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Dr. Thomas Latham


I am an Assistant Professor (Research Focussed) in the Elementary Particle Physics Group here at Warwick.

I work on the LHCbLink opens in a new window experiment, based at CERN.
My principal activity is the analysis of 3-body decays of b-hadrons to both charmless and open-charm final states.
I served as convener of the charmless b-hadron decays physics working group from January 2015 to March 2017.
I am currently convener of the Amplitude Analysis Forum (since September 2024).
I also work on the Vertex Locator sub-detector where I am the software coordinator and am also responsible for the detector geometry description in the simulation software. I also take on-call "piquet" shifts during data-taking periods.
I have previously held the responsibility for coordinating the migration of the geometry description for the whole detector to use the DD4hep toolkit ready from LHC Run 3.

I also work on the BaBarLink opens in a new window experiment, based at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in California.
I was convener of the Charmless Three-Body Hadronic B Decays Analysis Working Group from February 2007 to September 2009, and served as a member of the Speakers Bureau from October 2012 to April 2014.

I am also responsible for the maintenance and development of the EvtGenLink opens in a new window and Laura++Link opens in a new window software packages that are used throughout the high energy physics community.


I teach a graduate course on Software Development with C++ in conjunction with colleagues at the University of Birmingham and University of Bristol, within the MPAGSLink opens in a new window graduate programme.

The module information page for this course can be found hereLink opens in a new window.

In recent years the course has been rewritten to incorporate the C++11, C++14, and C++17 standards and to include the git version control system, the CMake build automation tool, the Catch2 unit testing framework, and the Doxygen documentation generation tool.

I also supervise an MPhys final-year research project in which the students analyse LHCb data to search for new decay modes of B mesons.

Photograph of Tom Latham

Contact Details:

Write to:
Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL


+44 (0) 24 7652 4654
