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Staff summaries

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01 Longworth, Guy

Guy Longworth

Professor of Philosophy and Head of Department

Email: G dot H dot Longworth at warwick dot ac dot uk

Tel: +44(0)24 765 24543

Room: S2.53

Research supervisory interests: Philosophy of Mind and Action, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, History of Philosophy (especially Descartes, J.L. Austin, Oxford Realism).

Academic staff, Head of Department

08 Bajaj, Sameer

Sameer Bajaj

Assistant Professor

UG PPE and PhilPol Course Convenor and Admissions Tutor

Lead PG Professional Development & Placements

Co-Director CELPA

Email: Sameer dot Bajaj at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S2.39

Research Interests: Political and moral philosophy

Academic staff

09 Bather Woods, David

David Bather Woods

Associate Professor

Lead: WP and Outreach

Email: David dot Bather dot Woods at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S2.38

Research Interests: Schopenhauer, Pessimism, Evil, Punishment

Academic staff

19 Butterfill, Stephen

Stephen Butterfill

Professor of Philosophy

Secretary: UG Examinations

Convenor: Philosophy with Psychology

Email: s dot butterfill at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: 44 (0)24 7652 2085
Room: S2.48

Research supervisory interests: Philosophy of Mind, Psychology

Academic staff

20 Campbell, Lucy

Lucy Campbell

Assistant Professor (On Research Leave in Term 3)

PG Course Convenor, MA Philosophy

Deputy Director WMA

Email: Lucy dot Campbell at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S2.69

Ext: 22965

Research Supervisory Interests: Philosophy of Mind and Action; Epistemology

Academic staff

21 Cassam, Quassim

Quassim Cassam

Professor of Philosophy (On Research Leave in Term 1)

Email: q dot cassam at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: 44 (0)24 76522 953
Room: S2.45

Research supervisory interests: Kant, Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind

Academic staff

27 Cooper, Andrew

Andrew Cooper

Assistant Professor

Director of Communications; Organiser of Department Colloquiua (2024/25)

Email: andrew dot j dot cooper at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S2.41

Academic staff

30 Costello, Diarmuid

Diarmuid Costello

Professor of Philosophy (On Research Leave in Term 1&2)

Course Convenor: MA in Philosophy and the Arts

Co-Director: CRPLA

Email: D dot Costello at warwick dot ac dot uk
Room: S2.47

Research supervisory interests: Post-Kantian Continental Aesthetics, Contemporary Analytic Philosophy of Art, Recent Theories of Art and Photography

Academic staff

33 Crowther, Thomas

Thomas Crowther

Reader in Philosophy

Deputy Head of Department

Director of Education

Email: t dot crowther at warwick dot ac dot uk
Room: S2.52

Research supervisory interests: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology and, Aristotle (specifically topics in Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Mind and Action).

Academic staff

34 Dean, Walter

Walter Dean

Associate Professor (On Research Leave in Term 2)

UG Course Convenor: Mathematics/Philosophy

Email: W dot H dot Dean at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: 44 (0)24 7615 0966
Room: S2.70

Research supervisory interests: Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Logic, Mathematical Logic

Academic staff

36 Eastaugh, Benedict

Benedict Eastaugh

Assistant Professor

UG Course Convenor: Mathematics/Philosophy

Benedict Eastaugh


Room: S2.58

Research Interests: Mathematical and Philosophical Logic; Philosophy of Mathematics; Social Choice Theory; Formal Epistemology

Academic staff

38 Eilan, Naomi

Naomi Eilan

Professor of Philosophy

Course Convenor: MPhil Philosophy

Director: WMA

Email: n dot eilan at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: 44 (0)24 7652 2136
Room: S2.60

Research supervisory interests: Consciousness and self consciousness; philosophy of mind; philosophy of psychology; metaphysics; Wittgenstein

Academic staff

39 Elzein, Nadine

Nadine Elzein

Nadine Elzein

Associate Professor (On Research Leave in Term 1)

Lead: PG Professional Development & Placements

Email: Nadine dot Elzein at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S2.54

Research Interests: Ethics, metaphysics, and the philosophy of mind, in addition to research on problems relating to free will, determinism, moral responsibility, and retributive practices.

