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Data Mining Prize to Mouna, Thais and Silvia

PhD students Mouna Akacha, Thais Fonseca and Silvia Liverani have won the Young Researcher Data Mining Prize at this year's meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG) of the Italian Statistical Society, hosted in Catania, Italy. The prize was sponsored by the SAS Institute.

Fri 18 Sep 2009, 09:18

Third P@W Young Researchers' Workshop

This week the Warwick Department of Statistics played host to over 30 young researchers from the UK and further afield at the third “Probability at Warwick Young Researchers' Workshop”.
Fri 24 Jul 2009, 14:57

Statistics Department research "world leading"

In the latest national Research Assessment Exercise (RAE 2008) the Department of Statistics had a quarter of its research activity assessed at the RAE's very highest quality level (level 4*, "Quality that is world-leading in terms of originality, significance and rigour"). 

Among the top 5 ranked Statistics research groups, the Department of Statistics was one of the two largest. 

Tue 06 Jan 2009, 06:34

Guy Medal award to Professor Gareth Roberts

At the Royal Statistical Society's annual conference on 3 September, Professor Gareth Roberts was awarded the Guy Medal in Silver for 2008.

Thu 04 Sep 2008, 15:59

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