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Warwick Academic makes Top 10 in Decolonise and Diversify Reading List

The book, published in 2020 by Warwick Law School’s Dr Serena Natile, was recently listed in the D-Econ top ten alternative readings to the mainstream literature on global political economy which forms part of a movement to decolonise and diversify knowledge.

Thu 29 Oct 2020, 11:10 | Tags: Book2020, Feature, GLOBE Centre, Staff in action

New Book by William O'Brian 'A Contractarian Approach to Law and Justice: Live and Let Live'

William O’Brian, Associate Professor in the Law School, has just published his book on legal theory, entitled A Contractarian Approach to Law and Justice: Live and Let Live. It is published by Routledge in both hardback and electronic formats.

The book presents a distinctive version of a contractarian approach to law and justice. The work argues that law and justice are social norms that arise from a process of social evolution, and are binding only if and to the extent that they are mutually beneficial.

Fri 09 Oct 2020, 14:30 | Tags: Book2020, Staff in action

New book by CJC Member Jacqueline S. Hodgson ‘The Metamorphosis of Criminal Justice’

Published in April 2020 by Oxford University Press, the focus of this book is the potentially radical and fundamental changes that are taking place within criminal justice in Britain and in France and the ways that these are driven by wider domestic, European or international concerns. This metamorphosis away from established values and practices is eroding what were once regarded as core rights and freedoms in the name of efficiency, security and justice to victims.

Mon 07 Sept 2020, 10:32 | Tags: Book2020, Criminal Justice Centre, Staff in action

The Research Never Stops

Despite the global pandemic, Law School colleagues have still continued with their research and exploring what they are passionate about. Here is a selection of some of the books they have published this year.

Wed 02 Sept 2020, 12:16 | Tags: Book2020, Research, Staff in action

New Book on Law and Development

Sam Adelman and Abdul Paliwala’s new book ‘The Limits of Law and Development: Neoliberalism, Governance and Social Justice’ will be published by Routledge on 14 August 2020.

Jackie Hodgson’s new book on The Metamorphosis of Criminal Justice

Professor Jackie Hodgson’s forthcoming monograph "The Metamorphosis of Criminal Justice" analyses several decades of legal and political change, contrasting domestic and European drivers within criminal justice across Britain and France and evaluating the ways that procedural models are able to influence, structure or limit reform.

Mon 02 Mar 2020, 15:09 | Tags: Book2020, Criminal Justice Centre, Jackie Hodgson