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Maths & Stats CDT

The Warwick Centre of Doctoral Training (CDT) in Mathematics and Statistics is an exciting new collaboration between the Mathematics Institute and the Department of Statistics. It has started its first year of operation in October 2019 and 8 out of 9 of our new intake of PhD students in Statistics now follow the programme, which consists of an intensive taught component and a four-month project in the first year. New students have an academic advisor to help them optimize their learning experience and preparation for the thesis research in the later years. A variety of social activities, workshops and research meetings will also enhance the cohort experience. More details can be found at

Mon 28 Oct 2019, 16:07

In Memoriam: Josh Hill

We are deeply saddened to confirm that Josh Hill, a second year student studying Data Science has passed away in hospital overnight on Monday 10 June, following a fall in the Mathematical Sciences Building.

Head of Statistics Professor Barbel Finkenstadt said:

“The whole department is deeply saddened and distressed by the death of this lovely, gentle and kind young man. Our thoughts are with Josh’s family.”

If you would like support during this difficult time, please contact Wellbeing Support Services. You can call the team on 024 76 575570, ext. 75570 or visit or for more details.

Tue 11 Jun 2019, 14:38 | Tags: STEM

Results for the John Copas Prize in Statistics 2019 (sponsored by the Faculty of Science)

Awarded for the best PhD thesis eligible for the Departmental Completion Award

Valerio Perrone

Mon 10 Jun 2019, 07:57

Department of Statistics Teaching Prize

It is with great pleasure that we announce that the inaugural Department of Statistics Teaching Prize is awarded jointly to Paul Jenkins and Zorana Lazic. Pier Guarniero was also shortlisted for the award and his teaching contribution was also commended.

Mon 20 May 2019, 09:58

May 16th, 2019. Public Lecture in Statistics. "Modelling genes: the Backwards and Forwards of Mathematical Population Genetics".

There will be a Public Lecture by Professor Alison Etheridge (University of Oxford) on the topic "Modelling genes: the Backwards and Forwards of Mathematical Population Genetics"

The Lecture will take place on:
Thursday May 16th, 2019 - MS.01 Zeeman building (Maths and Stats), 6:15pm.

Further details, and a link to the registration page, can be found be clicking on the following link:

Wed 17 Apr 2019, 12:00

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