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Week 23

Department News

Solving the Climate Crisis - Together

The Royal Economics Annual Conference will be taking place virtually from Monday 11 April to Wednesday 13 April 2022 and the Department of Economics are delighted to be a partner for this years conference.

As part of the conference the Department will be hosting a live panel event, bringing together a range of speakers from activists to an entrepreneur, economists to a politician, to discuss how they can work collaboratively 'Solving the Climate Crisis - Together'. We would like to invite you to join us in engaging with our distinguished panellists in a lively discussion on a topic that affects us all.

For more details and to register please go to the 'Solving the Climate Crisis - Together' webpage.

Celebrating Inspirational Women

We celebrated International Women's Day on Tuesday 8 March by joining in two global campaigns to highlight the importance of gender equality and to celebrate the achievements of women. You can view the Department of Economics IWD 2022 Gallery to see if you recognise anyone.

Warwick Economics Students take part in EUTOPIA virtual simulation exercise

This February, the EUTOPIA European University network in partnership with VUB Brussels School of Governance held a virtual simulation exercise, with participation from four of our undergraduate students. The simulation exercise enabled students to step into the role of an EU policy maker and provided them with first hand experience of EU institutional rules and strategies.

Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

A week ago, Vladimir Putin started an unprovoked war with Ukraine, a country of 41 million people. At this moment Russian military forces are brutally attacking major Ukrainian cities, destroying key infrastructure, and committing war crimes. Ukraine needs our help. The Disasters Emergency Committee, a collaboration of 15 UK aid charities, has launched Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal and the UK Government say they will match donations from the public pound-for-pound (up to £20m). Please consider donating if you can.

Walk with colleagues

Join us for a short 20 minute walk - Monday to Friday at 12.00pm. If you are in the Department and fancy a breath of fresh air during an early lunch break, come for a walk and a chat along the way. Be at Colin’s office (S2.130) by 12.00pm.

Departmental HR Update

Health and Wellbeing

Good health and wellbeing is paramount for staff at all times, but more especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. The University offers a range of remote sessions dedicated to improving our wellbeing. We encourage as many of you as possible to explore any one of these opportunities.

Report and Support

Since its introduction, the University Report and Support scheme has been utilised by staff and students to report incidences of bullying/harassment, sexual misconduct, hate crime and discrimination. The University has analysed have produced the first Annual Report which shows that there has been significant use of the system by students and a smaller number of staff since the introduction of the scheme.

Conference Support Award

The University has reinstated the Conference Support Award Scheme. The Conference/Training Support Award scheme provides up to £200 to help cover the additional caring costs that individuals incur in order to attend a conference/training session or similar event. Details of the scheme and application form are available here. Applications should be forwarded to Sarah Duggan – Head of Administration, Business and Research in the first instance.

Should you have any queries regarding the scheme, please contact the departmental HR Officer.

Publications, Presentations & Workshops

Mike Waterson was interviewed by Deutsche Welle TV on Wednesday 9th March to discuss the EU’s energy plans for reduction in reliance on Russian oil and gas, also moves by various companies to suspend their operations in Russia.

Sascha Becker released a survey last week on "Forced Displacement in History: Some Recent Research" (Write-Up of his 2021 “Butlin Lecture”) an unfortunate coincidence with Putin's invasion of the Ukraine.

Harvard Business Review reported on some of Andrew Oswald's research on pain and the business cycle

The Guardian talked about Andrew Oswald's work on oil prices and recessions.

Andrew Oswald did an interview with a New York Times journalist about his work on happiness and productivity at work, but the Ukraine war broke out just afterwards so it is not possible to know whether that interview will be published.

Jennifer Smith gave the keynote speech on the cost of living crisis at the Arum and Just event for industry and government, "Responding to the Affordability Crisis" hosted by The Baroness Meacher at the Thames Pavillion/Terrace Dining Room A at the House of Commons on 9 March 2022.

Working Papers

Christian Soegaard's working paper (with Maria Persson and Anna Welander Tärnberg) Building Bridges: the Effect of Major Infrastructure Development on Trade has been released.

Dates For Your Diary