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Connected and Cooperative Autonomous Systems (CCAS)

About us

Connected and Cooperative Autonomous Systems (CCAS) utilise cutting-edge communications, perception and control technologies across a number of connected nodes (e.g. vehicles, robots, infrastructure, people, assets)and a range of applications. This includes, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Intelligent Communication Networks, Multi-Agent Robotic Systems.​

Designing connectivity solutions to enable cooperation among autonomous systems and utilising them to transform the way that they understand the world(perception) and plan their actions (control), is crucial for the safe deployment of Connected Intelligent Systems.​

About our research

Our mission is to develop technologies that facilitate environmentally friendly, safe, and cost-effective deployment of connected/Cooperative Intelligent Systems, to transform the way we live and enhance societal well-being. ​

Our research and expertise focuses on the design, development, testing, and validation of two key aspects of Connected CooperativeAutonomous Systems (CCAS):​

  • Designing and validating effective information and communication technologies within the context of Machine-type communications (e.g., V2X Systems, Mobile Edge Computing);​

  • Developing and validating novel Cooperative Perception and Control Solutions for CCAS. ​

Aspect (1) contributes to the broader field of communication systems and Networks. Aspect (2) helps progress the fundamental science of Multi-Agent Systems. Both aspects of our research heavily rely on Information Theory, Machine Learning (ML), and AI.​

  • ​Our research contributes to several application areas, including Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) in Transport Systems, Intelligent Communication Systems, Connected Autonomous Plant, Manufacturing, Logistics, Construction, Rail, and agriculture/Horticulture.

Focus areas

Talk to us today about our focus areas:

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV)

Intelligent Communication Systems (5G and 6G)

Connected Autonomous Plants (manufacturing, logistics, and construction)

Success stories
Research that generates impact

Explore the solutions that we create and the impact that we generate in response to societal, industrial and environmental challenges.

Recent publications

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