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Does your supply chain have a competitive edge?

Jan GodsellHave you ever stopped to consider how competitive your supply chain really is? Our expert, Jan Godsell, Professor of Supply Chain Operations and Strategy, has been working with industry to develop leading practice in customer responsive or demand driven supply chains for more than 15 years.

Professor Godsell and her team at WMG are currently undertaking a study to understand the current level of adoption of supply chain segmentation within Europe.

Professor Godsell explains: “Segmentation or differentiation of the supply chain has been identified as critical, and most companies are sitting on key supply chain data that could give them that crucial competitive edge if they made use of it.”

Fri 16 Sep 2016, 12:28 | Tags: Supply Chains Public engagement Research

University of Warwick and IBM join forces to deliver cyber security skills of the future

The Cyber Security Centre at WMG, University of Warwick, has teamed with IBM (NYSE: IBM) to develop a module for its Cyber Security master’s course portfolio which addresses key strategic cyber security issues relating to business, particularly from the perspective of an organisation's Chief Information Security Officer.

With as many as 1.5 million unfilled cyber security jobs worldwide expected by 2020, the low availability of professionals with specialised cyber skills is one of the biggest issues facing organisations looking to defend their core business systems against cyber-attacks.

The WMG Cyber Security Centre team and IBM are addressing this skills gap by building a as it has been developed in collaboration with an enterprise security provider of international standing. The fully assessed module began in May 2016 and is part of the University of Warwick’s MSc in Cyber Security and Management, designed for those wishing to develop a career as a cyber security professional, or to take a leading technical or managerial role in an organisation critically dependent upon data and information communication technology. The course is available to study part-time, in order to attract business professionals who want to have the option to study alongside their work.

Big pants: not just for Bridget Jones

Bridget Jones first showed us her “absolutely enormous panties” 15 years ago - and since then, global sales of support pants have soared, according to joint research by WMG at the University of Warwick and the University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka.

InfographicSupport underwear is currently so popular that the supply chain involved in making of a typical pair covers almost 71,000 miles and 16 different manufacturing sites, across three continents.

The research shows that this massive growth in sales is a direct result of manufacturers making significant investments in the design and production of shapewear over the last few years.

Wed 14 Sep 2016, 09:54 | Tags: Supply Chains Jan Godsell Research

Norwegian Deputy Ministers for Trade and Industry visit WMG

Deputy MinisterProfessor Lord Bhattacharyya was delighted to welcome Mr Lars Jacob Hiim, and Ms. Dilek Ayhan, State Secretaries (Deputy Ministers) for Trade and Industry from the Norwegian government, to WMG yesterday (Monday 12th September).

Also joining the Deputy Ministers was a special industry delegation focused on trade and innovation for Norway.

Mr Hiim said: “We would like to thank WMG for interesting presentations and an interesting tour. The Norwegian government are working on a White Paper on the industry's future conditions at the moment. We are also experiencing a considerable demand from various industry sectors for easy access to testable facilities. We are therefore interested in learning more from our neighboring countries, and, so far, our study trip to the UK has been very useful.”

Tue 13 Sep 2016, 13:31 | Tags: Visits

WMG’s Dr Stansfield scoops top international award

WMG is delighted to announce that Senior Teaching Fellow, Dr Kim Stansfield, has received international acclaim by winning the Akao Prize 2016, making him only the second ever British winner.

The Akao Prize is awarded to individuals around the world who have demonstrated excellence in their practice and dissemination of Quality Function Deployment (QFD).

Dr Stansfield says: ‘‘After 26 years of applying and developing the QFD approach, the customer led concurrent design approach, it is humbling to join such an august group of previous winners."

Thu 08 Sep 2016, 16:44 | Tags: Education

WMG Professor shortlisted for prestigious education award

Paul JenningsWMG’s Professor Paul Jennings has been shortlisted in the ‘Outstanding Research Supervisor of the Year’ category at the prestigious Times Higher Education Awards 2016.

Professor Jennings leads WMG’s Energy and Electrical Systems and Intelligent Vehicles research.

He is undoubtedly one of WMG’s most experienced doctoral supervisors, noted for his academic rigour, quiet efficiency and capacity for hard work, as well as his loyalty to colleagues and dedicated supervision of his students. It comes as no surprise that Paul’s approach has won the highest respect and admiration from colleagues, students, and industrial collaborators.

