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Delving into the complex world of supply chains

Jan GodsellWMG, University of Warwick has launched a free online MOOC course exploring exactly 'how things get to you' through the invisible world of supply chains.

Jan Godsell, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Strategy at WMG explains: “Rarely a day goes by when supply chains aren’t featured in our news in some shape or form, so it seemed only natural that they should be the focus of our course.

“Our course will give people the opportunity to explore the complex web of supply chains, enabling them to understand where they fit in. Our ultimate aim is that by improving understanding they will go on to do ‘one thing differently,’ whether that be for example buying seasonally or avoiding BOGOF offers.”

Fri 19 Aug 2016, 14:04 | Tags: Supply Chains Public engagement

100% pass rate in engineering - WMG Academy for Young Engineers celebrates its first ever set of Level 3 results

WMG AcademyWMG Academy for Young Engineers is today celebrating the success of their Year 13 students; their first cohort to graduate with a 100% pass rate in engineering and over a quarter of its students gaining places at Russell Group Universities

Students have achieved great success in their academic and vocational qualifications with 55% achieving A*-C pass rate.

Jo Lopes, Head of Technical Excellence for Jaguar Land Rover, Chair of Governors at the WMG Academy said:

I am delighted with the first cohort results. Our vision for a business-like and business-led approach has yielded good results with 100% pass rate in engineering in both Principal Learning and BTEC Extended Diploma in Engineering. Students are going on to a range of superb destinations from Russell Group universities through to advanced level apprenticeships.”

Thu 18 Aug 2016, 11:34 | Tags: WMG Academy Education

Alloy oxidation breakthrough could cut steel production losses

Dr Michael AuingerNew strategies of making steel production more efficient have been discovered, thanks to research led by WMG at the University of Warwick on the role of oxidation during alloy additions.

The research, led by Dr Michael Auinger of WMG, together with the Vienna University of Technology (Austria) and voestalpine Stahl GmbH (Austria) developed a better understanding for the oxidation behaviour inside steels during hot rolling, which could potentially help manufacturers to reduce the amount of steel lost during production.

Dr Auinger and his co-researchers analysed the oxidation behaviour of different iron-based alloys. They found that particularly the combinations of iron-manganese and a second alloy addition - representing a simplified version of many high strength steels in automotive - suffer from severe oxide formation along grain boundaries if these alloys are processed in an inappropriate manner.

Wed 17 Aug 2016, 13:34 | Tags: Steels Processing Partnerships Michael Auinger Research

Young engineers rise to the challenge

Warwick RailA team of students from the University of Warwick, supported by academics and researchers from WMG, competed in the IMechE Railway Challenge in July.

The Challenge which took place at Stapleford Miniature Railway near Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, is designed to attract fresh new talent into the rail industry. Each team was tasked with designing and manufacturing a miniature railway locomotive in accordance with a specific technical brief. This was the first year WMG had competed, and the team achieved sixth place.

Fri 12 Aug 2016, 11:56 | Tags: Materials and Manufacturing Research

Taking back control with RUMPEL

WMG, University of Warwick is pleased to announce the arrival of RUMPEL, a ground-breaking hyperdataIrene Ng web browser that makes it simpler for people to access and use online data about themselves.

The development of RUMPEL has been led by our Professor of Marketing and Service Systems, Irene Ng, with funding from the EPSRC. The first of its kind, RUMPEL gives users the ability to browse their very own private and secure 'personal data wardrobe,' called a HAT (Hub-of-all-Things). The HAT collates data about them held on the internet such as on social media, calendars and smartphones, with the possibility of also including shopping, financial and other personal data, and allows people to now control, combine and share it in whatever way they wish.

Mon 08 Aug 2016, 09:46 | Tags: Service Systems Research


Morgan Motor CompanyWMG, University of Warwick, was pleased to welcome 22 Chinese delegates from Beijing Academy of Science and Technology (BJAST), for a special three-week executive training programme in July/August.

The theme for the 2016 programme was ‘Innovation Strategy and Team Work,’ with two separate elements to the course in both Beijing and here at WMG. The WMG element also involved industrial visits to Morgan Motor Company.

Fri 05 Aug 2016, 10:08 | Tags: Education Visits Professional and Executive Programmes

Warwick Submarine scoops prize at European competition

Godiva 2A submarine designed and built by engineering students at the University of Warwick has brought home a prize from a European racing competition.

The Warwick Submarine team won ‘Best Design Report’, when they raced their human-powered submarine Godiva 2 against other university teams at the European International Submarine Race (eISR) at QinetiQ’s Ocean Basin facility in Gosport, Hampshire in July.

The Warwick Sub Project consists of a team of six undergraduate engineering students from a variety of disciplines. The team has access to cutting edge engineering research from both WMG and the School of Engineering, both academic departments at the University of Warwick.

Wed 03 Aug 2016, 13:34 | Tags: Undergraduate Education

WMG Service Management and Design Academics Highly Commended for Innovative Teaching

A team of academics from WMG, at the University of Warwick, have received a highly commended awardMairi Macintyre at prestigious conference EurOMA 2016 at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

The accolade was given for their work in applying technology to learning in the delivery of WMG’s Service Management and Design Masters programme.

The European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) is the premier European association for academics in the fields of production management, operations management, and supply chain management.



Mon 01 Aug 2016, 16:31 | Tags: Education Full-time Masters

Apprentice success for 35 students from the WMG Academy for Young Engineers in Coventry

WMG Academy studentsAs the first cohort of students from the WMG Academy for Young Engineers, in Coventry, complete their studies, 35 students have already secured apprenticeships and jobs in industry.

The Royal Academy of Engineering has shown that the UK will need a million more engineers and technicians by 2020. That will require doubling the number of engineering apprentices every year. The WMG Academy for Young Engineers is tackling this problem by creating a link between employer, parent and university.

It is credit to the teachers at the Academy, and the students themselves, that these 35 students have secured places on apprenticeship schemes and jobs in global automotive companies, and SMEs, as well as a plethora of other industries. Some of the companies include Audi, BMW, Covcon, Jaguar Land Rover, Mercedes, National Grid, RBS and Tata Technologies, as well as WMG at the University of Warwick.


Mon 01 Aug 2016, 13:43 | Tags: WMG Academy Education

Exploring UK and China initiatives at WMG

WMG was delighted to host a visit from Mark Wareing, Minister-Counsellor and Director for Advanced Manufacturing and Transport at UK Trade and Investment (UKTI), yesterday (Tuesday 26 July).

Mr Wareing met with Steve Raynor and Steve Fisher from WMG’s dedicated China Programmes Team, and colleagues from our Professional and Executive Programmes team to learn more about our world class education programmes. They were also joined by Professor Sujit Banerji and Dr Nick Mallinson to discuss UK and China initiatives.

Wed 27 Jul 2016, 12:25 | Tags: Visits

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