David Firth's former PhD students
Where are they now?
Some of the successful PhDs supervised by David Firth are listed below with their current positions.
David writes:
Supervising research students is, for me, one of the real pleasures of academic life. PhD students don't just write an interesting thesis on a specialized topic area, they also discover what research is all about — it's a way of thinking, and a great preparation for imaginative and influential work after graduation. Some of my former PhD students whose current positions I know about are listed below.
As of April 2022:
- Kathleen Bennett (PhD Southampton, 1994)
Head of Data Science Centre, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland - Rory Wolfe (PhD Southampton, 1996)
Professor, Monash University - Renée de Menezes (DPhil Oxford, 1999)
Head, Biostatistics Center, Netherlands Cancer Institute - Jamie Sergeant (DPhil Oxford, 2007)
Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester - Ioannis Kosmidis (PhD Warwick, 2007)
Professor, University of Warwick - Helen Ogden (PhD Warwick, 2013)
Lecturer, University of Southampton - Apostolos Gkatzionis (PhD Warwick, 2016)
Senior Research Associate, University of Bristol - Fiona Sammut (PhD Warwick, 2017; pictured below)
Head of Statistics and O.R., University of Malta - David Selby (PhD Warwick, 2020)
Researcher, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, Kaiserslautern

Election exit polls![]() |
Far-reaching statistical theory!What connects all these: nuclear weapons, rattlesnakes,![]() |
Contact details:
Email: d.firth@warwick.ac.uk
PGP public key: df-key.txt (fingerprint 219F 8A60 C58F 2057 6ACF 715C A534 271C B684 1FAC )
(Please do not send letters or other material to me through the postal system, because it probably will not reach me.)
Office location: MSB 2.13, new Mathematical Sciences building.