Academic staff

40 Ferguson, Benjamin

Benjamin Ferguson

Professor of Philosophy (On Research Leave 2024/25)

Email: Benjamin dot Ferguson at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S1.43

Research Interests: Moral and Political Philosophy

Academic staff

42 Hoerl, Christoph

Christoph Hoerl

Professor of Philosophy

UG Course Convenor: History and Philosophy

PG Course Convenor: MA Philosophy

Email: C dot Hoerl at warwick dot ac dot uk
Phone: +44 (0)24 7652 2476
Room: S2.51

Research supervisory interests: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Psychology, Epistemology, Metaphysics

Academic staff

43 Huddleston, Andrew

Andrew Huddleston

Professor of Philosophy

Director: Graduate Studies

Director: PG Admissions

Co-Director: Centre for Research in Post-Kantian Philosophy

Email: Andrew dot Huddleston at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S2.44

Research Interests: The history of post-Kantian philosophy (esp. Nietzsche; also German Idealism, Early German Romanticism, and the Frankfurt School) as well as in aesthetics, social philosophy, and ethics.

Academic staff

45 Houlgate, Stephen

Stephen Houlgate

Professor of Philosophy

Email: Stephen dot Houlgate at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: +44 (0)24 7652 3320
Room: S2.46

Research supervisory interests: Kant, Hegel, German Idealism; Nietzsche, Derrida; History of Modern Philosophy (esp. Spinoza)

Academic staff

48 James, David

David JamesDavid James


Organiser: WiP Seminars

Email: D dot N dot James at warwick dot ac dot uk
Room: S2.72

Research supervisory interests: German Idealism, Rousseau, Political Philosophy

Academic staff

49 John, Eileen

Eileen John

Professor of Philosophy

UG Course Convenor: Philosophy and Literature

Lead: Student Wellbeing and Chair of Equality and Welfare Committee (2024/25)

Co-Director: CRPLA

Email: eileen dot john at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: 44 (0)24 7657 2527
Room: S2.59

Research supervisory interests: Philosophy of literature, aesthetics, art and values

Academic staff

50 Keiling Tobias

Tobias Keiling

Thomas Keiling

Title: Associate Professor, Co-Director of the Centre for Post-Kantian European Philosophy (PKEP)

Convenor: MA Continental Philosophy

Organiser: Post-Kantian Seminar

Email: Tobias dot Keiling at warwick dot ac dot uk

Tel: 02476 524 817

Room: S2.50

Research Interests: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics (Husserl, Heidegger, Gadamer), History of Philosophy in the 20th Century

Academic staff

51 Henrik Kugelberg

Henrik Kugelberg

Title: Assistant Professor

Email: Henrik dot Kugelberg at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S2.36

Research interests: Moral, social, and political philosophy; feminist philosophy; normative philosophy of computing.

Academic staff

54 Lerman, Hemdat

Hemdat Lerman

Teaching Fellow

Associate Fellow of the Consciousness and Self-Consciousness Research Centre

Organiser: Postgraduate Warwick Mind and Action (WMA) Seminar

Room: S2.64


Academic staff, Teaching Fellow

55 Little, Eliza

Eliza Little

Assistant Professor

Co-ordinator: UG Exchange & Placement


Room: S2.37

I am Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy. My academic work focuses primarily on post-Kantian European philosophy, in particular on Hegel, Kant, French Existentialism, and aesthetics, broadly construed. My scholarship is driven by a particular commitment to practicing philosophy across disciplinary lines.

Academic staff

56 Lorenzini, Daniele

Daniele Lorenzini

Honorary Associate Professor

Research Leave from August 2022

Email: Daniele dot Lorenzini at warwick dot ac dot uk

Research Interests: Post-Kantian European Philosophy (especially 20th-Century French Philosophy), Moral and Political Philosophy, Ordinary Language Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy

Associate and visiting fellows

57 Moore, Richard

Richard Moore

Associate Professor

UG Course Convenor: EPP

Email: Richard dot Moore at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S2.49

Research Interests: Philosophy of Mind, Language and Psychology

Academic staff

58 Nie, Chenwei

Chenwei Nie

Research Fellow

Email: Chenwei dot Nie at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S2.63

Research interests: Philosophy of Psychiatry, Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science, and Epistemology

Research Fellow

60 Nudds, Matthew

Matthew Nudds

Professor of Philosophy

Convenor: Core PhD Seminar

Secretary: MA Exams

Student Teaching Assistant Co-ordinator

Email: matthew dot nudds at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: +44(0)24 7652 2581
Room: S2.56

Research supervisory interests: Philosophy of Mind and Psychology, Philosophy of Perception (especially the senses), Auditory Perception and Sounds

