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Condolence Book

We are deeply saddened to share the news of the death of Robert Andrzejewski, a first year Physics student and a valued member of the department.

Rachel Edwards, Robert’s personal tutor, described him as a very likeable and gentle young man who played an active role in his tutorial group. He was developing his passion for physics and was exploring a newly found ambition of working in teaching.

He will be greatly missed.

Please use the space to below to share memories of Robert and messages of condolence to one another and their family. Your entries will be collated and published weekly on this page, on the right hand side and will eventually be printed and gifted to Robert's family.

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If you would like support, please visit the Wellbeing Support Service web pages. Students can access support via the Wellbeing portal or on 024 76 575570, ext. 75570, and staff can access support via the Staff Wellbeing Hub and the Employee Assistance Programme. The Chaplaincy are also able to provide bereavement support to those of any faith who may be affected by the sad news.

Memories and Messages Shared

Was a pleasure to have hosted you along with your peers in my classroom like every lunch time despite not actually having ever taught you


Robert, it was a joy to teach you physics. My thoughts are with your family and loved ones.


My few interactions with Robert were enough for me to understand his charismatic and loving personality. My thoughts are with his family and friends.


I feel very sad that I never got the chance to know Robert and offer my heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.


I express my deepest condolences.


My deepest condolences to Robert's family and friends.
