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Additive Manufacturing - WMG - Projects

Additive Manufacturing Projects


We work on a wide range of projects, covering aspects of process development, process application, materials development, supply chain and logistics. All our research is collaborative with industry, addressing real challenges that manufacturing is experiencing today

Responsive Additive Manufacture to Overcome Natural and Attack-based disruption

This research focuses specifically on Additive Manufacturing (AM) supply chains as part of a responsive manufacturing system, to address the significant security challenges within manufacturing supply chains to ensure greater levels of supply chain resilience for both UK and global manufacturing. Our vision is to create a practicable methodology for responsive AM that is able to detect and respond to internal and external factors caused by malicious or natural events. To achieve this, we will develop methods that can be used to DETECT anomalies in the manufacturing system, ANALYSE the impact of the disruption and RESPOND via the implementation of a modified manufacturing process.

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