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Professor Ivo Vlaev on new ‘visit a heat pump’ scheme to help householders make a clean tech switch

"By seeing that their peers have adopted this technology, homeowners may feel more confident in doing the same."

Wed 17 Apr 2024, 10:50 | Tags: WBS, sustainability, nudge

The Cass Review: Reaction to Gender Care report by PhD researcher - Nick Cherryman

Nick Cherryman, a PhD researcher in Gender, reacts to the Cass Review. "The report, whilst important is not entirely accurate, and overlooks several established connections. For instance, it erroneously suggests that social transitioning is unsupported by evidence, despite clear data indicating reduced depression and suicidal ideation among young trans individuals when this social transition is respected, for example, respectful use of pronouns."

Wed 10 Apr 2024, 16:11

Professor David Wright comments on recent study by Art UK

In recent years, statues have tended to be in the news when they've come down, so it is really interesting to see a story about statues going up, and to see some positive outputs from the campaigns to diversify who is represented in our towns and cities.

Wed 27 Mar 2024, 14:48 | Tags: Arts, Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies

Emeritus Professor Toby Mottram on the Baltimore Key Bridge collapse

"Despite meeting regulatory design and safety standards of the 1970s, the Baltimore Key Bridge may not have been equipped to handle the scale of ship movements seen today. However, modern navigation technologies should have prevented the ship from striking the pier. Investigating what failed on the ship to cause the fatal impact will be a priority."

Tue 26 Mar 2024, 11:25 | Tags: engineering, United States

Astronomy researcher Faith Hawthorn on tonight's possible Northern Lights

"The Sun has a cycle of how active it is, and it usually reaches a peak of activity and Solar weather every 11 years. We're reaching that peak at the moment, so we can expect to see aurorae more often and in more areas."

Mon 25 Mar 2024, 15:25 | Tags: Physics, Space, astronomy, astrophysics

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