Academic staff

62 Peter, Fabienne

Fabienne Peter

Professor of Philosophy

Email: F dot Peter at warwick dot ac dot uk
Room: S2.57

Research supervisory interests: moral and political philosophy, philosophy of economics

Academic staff

63 Poellner, Peter

Peter Poellner

Emeritus Professor of Philosophy

Research supervisory interests: Phenomenology, Philosophy of Value, Philosophy of Mind, Husserl, Nietzsche

Associate and visiting fellows

66 Roessler, Johannes

Johannes Roessler

Reader in Philosophy (On Research Leave in Term 1)

UG Course Convenor: History and Philosophy

Student Teaching Assistant Co-ordinator

Tel: 44 (0)24 7652 2503
Room: S2.55

Research supervisory interests: Epistemology, philosophy of mind and action (esp. perceptual knowledge, self-knowledge, rational explanation)

Academic staff

67 Simecek, Karen

Karen Simecek

Associate Professor

PG Course Convenor: MA Philosophy and the Arts

Email: K dot D dot Simecek at warwick dot ac dot uk
Tel: +44(0)24 7652 4321
Room: S2.61

Research interests: Philosophy of Literature (esp. poetry), Aesthetics, Moral Reasoning and the Emotions

Academic staff, Teaching Fellow

70 Timothy Stoll

Timothy Stoll

Assistant Professor

Senior Tutor: PG

Email: Timothy dot Stoll at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S2.35

Research interests: My research focuses on post-Kantian German philosophy, with a particular emphasis on

Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Schiller and German Romanticism.

Academic staff

71 Surgener, Kirk

Kirk Surgener

Associate Professor

Director of PPE Programme

Director of Student Experience and Progression


Research supervisory interests:

  • political
  • moral
  • legal
  • metaethical questions
  • issues in the philosophy of language
Academic staff, Teaching Fellow

74 Tomlin, Patrick

Patrick Tomlin

Professor of Philosophy

Director of Politics, Philosophy, and Law (PPL)

Course Convenor: PPL Programme

Email: Patrick dot Tomlin at warwick dot ac dot uk

Tel: 44 (0)24 7657 5898

Room: S2.43

Research interests: Political, Moral, and Legal Philosophy

Academic staff

76 Virag, Curie

Curie Virag

Associate Professor

Email: Curie dot Virag at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S2.33

Research interests: Classical Chinese philosophy (especially Confucian and Daoist traditions), with a focus on ethics, epistemology and moral psychology; philosophy of emotions; cross-cultural philosophy.

Academic staff

77 Walker, Barnaby

Barney Walker

Senior Tutor

Email: B dot Walker dot 3 at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S2.64

Research interests: Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind

Academic staff

79 Widdows Heather

Heather Widdows

Professor of Philosophy and Director of Research and Impact

Email: Heather dot Widdows at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S2.67

Research interests include Applied Ethics, Global Ethics, Bioethics, Moral Philosophy and Feminist Philosophy.

Academic staff

Akhtaruzzaman, Sarah

Sarah Akhtaruzzaman

Sarah Akhtaruzzaman

Academic Support Librarian (Philosophy)

Email:S dot E dot Akhtaruzzaman at warwick dot ac dot uk

I’m your new Academic Support Librarian! I will be supporting Philosophy, English, and Modern Foreign Languages. I am here to support students and staff alike, offering one to one support and also delivering teaching to groups in Information Literacy sessions. You can contact me if you need any help finding materials for your work using the library and the internet, would like to recommend a title for purchase, or have any other questions about the library and its services.


Academic staff

Ansell-Pearson, Keith

KAP Keith Ansell-Pearson

Emeritus Professor of Philosophy

Research Interests: Nietzsche; Modern Re-inventions of Philosophy as a Way of Life; American Thought and Literature from Emerson & Melville to Cavell; Modern European Thought and Literature.



Associate and visiting fellows, Emeritus Professor

Bassett, Emily

Emily Bassett

Thesis Title: TBC

Email: E dot Bassett at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Guy Longworth and Thomas Crowther

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Beistegui, Miguel

Miguel Beistegui

Honorary Professor of Philosophy

Research interests:

  • '20th Century German & French Philosophy (Heidegger, Deleuze and Foucault)
  • philosophy and literature (Proust, metaphor and tragedy)
  • the ethics and politics of desire
Associate and visiting fellows, Honorary Professor

Blaiklock, Jack

Jack Blaiklock

Thesis Title: 'Emotions and Our Understanding of Value'

Email: J dot Blaiklock at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Daniel Vanello and Naomi Eilan

