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Course Structure

Our full-time Master's courses are one-year in duration and run from September to September. The next academic year starts on the 29th September 2025.

The Master's courses have two components - a taught component accounting for two thirds of your time and effort, and a research component accounting for one third.

For the taught component, we blend lectures with seminars, syndicate exercises, simulations and case studies to ensure your learning is well embedded. The majority of modules are taught in small classes to facilitate and encourage interaction. Others practice large-scale lectures, which are then backed up by seminars and syndicate activities.

Taught Modules
  • Our courses are modular in structure, and whilst delivery patterns can vary, most modules will be delivered in short learning block of four weeks.
  • Warwick uses the Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) to express credit weightings for each unit of learning. Most modules are 15 CATS, which equal 150 hours of learning.
  • Modules include scheduled classroom time (usually two half days per week) and online sessions as well as your independent study and assessments.
  • Modules are taught through a variety of face-to-face and online learning activities: lectures, seminars, workshops, syndicate group activities, industrial games, practical exercises, and case studies to encourage teamwork and practical grounding of the material. E-learning and forum activities are widely used to complement these activities.
  • Modules are timetabled between October and June, with June to September being dedicated to completing your dissertation project. Full attendance is compulsory.
  • Modules are predominantly assessed by way of written assignments, but assessment can also be in other formats. In addition to the main assessment, there may be assessed presentations, online tests, self-reflection, and a range of other assessment methods during each module. There are no formal exams although the finance modules include in-module tests.
  • Alongside your course specific modules, we provide extensive study skills training through our Study, Professional and Analytical Skills Module (SPA), which runs throughout the academic year to support your academic development. Please note that occasional sessions may run at weekends.
Research Project (Dissertation)
  • Alongside your modules you will have a major research project which is assessed through a Dissertation. Your project will take 33% of your time and effort on your MSc. That is nominally 600 hours (60 CATS points) of learning.
  • Working on your project will enable you will develop your personal research skills and will give you the opportunity to focus on a topic of particular interest to you, often aligned to your career goals and aspiration. For many students the project is a great 'door-opener' professionally so it's important that you give it careful consideration and plan wisely.
  • When selecting your project, you'll access our project selection system, and connect with potential supervisors in order to select the most appropriate project for you. You can also propose your own project as long as it aligns with the learning objectives of your course.
  • You will be expected to engage regularly with your Project Supervisor and to provide progress updates and drafts of your work to an agreed schedule.
Term dates and attendance
  • Our full-time Masters Programme is more intensive than undergraduate study and undergraduate term dates to not apply. Whilst there are no holidays as such, there will be no teaching scheduled when the University is officially closed for staff, for example during the Christmas fortnight.
  • Master's courses equal 180 CATS, that is nominally 1800 hours of learning and full attendance is required.
  • As a Masters student, you will be expected to manage your own time. On average you are expected to commit 38-40 hours of study each week for the duration of your course. This will be a combination of taught content and self-study.

Please note: we also offer part-time courses for candidates in full-time employment. For more details see Part-Time Courses