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ERC Starting Grant for Tom Berrett

Tom Berrett has been announced as one of the recipients of the European Research Council Starting Grants in 2024.

Wed 18 Sep 2024, 13:20 | Tags: Prizes and Awards

Public Lecture: A mathematical journey through literature

When: Wednesday 13 November 2024, 7pm

Where: MS0.02, Zeeman Building, University of Warwick (venue TBC mid-September), with a reception in The Street after the event

This November, we'll be joined by Sarah Hart who will make you look at maths with a completely new perspective.

Wed 18 Sep 2024, 11:52 | Tags: Public Lectures

Giuseppe Cannizzaro wins Doeblin Prize

Congratulations to Giuseppe Cannizzaro who has been awarded the 2024 Wolfgang Doeblin Prize of the Bernoulli Society

Tue 10 Sep 2024, 10:34 | Tags: Significant external talks, Prizes and Awards

Warwick PhD wins international award

Jeremias Knoblauch has been awarded the 2023 Savage Award of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis for his Warwick PhD thesis.

Mon 05 Aug 2024, 12:51 | Tags: Prizes and Awards

Undergraduate of the year award with AON

The Warwick Statistics Department are very proud that one of our students, Oliver Crook, has won the Future Actuary Undergraduate of the Year Award with AON.

Wed 15 May 2024, 12:10 | Tags: Prizes and Awards

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