PhD students

Bowling, Chris

Chris Bowling

Thesis Title: 'Nietzschean Myths, and the Affirmation of Life'

Email: Chris dot Bowling at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Andrew Huddleston and Daniele Lorenzini

PhD students

Campion, Ben

Ben Campion

Thesis Title: 'Art, Agency, and Ethics: Reimagining the Photographic Event'

Email: Ben dot Campion at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisor: Diarmuid Costello

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Can, Berke

Berke Can

Thesis Title: 'External cognitive tool use: modelling the emergence of uniquely human cognition within social interactions'

Email: Berke dot Can at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Richard Moore and Stephen Butterfill

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Chennells, Matt

Matt Chennells

Thesis Title: Common knowledge, Uncertainty and Commitment in Shared Activity

Email: M dot Chennells at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisor: Steve Butterfill and Nicholas Chater (WBS)

PhD students

Corrado, Maria

Maria Corrado

Thesis Title: 'Audition and the World'

Email: M dot Corrado at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisor: Matthew Nudds

PhD students

Cox, Victoria

Victoria Haicox

Academic Administrator

On maternity leave until November 2024.

Email: victoria dot cox at warwick dot ac dot uk

Tel: +44(0)24 765 73312

I manage the administrative processes and systems related to the delivery our Undergraduate and Postgraduate Philosophy courses, with particular responsibility for overseeing student support and examinations and assessment procedures.

Professional Services Staff

Evans, Brigid

Brigid Evans

Thesis Title: 'Ain't Talkin Bout Love: (Un)scripted Intimacy and Intellectual Disability'

Email: Brigid dot Evans at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisor: Fabienne Peter and Matthew Clayton

PhD students

Ferro, Bernardo

Bernardo Ferro

Thesis Title: Freedom Beyond Liberalism: The Enduring Relevance of Hegel’s Political Philosophy

Email: Bernardo dot Ferro at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: David James and Andrew Cooper

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Fridolin Neumann

Fridolin Neumann

Thesis Title: "Heidegger's Intuition Thesis in Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics"


Supervisor: Tobias Keiling and Andrew Cooper

PhD students

Fulford, Bill

Bill Fulford

Director of Philosophy and Mental Health, Warwick Medical School

Email: k dot w dot m dot fulford at warwick dot ac dot uk

Associate and visiting fellows

Gemma Basterfield

Gemma Basterfield

PA and Team Administrator


Tel: +44 (0) 24 765 75178

Room: S2.71

Supervisor: Emily Hargreaves

Hi! I provide administrative, secretarial and project support to the HOD and HOA within the Philosophy department.

Professional Services Staff

Gemora, Jacinto

Jacinto Gemora

Thesis Title: 'Escaping (with) Identity: Derrida, Deleuze and Identity Politics'

Email: Jacinto dot Gemora at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Stephen Houlgate and Daniele Lorenzini

PhD students

Gildea, William

William Gildea

Thesis Title: Creatures of Welfare: A Theory of the Moral Status of Humans and Animals

Email: William dot Gildea at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Patrick Tomlin and Victor Tadros

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Grandoni, Raffaele

Raffaele Grandoni

Thesis Title: A Tribunal for Science: Reading Georges Canguilhem Through His Archives

Email: Raffaele dot Grandoni at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Daniele Lorenzini and Stuart Elden

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Griffin, Daniel

Daniel Griffin

Thesis Title: '“Without and Within Can Never Meet:” An Investigation into the Theme of Within and Without and New Interpretation of the Zhuangzi'

Email: Daniel dot Griffin at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Eileen John and Massimiliano Lacertosa

PhD students

Gustavo Ruiz da Silva

Gustavo da Silva

Thesis Title: 'Camp, Elegy, and Identity: A Post-structuralist Analysis of Christopher Isherwood'


Supervisors: Eileen John, Paulo de Medeiros, and Chris Watkin

PhD students

Hargeaves, Emily

Emily HargreavesEmily Hargreaves

Head of Administration

Email: E dot Hargreaves at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S2.71a

Tel: +44 (0)24 765 22320

Professional Services Staff

Houlton, Ben

Ben Houlton

Thesis Title: TBC

Email: Ben dot Houlton at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Stephen Houlgate and Thomas Crowther

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Ignacio Pena Caroca

Ignacio Pena Caroca

Thesis Title: "Consent as interpersonal action"


Supervisors: Victor Tadros and David James

PhD students

Izzy Willmott

Izzy Willmott

Programmes Officer, Philosophy

PhilosophyOffice at warwick dot ac dot uk

Hi, I’m Izzy and I am a new Programmes Officer in the Philosophy Department.

