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Professor Ivo Vlaev on UN's call to reduce meat consumption

Professor of Behavioural Science Ivo Vlaev, Warwick Business School on ‘Lower emissions and improve health by reducing meat consumption, says UN'

Fri 08 Dec 2023, 11:10 | Tags: environment, WBS, diet

PhD researcher in Sustainable Diets, Alice Coffey, on the University of Warwick's new beans.

Today, the University of Warwick announced that it's own, home-grown beans will be available for sale in the new year at local Zero Waste stores. Expert in Sustainable Diets, Alice Coffey, says "great step towards more environmentally sustainable diets within the UK".

Thu 07 Dec 2023, 15:19 | Tags: wellbeing, diet, Beans

Dr James Gill on PrEP: Preventative HIV drug highly effective

Dr James Gill, from the University of Warwick Medical School, comments on study results on preventative HIV drug, PrEP.

Fri 01 Dec 2023, 09:54 | Tags: HIV

Dr Raquel Nunes on the impact of climate change on ageing

Dr Raquel Nunes, Assistant Professor in Environmental Change and Public Health, discusses the impact climate change has on ageing.

Tue 28 Nov 2023, 14:49 | Tags: environment, WMS, Health, Climate change, Health and Medicine, climate

Dr Arun Advani on the Autumn Statement: National Insurance cuts

Dr Arun Advani, associate professor in Economics at the University of Warwick, reacts to the Autumn Statement.

Thu 23 Nov 2023, 17:37

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