Ecke im magischen Dreieck der statistischen Physik: Die Familie der 1/r2 Quantenvielteilchensysteme" | |
12 February 1997 | Universität Augsburg (Dr. P. Schwab) | "Zwei Teilchen in einem ein-dimensionalen Zufallspotential: Delokalisierung durch Wechselwirkung ?" | |
1996 | SS | ||
13 August 1996 | MPI Dresden (Dr. K. Penc) | "Die Familie der 1/r2 Quantenvielteilchensysteme" | |
3-6 August 1996 | Localization '96 in Jaszowiec, Poland | "Transfer matrix method for two interacting particles in a random potential" (SuP25), "Multifractal analysis of eigenfunctions of the Anderson model with anisotropic hopping" (SuP26) | |
11 June 1996 | FU Berlin (Prof. Dr. R. Schrader) | "Wechselwirkungsunterstuetzter Transport in ungeordneten Quantensystemen" | |
1996/95 | WS | ||
25-29 March 1996 | DPG-meeting in Regensburg | "Adiabatische Transporteigenschaften exakt lösbarer eindimensionaler Quanten-Vielteilchensysteme mit Verunreinigungen" (DY 9.6), "Enhanced Charge and Spin Currents in the One- Dimensional Disordered Mesoscopic Hubbard Ring" (TT 19.12), "Conservation laws in the continuum 1/r2 systems" (TT 19.27) | |
18-23 February 1996 | Nanostructures in Mauterndorf, Austria | "Enhanced Charge and Spin Currents in the One-Dimensional Disordered Mesoscopic Hubbard Ring" | |
15 December 1995 | Universität Köln (Prof. Dr. E. Mueller-Hartmann) | "Gaps in the Heisenberg-Ising (XXZ) model)", "Die Familie der 1/r2 Quantenvielteilchensysteme" | |
14 November 1995 | RWTH Aachen (Prof. Dr. D. Vollhardt) | "Die Familie der 1/r2 Quantenvielteilchensysteme" | |
1995 | SS | ||
31 July - 4 August 1995 | StatPhys 19 in Xiamen, China | "Gaps in the Heisenberg-Ising (XXZ) model" | |
1994 | SS | ||
3 August 1994 | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay India (Prof. Dr. D. Dhar) | "The Sinh-Cosh Interaction Model" | |
March 1994 | APS-meeting in Pittsburgh | "Exciton, Spinon and Spin Wave Modes, Critical Exponents and Transport Properties in an Exactly Solvable One-Dimensional Quantem Many-Body Problem" (E11) | |
1992/1993 | WS | ||
March 1993 | DPG-meeting in Mainz | "Test of Conformal Invariance in a One-Dimensional Quantum Liquid with Long-Range Interaction" (MP K1.4) |