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New ESRC funding for social statistics PhDs

The Department of Statistics is pleased to be a partner in the newly announced ESRC Doctoral Training Centre at Warwick.  This new funding from ESRC will provide exciting PhD opportunities for students whose interests are in statistical methodology for social-science applications.  The first studentships under this scheme will be available from October 2011, and more details will be announced shortly.  (Departmental contact: David Firth)

Mon 24 Jan 2011, 10:19

Special issue of Statistica Sinica on composite likelihoods

Statistica Sinica Jan 2011 front cover

A direct upshot of the 2008 CRiSM workshop on composite likelihood methods is a special issue of the major international journal Statistica Sinica, with 14 new peer-reviewed papers on this topic.  The special issue was edited by N Reid (U Toronto), B Lindsay (Penn State U) and K-Y Liang (Johns Hopkins U), and can be found online at

Mon 13 Dec 2010, 13:22

Wilfrid Kendall elected to Council of LMS

Professor Wilfrid Kendall has been elected as a member of the Council of the London Mathematical Society for 2 years from January 2011.

Sat 20 Nov 2010, 14:38

James Curran's book on data analysis for forensic science

James Curran visited Warwick CRiSM for two extended periods in 2009 to work on a book introducing modern statistical methods to forensic scientists.  The book is now out!  For details click on the image.

Fri 19 Nov 2010, 11:17

Warwick Public Lectures in Mathematics & Statistics Speaker: David Spiegelhalter, Monday 22 November

David J Spiegelhalter OBE, FRS (Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk, University of Cambridge)

Mon 18 Oct 2010, 14:18

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