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Engineering Materials and Assembly

Engineering Materials and Assembly Group

The worlds building blocks

The materials group focuses on manufacturing and application. With an overlying theme of lightweight, we aim for “the right material in the right place” approach to design. Our research therefore is material agnostic, and we are not confined to a specific material expertise or assembly method. Instead, how these materials can come together to optimize the final product's design. 

The group manages the joining cell in the IMC workshop. Within which we house joining facilities (SPR, Rivets, RIVTAC, Adhesives, Ultrasonic). Samples can also be aged using our environmental cycle chambers.

Focus areas

For more information on the below, feel free to email us

Development of a Very Light Rail system in Coventry

Our VLR project in Coventry was a pioneering initiative aimed at introducing a new form of sustainable and cost-effective public transportation. The VLR project involves the development of lightweight, energy-efficient rail vehicles designed for urban transit. Coventry was at the forefront of testing and implementing this innovative transportation solution.

Design and manufacture using lightweight materials and methodologies

The right material in the right place. The team contains expertise in a range of materials and assembly methods, allowing us to contribute to design problems across the sector. We are not committed to one solution, and instead will find the best material for the given specification.

Accomplish high volume joining using mechanical and adhesive solutions

Collaborating with automotive companies, the team uses mechanical and adhesive joining methods to find solutions to high volume joining of mixed materials. Specialising in Self Piercing Rivets, Flow Drill Screws and Epoxy adhesives. With access to robotics and a plasma head, we can explore the effect of surface energy and sample preparation.

Extras include ultrasonic joining, heating and cooling cycles and access to a range of materials (Steel, aluminium, composites, polymers).

Explore the effect of environmental aging and durability testing

Environmental aging allows us to research the longevity and durability of components under accelerated conditions. Using an environmental chamber (+180, -40 degrees with up to 100 % humidity), salt spray chamber (variable sodium concentration under programmable cycles) and an Ultra-Violet chamber for inside and outside UV degradation analysis.

With access to tensile and compression testing frames at different strain rates and fatigue, the team can characterise and test all components post aging.

Recent publications

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