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Key People

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1.3 Contacts and Key People

Statistics Support Office

The normal point of contact for general information is the Student Support Office. If you need to contact the Department urgently, in the first instance you should contact the Student Support Office in person, by email, or by phone.

  • Location: MB0.11 (Ground floor of Mathematical Sciences Building)
  • Postal Address: Student Support Office, Department of Statistics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL
  • Telephone: +44 (0)2476 523066 (Internal: 23066)
  • Opening hours: 9:30 - 12:30, 14:00 - 16:00
  • Undergraduate enquiries:
  • Postgraduate enquiries:
Key Contacts

Head of Department: Prof. Jon Forster

Deputy Head of Department (Teaching and Learning): Dr Tessy Papavasiliou

Director of Student Experience (and SSLC Convenor): Dr Ric Crossman

Head of Student Engagement and Teaching Quality: Dr Lynne Bayley

Director of Undergraduate Studies: Dr Paul Jenkins


Data Science Course Directors: Dr Ioannis Kosmidis (Statistics) & Dr Victor Sanchez Silva (Computer Science)

MathStat Course Director: Dr Martyn Parker

MORSE Course Director: Dr Martin Herdegen

Deputy MORSE Course Director: Dr Jere Koskela

MSc Course Director: Prof. Bärbel Finkenstädt Rand

PhD Director: Prof. Mark Steel

Intercalated Year Co-ordinator: Dr Ric Crossman

Community and Welfare

Senior Tutor: Dr Dario Spano

Year 1 Tutor: Dr Zorana Lazic

Year 2 Tutor: Dr Jere Koskela

Year 3/4 Tutor: Dr Leo Rolla

Disability Coordinator: Dr Ric Crossman

Equality and Diversity Representation: Dr Ric Crossman


Careers Consultant: Chris Manley

Staff Contacts

All staff are listed under and have an individual information page with the contact details linked from the main page.

Academic staff with personal tutees and / or teaching have office hours per week during term time, which are advertised on their staff page.

Other Departmental Support Offices
Computer Science
Warwick Business School