Veronica Barfucci

PhD Candidate
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Recipient of the Chancellor's International Scholarship from the Doctoral College of the University of Warwick, I am a PhD candidate in Politics and International Studies. I'm supervised by Professor Chris Hughes and Doctor Chris Browning.
I hold a BA with Honours in East Asian Languages, Markets and Cultures from the University of Bologna (2017) and a MA with Honours in International Relations, also from the University of Bologna (2019).
I have completed two Visiting Research Fellowship periods at the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Japan (September-December 2023; November-December 2024)
Research interests
My research project discusses aspects of status anxiety and ontological (in)security in the Japanese government’s social media representation of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (SDF) deployed overseas, focusing on the illustrative case of security operations in the African continent. My research navigates the complexities of Japan’s quest for status in the international system, which I argue is sought concurrently through projecting military power and the image of a responsible and peaceful member of the international community. Drawing from feminist ontological security and feminist military studies, I focus on how status and Japan’s role in the world have been ‘masculinised’ and ‘feminised’, and how this can be seen in the representation of the SDF operating abroad, which I consider as the ‘physical manifestation’ of Japan’s security engagement overseas.
In general, I'm also interested in critical security studies, masculinity studies, and post-structuralism.
In 2022/2023, I was Senior Graduate Teaching Assistant for PO131: World Politics
In 2023/2034, I was Senior Graduate Teaching Assistant for PO131: World Politics (Terms 2&3)
In 2025, I am the Graduate Teaching Assistant for the module International Relations, Security, and Development organised by the Warwick Summer School
Awards and scholarships
- James Thomas Memorial Prize Winner (October 2023 - Annual award presented to the most outstanding paper by a postgraduate student at the Media & Politics Group Annual Conference)
- Chancellor’s International Scholarship (Doctoral College, University of Warwick, 2021-2025)
- Merit Award for Deserving Student (University of Bologna, years 2019, 2017 and 2015)
Edited volume
La nuova era di Xi Jinping. Assertività e contraddizioni della politica estera cinese. (Edifir - Edizioni Firenze, 2022). With Lorenza Scaldaferri.
Conference Presentations
"Can Girls Play Too? Constructions of Femininities and Heteronormative Logics in the Japan Self-Defense Forces" Presented at the International Studies Association Conference, Chicago (USA), 3rd of March 2025
"Ontological Security and Gendered Status Performances: Representing the Japan Self-Defense Forces Deployed Overseas". Presented at the British International Studies Association Conference, Birmingham (UK), 7th of June 2024
"Shinyū, or Closest of Friends. Deconstructing Japan-US Relationships". Presented at the International Studies Association Conference, San Francisco (USA), 4th of April 2024
"Gendering the Military on Social Media: (Re)Defining Masculinity, Femininity, and Ontological Security". Presented at the Political Studies Association Media and Politics Group Conference, Portsmouth (England, attended online), 27th of October 2023
"Seeking Status from Outside and Within: (Re)Presenting the Self-Defense Forces Deployed in the African Continent." Presented at the European Association of Japanese Studies Conference, Ghent (Belgium), 20th of August 2023
"Geopolitics of Nation Branding: Reading Japan's Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy Through Ontological (In)Security." Presented at the British International Studies Association Conference, Glasgow (Scotland), 21st of June 2023
Freelance contribution
Outside academia, I am Vice-Director of Lo Spiegone, an online news outlet dealing with international politics, as well as Chief-Editor of its Asia-Pacific Editorial Board. I have also written several contributions for AffarInternazionali, the online news outlet of Istituto Affari Internazionali, a leading Italian think-tank in international politics.
- Click here to read my contributions to Lo Spiegone (in Italian)
- Click here to read my contributions to Affari Internazionali (in Italian)
Other activities
- Co-Convener of the Student Conference "Europe-East Asia-US Media and Politics", organised by the University of Bologna and Toyo University as part of the project "Exploring the Media and Politics Landscape in Europe, East Asia and the US"
- Invited Speaker at the Winter School "Exploring the Media and Politics Landscape in Europe, East Asia and the US" organised by the University of Bologna, Toyo University and University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
- Social Events Coordinator for the East Asia Study Group (EASG) (2023-ongoing)
- Co-convener of the Critical International and Political Studies (CRIPS) Working GroupLink opens in a new window for 2022
- Panel member of the January 2022, 2024, and 2025 MA Thesis Review PanelLink opens in a new window organised by the East Asia Study Group (EASG)Link opens in a new window
- Feedback on MA Thesis projects about Japan's security policy and East Asian regional order