Royal Institution Masterclasses 2023

Ri Engineering Masterclass
University of Warwick - 2023
Are you looking for the current series? Those sessions will be in January-March 2024. Go to the 2024 series page for more info.
What are the Ri Engineering Masterclasses at Warwick?
Since 2013, WMG at the University of Warwick have invited students to attend engineering masterclasses in partnership with the Royal Institution. This is the 10 year anniversary of hosting these Masterclasses so we're hoping to make them extra special.
This Series aims to open the eyes of young people to the excitement, beauty and value of engineering, and in turn, inspire the next generation of scientists, mathematicians and engineers. The Series is delivered by staff and students from WMG. Each masterclass focuses on an aspect of modern engineering and is presented by an engineer actively involved in research or working in industry. The classes take the form of interactive workshop sessions.
Can students from my school get involved?
Local schools (within easy transport to Coventry) are invited to nominate up to 3 year 9 pupils to attend the Saturday morning Masterclasses in WMG, at the University of Warwick in the spring term. These classes commence on 21st January 2023.
Within the field of engineering and STEM in general, there are under-represented groups. We would like teachers to bear this in mind when selecting their students to nominate. For example, there are fewer female engineers, people from lower socio-economic backgrounds, and people of colour (i.e. Black, Asian or minority ethnic groups) in STEM careers.
Applications for the 2023 series are now closed. Please remember us for 2024 and get in touch then.
When are the Masterclasses?
The dates for the RI Masterclasses 2023 Series are: Saturday mornings January 21st, January 28th, February 4th, February 11th, March 4th, and a final celebration event on March 11th.
What will each Masterclass be about?
The sessions that have provisionally been organised for 2023 are listed below (note there may be some changes to the final plans):
Session Title |
Led by |
Date |
Crash Structures |
Dr Phil Jemmett | 21/01/2023 |
Stitch in Time | Prof. Margaret Low | 28/01/2023 |
Moving Intelligently | Dr Jianhua Yang | 04/02/2023 |
Engineering Your Sustainable Future |
Graduate Trainee Engineers | 11/02/2023 |
The Power of Process | Prof. Mairi Macintyre | 04/03/2023 |
Celebration Event (families welcome) | WMG Outreach | 11/03/2023 |