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Prof Don Pollacco on viewing this week's Northern Lights from the UK

To predict exactly where you can see the northern lights is difficult as conditions can change quickly. The current ‘storm’ is said to be visible from northern England but they are notoriously difficult to predict. However, one thing is for sure, and that is that you are unlikely to see them from a brightly lit city environment – you need to go somewhere dark and look towards the northern horizon (look for the North Star). So, you would preferably be in the countryside away from street lights. Of course it also needs to clear!

Thu 06 Jul 2023, 16:51 | Tags: Physics, Space, astronomy, astrophysics, storms

Russian anti-satellite missile test: expert comment

James Blake, Centre for Space Domain Awareness, University of Warwick, comments on Russia's anti-satellite missile test

Tue 16 Nov 2021, 12:15 | Tags: Politics, Space, astronomy, astrophysics, pollution

Re-entry of "Long March 5B" highlights problem of space debris - expert comment

"We need to take action to understand the debris population before the collision risk in certain orbits becomes significant – making them unusable." Professor Don Pollacco comments on the issues highlighted by the re-entry of a Chinese rocket launcher expected this weekend.

Fri 07 May 2021, 11:26 | Tags: Physics, Space, Expert comment, Sciences

ESA to launch Solar Orbiter probe - expert comment from Dr David Brown

The European Space Agency is due to launch its Solar Orbiter on Monday 10 February, and Dr David Brown from the University of Warwick Department of Physics has commented on the mission's importance in understanding the behaviour of our own Sun.

Fri 07 Feb 2020, 10:09 | Tags: Physics, Space, Research, astronomy, astrophysics

NASA observes a black hole destroying a star - comment from Dr David Brown

Dr David Brown of Warwick's Astronomy and Astrophysics Group comments on the news that NASA has been able to observe a black hole destroying a star in unprecedented detail.

Fri 27 Sep 2019, 11:15 | Tags: Space, astronomy, astrophysics

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