Welcome to WMG's Scholarship application form.
If you have a particularly strong academic and/or professional track record and are interested in being considered for a scholarship, please submit your application within four weeks of receiving your offer, in order for it to be considered.
Applications will be reviewed by the scholarship committee on a monthly basis from January 2025. The first round of results will be communicated by the start of February 2025.
This scholarship application must be completed by the individual WMG offer holder, not by an agent or representative.
This application is only for offer holders of WMG full-time MSc programmes in the UK, starting studies in September 2025.
If you are intending to study at another Warwick department, please do not submit a scholarship application to us; instead you should contact your academic department to find out about any scholarship opportunities available to you. You must have been accepted onto one of our WMG full-time MSc courses before applying for a scholarship. Your scholarship application will only be considered if you are an offer holder for one of our full-time courses.
Please enter the information requested below.
Your Warwick ID number is your Student ID and can be found on your offer letter. If you do not have an offer letter/Student ID yet, then please do not submit a scholarship application, as it will not be considered.
The questions below form your Scholarship Statement, which will be assessed by the Scholarship Committee as part of this application.
The scholarship committee cannot make a judgement about your financial affairs, so please only focus on your achievements and future plans.
Please note that your answers may be submitted to a copy/plagiarism checking system to verify their originality. However, given that your scholarship essay may be quite similar in content to your Statement of Purpose, we recognise and accept that you can use content from your own Statement of Purpose.
We would be interested to learn where you heard about WMG and the University of Warwick.
This information is for our interest only and will not in any way affect your scholarship application.
The data on this form relates to your application for a WMG Scholarship award. All data fields will be stored securely on University systems and used to administer your application for the WMG Scholarship only.
The application you submitted will be accessed and viewed by WMG Scholarship Committee members only; we will not share your data with any third parties.
For successful applicants, the application form will be stored for five years from the date that you were notified of your award.
For unsuccessful applicants, the form will be stored for one year after you have been notified that your scholarship application was unsuccessful.
Should you no longer wish to be considered for a WMG Scholarship, please contact wmgscholarships@warwick.ac.uk to request that your details be deleted from our records.
The University of Warwick is the Data Controller of any information you have entered on this form and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection Legislation. The University's Data Protection webpages provide further information on your rights and how the University processes personal data. If you wish to submit a data subjects rights request, make a complaint or report a suspected personal data breach, please contact the University’s Data Protection Officer by email at infocompliance@warwick.ac.uk.