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To prevent senseless suffering and deaths, EU must be prepared to issue ‘Sanctuary Europe Visas’

Dora Kostakopoulou, Professor of European Union Law, European Integration and Public Policy at the University of Warwick reacts to the current migration crisis, she says, "Europe’s leaders can decide to ‘do nothing’, ‘do something’ or to affirm ‘humanness’ all the way."

Mon 07 Sep 2015, 14:05 | Tags: News, Migrants, Expert comment, Europe

Europe will not be able to effectively handle the current migrant crisis until it faces up to its colonial past - Professor Gurminder Bhambra

Europe will not be able to effectively handle the current migrant crisis until it faces up to its colonial past, a sociologist from the University of Warwick will tell a major conference in Prague today (28 August).


Professor Gurminder Bhambra says current policies are undermining the very promise of cosmopolitanism by ostracising migrants and perpetuating the view that they pose a threat to Europe.

Fri 28 Aug 2015, 11:15 | Tags: immigration, News, Expert comment, International, Current Affairs

With voting starting in the Labour leadership contest, Jeremy Corbyn seems to have momentum over the other candidates - Professor Wyn Grant

Professor Wyn Grant is Professor of Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick. Commenting on the latest developments in the labour leadership contest, he said,

"With voting starting in the Labour leadership contest, Jeremy Corbyn seems to have momentum over the other candidates. The intervention by Gordon Brown, which did not mention Jeremy Corbyn by name, may give long-term Labour members some pause for thought, but will have little influence on the young people who have joined up or become affiliates, inspired by the Corbyn crusade. For them, electability is secondary to staying true to what they see as authentic core Labour values."

Mon 17 Aug 2015, 10:13 | Tags: Politics, News, Expert comment, Current Affairs

Dr Adam Boddison answers the question, is the increase of parental prosecutions for school truancy something that as a society we should be worried about?

Dr Adam Boddison is Director of the University of Warwick’s Centre for Professional Education (CPE) responding to news that school truancies have led to a rise in prosecution of parents, he said,

"The increase of parental prosecutions for school truancy seems to be a worrying trend, particularly given the fact that a significant number of the children truanting are not ducking out of classes in the traditional sense of truancy, but are actually missing school to attend family holidays. Is this something that as a society we should be worried about?"

Wed 12 Aug 2015, 11:19 | Tags: United Kingdom, News, Expert comment, CPE, Education

Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzman’s escape from a Mexican high security prison - Dr Benjamin Smith

"Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzman’s escape from a Mexican high security prison presents both US and Mexican authorities with real challenges."

Tue 14 Jul 2015, 10:34 | Tags: Mexico, News, History

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