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Pre-course Information

Welcome to your teacher education programme at Warwick

We hope you're excited and looking forward to joining us. We're looking forward to welcoming you to our Westwood campus.

We'll update these pages in the lead up to your new course with new information, so do check back over time.


Read offer email sent by our central admissions team:

Take particular notice of the outstanding conditions and the links

Read Needs Identified sent by the Centre for Teacher Education (university-Led) or your Lead school (Partner-Led)

This is completed by the interviewing Teaching Fellow and gives advice on areas to study in readiness for the PGCE

Read offer holders page opens in a new window

This gives more information on each condition.

Read these Pre-course pages

This gives more information on each condition as well as help on preparing for the course

Complete and send Confirmation of Understanding form

On-line form:

(If not already completed at interview)

Complete ‘Preparing for a PGCE’ course (this is not a requirement, but is very useful)

As per pre-course pages this introduces you to the PGCE programme.

Meet all conditions detailed in the offer from PGTeam2.

Look out for emails from reminding you of your conditions and contact us with any queries - For typical conditions see 'Conditions to meet' table

Apply for Bursary (including Student Finance) or Scholarship if applicable

Must prove eligibility with Student Finance England (SFE) first
See guidance under How to Prepare for Your Course tab

Apply for loan if needed

Via Student Finance England (SFE)
See guidance under How to Prepare for Your Course tab


See guidance under Starting Your PGCE Course tab


Apply for the DBS (Teacher Restrictions list will be done automatically as part of DBS)

Once you have accepted the offer you will receive a separate ‘next steps’ email from 

Provide degree

If requested in offer

Provide English Language GCSE (or equivalent)

If requested in offer

Provide Maths GCSE (or equivalent)

If requested in offer

Provide Science GCSE (or equivalent)

If requested in offer

Provide evidence of completed current studies (like a Masters, or similar)

All previous studies have to be shown to be completed before the start date of the course.

Provide evidence of enrolment on an Subject Knowledge Enhancement course

If requested in offer.
A list of SKE providers is detailed in the offer.

Provide evidence of Grade C at A level

If requested in offer

Provide evidence of A level Grade C for P.E EBacc course

If requested in offer

Provide at least two appropriate References

Via your DfE Apply application form

Submit Suitability Declaration

On-line form: opens in a new window

Obtain Overseas check

If requested in offer.
You need to provide this if you have lived overseas for 6 months or longer in the last 5 years

Confirm Right to Study

If requested in offer

Complete the Occupational Health form

On-line form:

Complete and send Capacity to Teach Form

On-line form:

Provide proof of name change certificate

If requested in offer


You'll need to meet the conditions of your offer before you enrol.

Your latest email from will list all your offer conditions and how to meet them. You should begin clearing these conditions as soon as possible after receiving your offer so that you can meet your requirements at least one month in advance of the start date.

Please check the information at the link below for advice on how to meet each condition.

How to meet your Conditions


If you are joining one of our University Led PGCE courses you must ensure that you complete the Professional Practice Placement Arrangements Form linked below. This form provides us with information that is vital to arranging your school placements.

Professional Practice Placement Arrangements Form


If you are joining the course and are not a UK-national please ensure that you read the guidance documents linked below which offer advice and signpost to further information on student visas, fees and English Language requirements for the course.

PGCE Guidance for non-UK NationalsLink opens in a new window
English Language capability requirements


Please make sure you check your course page below for updates from your course including induction information, course calendars and any pre-course reading or activities that you may be advised to complete. These are updated during Spring - Summer 2023, when you should check back to these pages regularly:

Fees and Funding 

Please read the guidance attached

Guide to Fees and Funding

Computing Device Requirements

Please read the guidance attached in relation to computing requirements for the course and help getting started with your IT account.

IT specifications guideLink opens in a new window

Preparing for a PGCE MOOC course

Staff at the Centre for Teacher Education have designed the Preparing for a PGCE MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) to support you in preparing for your PGCE year which can be accessed now via

The course is completely free and based on the University of Warwick's successful PGCE programme. You will learn observational teaching skills along with key legal knowledge that will stand you in great stead for the PGCE to come. The course is run multiple times, has a duration of 4 weeks and requires 3 hours of study per week.

Pre-Induction recommended IT training
(available to those who have completed enrolment and set up their IT account)

The Academic Technology team have created a short, self-paced, online course, designed for students who are new to Warwick and to online teaching and learning.

digiBITE will take you through a series of tools and technologies that will aid and enhance your online learning experience whilst at Warwick.

This course will be available to enrolled students via the University VLE – Moodle.

Reading on Safeguarding

It would be beneficial for you to have read a sample of the attached before commencing the course

Pre-Course Reading for SafeguardingLink opens in a new window


The course start dates are as follows:

Enrolment and IT Registration

Please ensure that you read the guidance linked below which covers how and when to enrol, registering for your IT account and maintaining your student record. You should complete enrolment before starting the course.

  Guide to Enrolment and IT RegistrationLink opens in a new window

Logging into your sessions

The majority of live online sessions will be delivered via the online virtual classroom/meeting space Class Collaborate. Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with how to access and use this platform by reading the information provided here. A few key points to remember are:

  • Web browsers Chrome and Firefox must be used to used to access the platform. Other browsers do not support the connectivity required
  • On your first visit to a virtual classroom you will be given a short activity to test your camera and microphone settings. We therefore recommend logging into your first session 10-15 minutes early to give yourself time for this. Induction timetables will be shared soon.
  • Please login in the first instance with your camera and mic switched off. In particular when we are in lectures with the whole cohort present many mics/cameras on can interfere with connectivity.
  • You will be prompted to enter a screen name on entry to a room. To allow us to track your attendance at sessions please ensure you enter your full name when prompted


The Centre for Teacher Education is based on the leafy Westwood campus , just over the road from the main University of Warwick campus. We have a purpose-built Westwood teaching block and access to the main campus teaching facilities. Find out what life is like on our vibrant main campus.

The University has many retail, entertainment and sporting facilities. To check how you can access the University services please use the following links:
Students' UnionLink opens in a new window,
Wellbeing Support Services,
the Student Funding and Finance Offices,
Disability Services &
the Library .

Please check out each department's webpages to check their availability.

You will also have access to student rates for our amazing new Sports & Wellness Centre and the Arts Centre.


What support do we offer

Discover all the ways that we will support you through: