Connectivity and Communications Technology
Connectivity and Communications Technology (CCT)
Connecting Technology
The demand for technological transformation in the automotive industry continues to accelerate. The need for more seamless connectivity of services and the manufacture of vehicles with higher levels of autonomy is increasing. We work collaboratively to deliver solutions that enable vehicles to communicate with their systems, those of other vehicles, and wireless technologies on the broader infrastructure.
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About our research
The demand for technological transformation in the automotive industry continues to accelerate, with demand for more seamless connectivity of services, and the manufacture of vehicles with higher levels of autonomy. We’re working collaboratively to deliver innovative solutions that will enable vehicles to communicate with their own systems, those of other vehicles, and the wireless technologies in the wider infrastructure.
It's becoming more apparent that CAVs will have to rely not only on their own sensors and systems but also on those of other vehicles, the infrastructure and other users, and will need to cooperate with each other as part of the decision process. These trends pose significant challenges to the underlying connectivity systems, as increasing amounts of information must reach its destination reliably, within an exceedingly short time frame – beyond what most current wireless technologies can provide.
Collaborative working
We are working to challenge current thinking, collaboratively innovate, and deliver assured solutions to the connectivity and wireless communications needs and aspirations of our partners across the CAV, Telecommunications, and Infrastructure industries. We will cover a range of technologies, from incumbent IEEE 802.11p, DSRC, ITS-G5, 3G, 4G, through to the newer technologies, including taking a UK lead with the emergence of 5G in this application space. This will include leading the 5G component of Midlands Future MobilityLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window.
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Research that generates impact
Explore the solutions that we create and the impact that we generate in response to societal, industrial and environmental challenges.