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Quantifying Carbon Footprint: Challenges and Perspectives

Quantifying Carbon Footprint: Challenges and Perspectives

Date: Thursday, 16th May 2024

Time: 9.45 am - 4:30 pm

Location: Scarman (Space 24) | Warwick Conferences | Venue Interactive MapLink opens in a new window | Scarman Road, Coventry CV4 7SH

Parking: Free (a link to pre-register will be sent once attendance is confirmed)

Do you have an interest in sustainability and environmental management strategies? If your answer is yes, this workshop is for you!

Following the successful first edition of the Quantifying Carbon Footprint: Challenges and Perspectives workshop, we are thrilled to invite you to join us on the event's second edition this May 16th. Come along for a day of thought-provoking conversations and participate in this important discussion.

Reserve your place today, and we look forward to welcoming you on May 16th 2024.

Please note participation is free but registration is compulsory for management purposes. The number of participants on-site is limited to 30.



Arrival at the venue. Coffee/Tea in the Scarman Lounge.

09:45 (Space 24) Welcome and Introductions

Talk 1: ONS: Measuring UK greenhouse gas emissions

Neil Wilson, Office for National Statistics

10:40 Coffee/tea break in the Lounge

Talk 2: Calculating Carbon Footprints for UK Climate Policy

Dr Anne Owen, University of Leeds


Talk 3: Life Cycle Assessment: Quantifying Carbon impacts and avoiding Greenwash

Professor Rachael Rothman, University of Sheffield

12:30 Lunch Break (Scarman Restaurant)

Talk 4: Quantifying & Comparing Different Technologies

Dr Stuart Coles, University of Warwick


Coffee/tea break in the Lounge


Talk 5: Update from Defra

Andrew Woodend, Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

16.25 Concluding remarks. End of the event.


This event stems from the STEM Grand Challenge initiative of the University of Warwick and is funded in the framework of the Ideas Factories of the University.

Organising Committee:

Dr Miryana Grigorova, Dr You Wu, Dr Simoni Da Ros.

Confirmed Speakers

Dr Stuart Coles 

Associate Professor – Reader | Associate Dean (Research) | Deputy Director of Research Degrees | Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing | WMG 

Dr Anne Owen 

Associate Professor | Deputy Programme Leader MSc Ecological Economics | Sustainability Research Institute | University of Leeds

Neil Wilson

Environmental Accounts | Office for National Statistics

Andrew Woodend

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

Professor Rachael Rothman

Professor of Sustainable Chemical Engineering | Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering | University of Sheffield