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Embracing Global Bonds: Discovering Extraordinary Friendships

As an international student at WMG, this is a journey that extends beyond just academia. Let me tell you about the new and exciting friendships that await those who join this vibrant community.

1. A Mosaic of Cultures

At WMG, there is tapestry of cultures from every corner of the globe. Here, within the vibrant international student community, you'll find a range of languages, customs, and traditions from the student population. Embrace the opportunity to engage with classmates from various countries, each with a unique story and perspective. From sharing traditional delicacies to celebrating festivals together, every encounter is an invitation to immerse yourself in a diverse, global environment.

2. Cohort Collaboration

You'll find that students have a shared pursuit of knowledge and personal growth. You'll embark on group projects and collaborative assignments, presenting the perfect platform to forge bonds with classmates who share your passions and aspirations. The bonds formed within these academic endeavours often transcend the boundaries of the classroom, blossoming into lifelong friendships.

3. Supportive Networks

WMG understands the challenges faced by international students adjusting to a new country. That's why they foster a warm and inclusive environment, where support networks thrive. Whether it's the dedicated staff members or the warm-hearted Student Ambassadors, you'll find a caring community eager to lend a helping hand.

4. Extracurricular Extravaganza

Beyond your study, WMG offers a range of extracurricular activities. Friendships can be formed on the basis of shared passions and hobbies. Engage in sports clubs, join the vibrant cultural societies, or participate in volunteering initiatives. From competitive football matches to lively cultural festivals, these activities provide the perfect opportunity for making friends who share your interests.

5. Exploring the United Kingdom

The University of Warwick, is ideally situated in the heart of the United Kingdom, providing the perfect location to explore the UK. Gather a group of friends and take a weekend trip to iconic cities like London, Edinburgh, or Bath. Discover the breathtaking landscapes of the Lake District or the charming villages of the Cotswolds.

As an international student at WMG, University of Warwick, I can confirm that this university campus is the perfect place to form new friendships. From celebrating cultural diversity to supporting each other's dreams, the bonds we form transcend borders and shape our university experience. So, readers, embrace the opportunity to connect with fellow global adventurers, for in these friendships lies the magic that makes the journey truly extraordinary.

#WMGWarwick #GlobalBonds #FriendshipJourney

- Jagrit Jain, MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations

WMG students chatting

Wed 12 Jul 2023, 17:00 | Tags: Jagrit Jain - ITSO

Unleashing Your Potential: Thriving at WMG

As the new academic year begins and fresh faces embark on their journey at WMG, there's no better time to share some valuable advice on how to maximize your time at the university. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your experience:

1. Make the most of your time at WMG: Embrace the thrill of stepping out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself. This year is an opportunity for tremendous personal and academic growth. Embrace the excitement because this unique stage of beginning your university degree won't come around again. Additionally, WMG hosts various events. For example, last year we had course socials and BBQs. There are also some online events you should look out for. If you happen to come across any of these, please don’t hesitate to join in!

2. Push yourself to try new things: Like joining a new society! There are tons of society for you to be part of whilst you are student at Warwick. I would suggest joining at least one or two societies to have a bit socialising during your strict term times.

3. Participate in the WMG Skills+ Award: I myself did this and would suggest that its one of the best awards out there you can achieve with sincere efforts. It definitely adds to your CV and makes you stand out in front of potential employers.

4. Brush up on your critical analysis skills: This is really important if you want to score high in your assessments. Critical analysis is a skill which will benefit you immensely even in your career ahead. So, polishing it as much as you can, will be the best bet in my opinion.

5. Be Courageous: Take small but meaningful steps towards building connections with your peers. It can be as simple as initiating a conversation or saying "hi" to a fellow course mate or WMG student. You never know that person may end up becoming a lifelong friend or a valuable study partner. Some of the best relationships are forged during university, so don't shy away from being the one to take the first step.

6. Utilise Abundant Resources: WMG and Warwick University offer a wide range of resources to enhance your academic and personal journey. Make the most of the well-equipped library, dedicated support staff, and knowledgeable lecturers. Explore the state-of-the-art sports facilities and engage in physical activities to maintain a healthy

- Jagrit Jain, MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations

Mon 26 Jun 2023, 21:43 | Tags: Jagrit Jain - ITSO