I work full time 8:30-4:30, feel free to pop in and say hello, I am always happy to help!

Professional Services Staff

Jackman, Susanna

Susanna Jackman

Academic Administrator, PPE / PPL / EPP


Room: S1.45-47

Tel: +44 (0) 2476 575577

I have day-to-day responsibility for the administrative operations of the PPE, PPL and EPP programmes, developing and managing the necessary procedures for these multi-Departmental degrees.

Professional Services Staff

Johan Heemskerk

Johan Heemskerk

Thesis Title: 'How informational teleosemantics works: towards a realist theory of content'


Supervisors: Stephen Butterfill and Guy Longworth

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Leyton Blanco, Sebastian

Sebastian Leyton Blanco

Thesis Title: 'Race, Decoloniality and the Human: Investigating Anti-racism as a Politics of (De)Subjectivation'

Email: Sebastian dot Leyton-Blanco at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Eileen John and Andrew Cooper

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Lorenzi, Giulia

Giulia Lorenzi

Thesis Title: Is Music Perception Special? An Analysis of One of the Varieties of Auditory Perception'

Email: Giulia dot Lorenzi at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Thomas Crowther and Matthew Nudds

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Luke Valentine Darrell Leong

Luke Valentine Darrell Leong

Thesis Title: ‘Philosophy & (Universal) Emancipation: Thinking A World Beyond Race With (And Through) A Badiouan Framework’


Supervisors: Eileen John and Andrew Cooper

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Lumeng Liu

Lumeng Liu

Thesis Title: TBC


Supervisors: Naomi Eilan and Guy Longworth

PhD students

Luntley, Michael

Michael Luntley

Professor of Philosophy

Email: michael dot luntley at warwick dot ac dot uk

Research supervisory interests: Wittgenstein, Philosophy of Thought, Metaphysics of Reasons and Values

Associate and visiting fellows

Marco Rienzi

Marco Rienzi

Thesis Title: 'Immanenza tra Hegel e Deleuze'


Supervisors: Francesco Valagussa and Stephen Houlgate

PhD students

Muller, Clarissa

Clarissa Muller

Thesis Title: 'Othering: a (Critical) Phenomenology of Non-Normative Being'

Email: Clarissa dot Muller at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Tobias Keiling

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Nat Lynn

Nat Lynn

Programmes Officer, Philosophy


Room: S2.71

Hi, I’m Nat and I am a new Programmes Officer in the Philosophy Department.

I work full time 8:30-4:30, feel free to pop in and say hello, I am always happy to help!

Professional Services Staff

Neal, Adam

Adam Neal

Teaching Assistant

Institute of Advanced Study Fellow, 2022/23

Email: Adam dot Neal at warwick dot ac dot uk

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Niall Rickwood

Niall Rickwood

Thesis Title: 'Schopenhauer’s Account of Compassion and Future Generations'


Supervisor: David Bather Woods

PhD students

North-Concar, Oscar

Oscar North-Concar

Thesis Title: 'Vindicating Moral Concepts'

Email:Oscar dot North-Concar at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisor: Naomi Eilan and Johannes Roessler

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Palazzolo, Giulia

Giulia Palazzolo
Giulia Palazzolo

Research Fellow

Email: Giulia dot Palazzolo dot 1 at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S2.63

Research interests: Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Psychology.


Research Fellow

Paull, Andrew

Andrew Paull

Thesis Title: A Hegelian Critique of Neoliberalism

Email: Andrew dot Paull at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: David James and Andrew Cooper

PhD students

Phan, Trang

Trang Phan

Trang Phan

Programmes Officer, PPE / PPL / EPP

Email: Trang dot Phan at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S1.45-47

I am a new member of the team and the main point of contact for current students, prospective students and staff for the PPE, PPL and EPP degree programmes.

