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Our July newsletter is out

The Warwick Sleep and Pain lab have many new updates to share with you, from research opportunities you may wish to participate in to introducing our newest members.

Please feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone who might be interested, and, as always, thank you for your ongoing support and interest in our research activity at Warwick!

Best wishes & stay safe,
The WITHIN team, on behalf of the Sleep & Pain Lab
Professor Nicole Tang, Dr Kristy Themelis, Paige Karadag & Jenna Gillett

Fri 15 Jul 2022, 17:46 | Tags: news, Visit, WITHIN

IASP bursary award

Congratulations to Dr Kristy Themelis, who has been awarded an IASP travel bursary to attend the World Congress on Pain in Toronto this Sept! We look forward to seeing her and her fabulous teammates presenting their posters (based on the MRC WITHIN study) in this most high-profile event in the field.

Wed 13 Jul 2022, 23:52 | Tags: chronic pain, conference, award, WITHIN

New paper on self-compassion and sleep

A new research article first-authored by Arman Rahkimov is out with the Journal of Personality Assesssment. The paper, entitled "The Self-Compassion Scale: Validation and Psychometric Properties within the Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Framework", looks at the structure and function of a popular instrument for measuring self-compassion, with important clinical and research implications. Do take a look. The paper is open and free to access.


Wed 13 Jul 2022, 23:46 | Tags: PhD, paper, student

Latest newsletter

Our latest lab newsletter is out, recaputuring some of the highlights of our activities from December 2021 to March 2022. We hope you'll enjoy browsing!

Feel free to sign up to our mailing list if you would like to receive a copy of our newsletter in the future.

Mon 04 Apr 2022, 04:50 | Tags: news, WITHIN

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