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Some of the 'Emerging PatternsLink opens in a new window' programs are complex, so theses tutorials have been created to give an insight into how a simplified version of the pattern can be created. If you find them useful or spot any errors - please do let me know:

This is a presentation on how some of the patterns are created: Emerging PatternsLink opens in a new window

  Pattern Description Video Tutorial
aLine aLine function

Stitches back and forward creating a single line. Many of the patterns are based on this function.

Bows Output of the bows result

Uses the aLine function above to create two fans of lines to make a bow.

There are many variants of Bows on the Emerging Patterns page.

Row of Blocks output from the row of blocks function

Create a function BlockRow that draws a row of stitched and 'unstitched' blocks.

It uses tatami stitch to create the 'stitched block'.

This row shows 3 repeats of the pattern (stitched + unstitched block) plus one extra stitched block added at the end for symetry

Grid of Blocks output of grid of blocks program

Uses the BlockRow function to draw a grid of blocks.

The basic pattern consists of two rows of blocks, so 3 repeats of the pattern is shown here.

Diamonds Output from Diamonds function

Shows how to create diamond shaped blocks and fill them with stitches.