Professional Services Staff

Pitton, Camilla

Camilla Pitton

Thesis Title: 'The Mimetic Feminine: Re-examining the Role of Sexual Difference in Philosophy'

Email: Camilla dot Pitton at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Daniele Lorenzini and Maria Puig de la Bellacasa

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Rokni, Ahilleas

Ahilleas Rokni

Teaching Assistant

Email: A dot Rokni at warwick dot ac dot uk

PhD students

Samaržija, Hana

Hana Samaržija

Thesis Title: 'The Non-Ideal Epistemology of Democracy: An Epistemological Analysis of Representative Democracy'

Email: Hana dot Samar-ija at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Quassim Cassam and Fabienne Peter

PhD students

Shah, Jaideep

Jaideep Shah

Thesis Title: 'On the Immanent Metaphysics of Hegel and Deleuze'


Supervisors: Stephen Houlgate and Andrew Huddleston

PhD students


Jacob Sipes

Thesis Title: 'Pluralisms and Moral Choice'

Email: Jacob dot Sipes at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Stephen Butterfill and Naomi Eilan

PhD students

Stamper, Chloe

Chloe StamperChloe Stamper

Senior Programmes Coordinator, PPE / PPL / EPP


Room: S1.45-47

I coordinate the delivery of the tripartite PPE, PPL and EPP degrees, with responsibility for the organisation and execution of the programmes.

Professional Services Staff

Stinchcombe, Zak

Zak Stinchcombe

Thesis Title: 'What Makes Bad Books Good? The Relationship Between Ethical and Aesthetic Value'


Supervisor: Eileen John

PhD students

Storey, Eric

Eric Storey

Thesis Title: 'Hegel on Action'

Email: Eric dot Storey at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Andrew Huddleston and Stephen Houlgate

PhD students

Taylor, Sarah

Sarah Taylor

Finance Co-ordinator

Email: sarah dot j dot taylor at warwick dot ac dot uk

Tel: +44 (0)24 765 23421

Normal working hours: Tuesday to Friday

Professional Services Staff

Testa, Federico

Federico Testa

Early Career Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick, and Sessional Teacher


PhD students

Tod, Maureen

Maureen Tod

Programmes Officer, PPE / PPL / EPP


Room: S1.45-47

Tel: +44 (0)24 765 22582

I provide secretarial and administrative services and support for these unique multi-departmental undergraduate degrees. I am the main point of contact for students to assist in guiding them through their studies.

Professional Services Staff

Trigg, Roger

Roger Trigg

Emeritus Professor


Now Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, I am based in St Cross College, and Senior Research Fellow of Ian Ramsey Centre, University of Oxford, which I directed for a time. I have also been Associate Scholar of the Religious Freedom Project, Georgetown University, Washington DC, and a member of the Centre of Theological Inquiry, Princeton New Jersey. From 2007-11, I was co-Director of a major interdisciplinary research project in Oxford on the cognitive science of religion and its philosophical implications, and was joint editor of a volume arising from the project, (The Roots of Religion: Exploring the Cognitive Science of Religion, Routledge,2014.) For many years I also co-edited the Ashgate Series of monographs on Science and Religion.

I have long played a leading role in national and international learned societies and been President of the Mind Association, Founding President of the British Society for the Philosophy of Religion, and President of the European Society for Philosophy of Religion. I was also instrumental in setting up the British Philosophical Association, representing all British philosophy, and became its first President.

 I continue to pursue my interests in both the philosophy of science and the philosophy of religion, and the interaction between the two. My latest book, Faith, is published in Oxford University Press, Very Short Introductions (2022).

 Selected publications (since 2011):

 Equality, Freedom and Religion, Oxford University Press, 2012

 Religious Diversity: Philosophical and Political Implications, Cambridge University Press 2014

 Beyond Matter: Why Science Needs Metaphysics, Templeton Press, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania , 2015

 Monotheism and Religious Diversity, Cambridge University Press (Elements Series), 2020

 Faith; a Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press 2022

 Link: Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford


Associate and visiting fellows

Wenxuan Shi

Wenxuan Shi

Thesis Title: 'Alleviating Compassion Fatigue in the Light of Compassion and Ren'


Supervisor: Fabienne Peter and David Bather Woods

PhD students

William Knowles

William Knowles

Teaching Assistant

Email:William dot Knowles at warwick dot ac dot uk

Teaching Assistant

Xia, Ke

Ke Xia

Thesis Title: 'Justice and Utility: Rousseau’s non-expansive Understanding of Commercial Society'

Email: Ke dot Xia at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisor: David James and Andrew Cooper

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Xue, Ying

Ying Xue

Teaching Assistant

Thesis Title: 'Freedom and Post-Kantian Ontology in Hegel and Schelling'

Email: Ying dot Xue at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Stephen Houlgate and David James

PhD students, Teaching Assistant

Zanella, Maria

Maria Zanella

Thesis Title: 'Sadness and Art: A Philosophical Investigation'

Email: Maria dot Zanella at warwick dot ac dot uk

Supervisors: Christoph Hoerl and Eileen John

PhD students, Teaching Assistant