Wed 07 Sep 2016, 09:30 | Tags: Paul Jennings Research Degrees Education

Scene-Referred: next generation video to be unveiled at IBC Amsterdam

HDRThe next generation of “Scene-Referred” High Dynamic Range (SR-HDR) video, developed by a European consortium led by WMG at the University of Warwick, will be demonstrated publicly for the first time at this year’s International Broadcasting Convention (IBC) in Amsterdam.

Researchers who have seen this technology in the lab claim that SR-HDR represents the biggest step forward since the emergence of colour and is the ultimate destination for the first examples of HDR which are currently emerging on the consumer market.

“Scene-Referred” means the full range of lighting in a scene is captured and preserved via a future-proof SR-HDR codec. The system also includes a real-time production system and a unique 10,000nit HDR display.

This display is 10 times brighter than currently available HDR displays and it’s the first time a 10,000nit display has ever been shown publicly. Such a display ensures that the picture can be fully appreciated without the need for a darkened room.

Mon 05 Sep 2016, 11:12 | Tags: Partnerships Visualisation Research

Margot James, MP visits WMG

Margot James MP with Professor Lord BhattacharyyaProfessor Lord Bhattacharyya was pleased to welcome Margot James MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and Minister for Small Business, Consumers and Corporate Responsibility, BEIS, to WMG on the 1 September.

Ms James was keen to hear about the breadth of our research and development, including the WMG centre High Value Manufacturing Catapult, and the impact that this has on the economy. She was also given an overview of our substantial SME programme, working to accelerate productivity and growth in SMEs by applying research-led tools and techniques, building sustainable and collaborative relationships.

Business Minister Margot James said:

It was great to visit WMG yesterday which is expanding and making a real difference to local manufacturers through its innovative research. I was also honoured to meet Lord Bhattacharyya whose pioneering spirit can be felt throughout WMG.”

Professor Lord Bhattacharyya commented:

I was delighted to welcome Margot James, MP to WMG and highlight to her our world leading research showing how this impacts companies and organisations, as well as society and the economy.”

Fri 02 Sep 2016, 14:57 | Tags: Visits

Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer visit WMG, University of Warwick

Prime Minister and Chancellor at WMG, September 2016The University of Warwick was today pleased to welcome the Prime Minister, Theresa May MP, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond MP, to the University to visit WMG, a world leading research centre focused on providing innovative solutions to industry, and to learn of the University and WMG’s plans and activities for research and innovation.

During their visit the Prime Minister and Chancellor met with the University of Warwick’s Provost, Christine Ennew, and the Chairman of WMG, Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya, to discuss Warwick’s and WMG’s role in science, innovation and skills development and toured WMG’s International Manufacturing Centre (IMC).

As part of their IMC tour the Prime Minister and Chancellor were shown one of the world’s most adaptable and advanced driving simulators, the 3xD Simulator. The 3xD Simulator is the only of its kind designed specifically to test real-world robustness and usability of smart, connected and autonomous vehicle technology and it will be the centre piece of the Virtual Reality Centre in the National Automotive Innovation Centre.

Thu 01 Sep 2016, 15:53 | Tags: Visits

Clever car racking & intelligent software combine to double number of cars in shipping containers

TransrakShipping cars could be safer and more efficient than ever before, thanks to innovative solutions developed by WMG at the University of Warwick for Trans-Rak International (TRI).

Working with Warwickshire-based manufacturer Trans-Rak International, Piero Filippin, Innovation Manager at WMG, has created software that automates the task of finding the optimal placement of cars in a shipping container – allowing for any combination of make or model – and can double the vehicle capacity of shipping containers.

The software operates a car racking system produced by TRI, and the combined technologies could lead to massive savings for the global automotive industry, enabling more cars to fit into fewer containers, as they are transported across the world.

Currently, an average of two cars can be stored in each container. That capacity would be doubled to four cars using this revolutionary system.

The software, developed by Piero Filippin, generates recommendations on any number of cars, of different makes and models, to be stored in the most efficient possible combination and position.

Fri 26 Aug 2016, 09:54 | Tags: Partnerships Research

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