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Video in Language Teacher Education


Research focus:

The research mapped the current use of video and visual media tools in language teacher education. It also built a community of practice among practitioners involved in teacher education in order to share innovation in video use in language teacher education.


The project was conducted primarily through interviews with teacher educators supported by literature review and document analysis. The literature review and document analysis were used to gather detailed information about video resources and practices. Semi-structured interviews were carried out both face-to-face and through computer mediated communication with 45 teacher educators working in diverse educational settings.

Key findings:

  • Language teacher educators are using a wide range of video resources, from ‘home-made’ videos, through clips publicly available on platforms like Youtube, to publishers’ videos which are high quality and edited. Most educators report a fairly eclectic mix of the above.
  • Educators are increasingly using screen capture, video making tools, e-portfolios, video platforms and available banks of resources.

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