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This program draws quarters repeatedly, but by changing the number of lines stitched from a single point you can change it to stitch part, half or full circles, The parameters are there to enable exploration of patterns. I've included some of the variants I find interesting.

It uses two functions:

  • aLine -to stitch a line, and move back to the same point
  • Quarters - to draw lines radiating from a point to create a quarter circle.

TurtleStitch makes it easy to pull code apart to explore what sections do. I tend to keep 'reset' and any variables separate from the main program, as I often copy this part and try out different values.

Click on image thumbnails to see the full size.

Stitched image of the quarters pattern on felt

Animation of the quarters pattern showing how its stitched

pattern as it appears on the TurtleStitch screen

variant 1 of quarters pattern

Variant of quarters pattern stitched on felt variant 3 of quarters pattern
variant 4 of quarters pattern variant 2 of quarters pattern
variant 6 of quarters pattern variant 5 of quarters pattern